World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1426 Evil God Temple

"The Fire Emperor is also here, is he here for the Evil Emperor's tomb?" Chen Xiang was a little worried, if the Fire Emperor came, Duan Ming might have a hard time.

"I don't know, if he knew that the tomb of the Evil Emperor was here, it should be someone from the Xie family who told him, and he would only know if he got the Heavenly Evil Sacred Sword. Maybe the Xie family was worried that he would lose control by then, so he had no choice but to tell him about it. Fire Emperor, in the nine days, there are not many things that can interest the Fire Emperor." Duan Ming's face was solemn, facing the Fire Emperor, his strength was too weak.

"I heard that the Fire Emperor's strength has not recovered to its peak, so is the Ice Emperor, otherwise the Ice Emperor would not be so easy to be killed by me." Chen Xiang said.

"Is the Ice Emperor really killed by you?" Duan Ming heard about this before, but he didn't believe it, because the Great Emperor couldn't completely destroy the Ice Emperor for ten days, he could only beat him to the death.

Chen Xiang nodded and said, "In Ditian, I used God Eclipse Powder to get rid of it."

"No wonder, the Great Emperor Ten Days said that in order to completely destroy their emperor-level physical body, we still have to rely on this kind of thing. I didn't expect you to have God Eclipse powder."

If it was just Chen Xiang's personal power to get rid of the Ice Emperor, it would be hard to believe, but using God Eclipse Powder is no different.

Three days passed, Chen Xiang and Duan Ming came to a forest, where the leaves of the big trees had all fallen off, and they didn't know the reason.

Before they heard the roar, it came from nearby, and it was getting closer, but they didn't see anything unusual.

"There is a small fairy palace in front!" Long Xueyi suddenly said.

Duan Ming also seemed to have discovered that this place was already in the depths of the Evil Dragon Valley, but it didn't give people a very dangerous feeling, but after Chen Xiang saw the small fairy palace, he immediately felt a suffocating fear.

The Asgard seemed to be only the size of an ordinary city, surrounded by a thick black wall, and the gate made of thick iron shattered in the middle, as if it had been forcibly broken open.

The entire Asgard was shrouded in a dead gray thick fog, which churned from time to time, making a gloomy "woo woo" sound, accompanied by an icy aura.

"This Immortal Palace was not originally here. Because it suddenly appeared, the trees around it died. It seems that it didn't appear for too long." Duan Ming said, he searched his memory, trying to find information about such an immortal. Palace's memory.

Chen Xiang took out the Heavenly Evil Sacred Sword and looked at the map inside, but this was not where they were going.

"Let's go around!" Chen Xiang said: "I feel that it is very dangerous inside, so don't go in."

Duan Ming also nodded, just as they were about to bypass, a red light suddenly flashed above the huge black iron gate of the Asgard Palace, and a door plaque appeared.

On the door plaque was written several blood-red characters "Evil God Temple"!

"Evil God Temple?" Duan Ming's face changed greatly, and Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou in You Yao Ring also shouted in alarm, "Don't go in!"

"It turned out to be the Evil God Temple, how could it be here?" Long Xueyi shouted, "Don't go in."

The words "Don't go in" echoed in Chen Xiang's ears, his consciousness had become blurred, and he didn't know why his feet suddenly moved towards the Heretic God Temple.

"Humph!" Lost Duan Ming snorted coldly, his arms trembled, purple light flashed, and he punched the gate of the Evil God Temple, hitting two dazzling purple lightning.


The loud noise made the earth tremble, and Chen Xiang also woke up a little at this time.

"Very evil!" Duan Ming grabbed Chen Xiang,

After a few steps, he came to bypass the evil temple.

"What happened just now?" Chen Xiang was covered in cold sweat, just now he only felt that he was being controlled.

"You almost entered the Evil God Temple. Fortunately, the gate of this Evil God Temple has long been smashed, so the power of temptation is not that strong, otherwise we will all lose consciousness and enter that ghost place." Duan Ming felt lingering fears, grabbing Chen Xiang hurriedly ran.

"What exactly is this Evil God Temple?" Chen Xiang was still full of astonishment, if it wasn't for Duan Ming, he would probably have entered.

"I don't know, the Great Emperor Ten Days once went in once, and he was seriously injured after coming out, and he went crazy for a while. Later, he told us that we must avoid this evil temple when we see it." Duan Ming said.

"It is said that the body of the evil god is sealed inside." Long Xueyi said, "Those who go in and do not come out will become slaves of the evil god, protect the evil god's temple, and prevent people from destroying the evil god's body."

"My master told us that the Evil God will be resurrected one day. The Evil God Temple appeared in this place. I don't know what it has to do with the Evil Emperor?" Su Meiyao said.

"What is this evil god?" Chen Xiang whispered.

"Shh... Evil God is not a thing, it is a god, a very powerful god." Duan Ming hurriedly said: "If we are heard by the god slaves in the Evil God Temple, we will be in trouble."

The Holy Origin Ancient Region discovered a treasure, and here there is the Evil God Temple, and Chen Xiang followed the guidance of the Heavenly Evil Sword to come here, which must be related, Chen Xiang thinks so.

"I don't know where the treasure land they said is located? Could it be here, isn't it very dangerous?" Chen Xiang suddenly stopped: "I want to tell my friends, don't let them come in here."

Yun Xiaodao and the others are here, Xianxian and Liu Menger will also come, and Long Huishan and the others seem to have already set off!

"Well, then let's go back! Maybe it's a conspiracy of the Holy Origin Ancient Domain." Duan Ming also felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled Chen Xiang to run back, but they ran wild for a while, but they didn't get out of there. A barren forest.

The surrounding trees were bare, and the ground was covered with black soil. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that it was filled with blood and dried up, causing Chen Xiang to shudder.

"This place... what's going on?" Chen Xiang looked around, then looked at the sky, the sky was gray, the clouds were churning, like a demon dancing in the air.

Duan Ming turned around in a circle, and his forehead suddenly oozes sweat: "We have entered the Evil God Temple! This is very likely to be inside the Evil God Temple. Damn, how did we get in? We obviously bypassed it!"

"But I can still sense immortal energy, maybe we just entered an illusion formation!" Chen Xiang couldn't believe that he would enter such a terrifying place.

Duan Ming came to a tree and threw a powerful punch, sending a violent purple thunder, smashing the tree into pieces.

But after the tree was destroyed, it grew rapidly again, but there were no leaves, only bare branches, and it seemed to have a very tenacious vitality.

"If it was in a normal space, my punch just now would have caused some cracks in the space, but not here," Duan Ming said.

"Keep walking, this is not an illusion, let's look first to see if anyone is here." Duan Ming took Chen Xiang and continued to run wildly in one direction.

After three hours, they came to a forest with relatively thick trees. The trunks of dead trees here can only be hugged by dozens of people, and they grow very tall. On the thick branches above, stand some cattle-sized. raven.

Chen Xiang and Duan Ming suddenly rushed over, the crows let out a gloomy cry, flapping their wings and flying high into the sky.

"It's an evil crow, it really is in the Evil God's Temple. The Great Emperor of Ten Heavens said that he had encountered such crows in it. Look at the eyes of these crows." Duan Ming said.

Chen Xiang had seen just now that these crows had two eyeballs in their eyes, one black and one red, and they were also revolving around each other, which looked strange and terrifying.

"Damn, I must have seen the words of the Evil God Temple just now, and we have already entered." Chen Xiang scolded in a low voice: "I will definitely destroy this ruined place in the future."

Chen Xiang said, the magic-suppressing mirror in the dark place, poured into the magic-suppressing holy power, aimed at those evil crows, and shot a line of holy light, hitting those evil crows flying everywhere, what surprised Chen Xiang was that these evil crows The defense is very powerful. After being hit, it did not fall, but just hovered in the air and shouted.

Chen Xiang put away the magic-suppressing mirror, took a deep breath, and prayed in his heart that Yun Xiaodao and the others would never come in.

"Go, there should be a lot of people coming in. As long as you see those walls, you will suffer." Duan Ming said solemnly after signing the autograph, and took out the divine sword he grabbed.

They walked in this giant forest for more than an hour when they suddenly heard a voice.

"The broken news released by your Holy Origin Ancient Domain brought us to this ghost place, and you killed us."

"We are here too, it has nothing to do with us, the ghost knows how this evil temple came out?"

Chen Xiang and Duan Ming immediately walked over.

"My divine soul can't run around, this place has great restrictions on divine power." Long Xueyi suddenly said, "It's better if you use it sparingly."

She originally wanted to see who was in front of her, but after she tried it, she felt a splitting headache.

Chen Xiang and Duan Ming put away the weapons in their hands and proceeded cautiously, and the people in front seemed to have discovered them.

"Who is it?" A middle-aged man asked cautiously, took out a big sword, injected infuriating energy, and made the big sword gleam.

"We also entered this place by mistake." Chen Xiang said, "Is this really inside the Heretic God Temple?"

In a dangerous place, one more person is one more strength, so the middle-aged man put away the big sword in his hand and sighed: "Yes, we are from the Holy Origin Ancient Domain, we have already gone to that treasure land and are digging. When the ore was mined, this Evil God Temple suddenly appeared, and then we came here."

"We just passed by and saw this Evil God Temple, and then we planned to avoid it, but we entered without knowing it." Chen Xiang said.

"We are from the Heavenly Stone Immortal Palace, where do you two come from?" An old man on the other side asked, they were still very vigilant towards Chen Xiang and Duan Ming.

"We are loose cultivators, we have no malicious intentions, we should unite at this time, although we have not encountered any danger yet." Chen Xiang said.

"You can follow us if you want, but don't drag us down." The old man from Tianshi Immortal Palace said again.

Duan Ming snorted lowly, stomped his feet vigorously, the ground trembled, and dozens of giant trees around him suddenly collapsed and turned into a cloud of smoke.

But the giant trees soon grew up again.

"This kind of strength is enough!" Duan Ming, who had not spoken, swept the crowd.

The people from Tianshi Immortal Palace and Holy Origin Ancient Territory were secretly shocked and didn't say anything more.

"I think people from many forces will come here, go find them first, gather them together, and everyone thinks of a way, our domain master should also be here." Said the middle-aged man of Shengyuan ancient domain, he is an immortal king , he has seen that Duan Ming's strength is extraordinary, and he can easily kill him in seconds.

The domain master of the Holy Origin Ancient Domain is also here! That was a giant, on the same level as the Dragon Emperor and the Phoenix King!

"I heard that Fire Emperor and Fire Emperor's eldest apprentice are here, I don't know if it is." Chen Xiang whispered.

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