World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1434 was captured

There are still many elders of Tianjian City here, so Leng Youlan did not kill her, otherwise she would have a conflict with Tianjian City now. If she was outside, she might not think so much.

Leng Youlan just pierced Luo Yitao's body and injected a very strong icy infuriating into it, freezing the blood in his body without causing serious injuries. However, Luo Yitao should at least rest for a while, and now he is being attacked by those The elder helped him up and glared at Chen Xiang and Leng Youlan tremblingly. He was planted in someone else's hands again, and he was still a woman. What's more ironic is that Leng Youlan was Liu Meng'er's apprentice!

Luo Yitao and Liu Menger have a marriage contract. Before, he was very arrogant in front of Liu Menger, but he couldn't even beat his eldest apprentice, and he also lost a holy sword. Thinking about it, he felt that he would not be able to carry it in front of Liu Menger in the future. Get up, let alone marry Liu Menger.

Leng Youlan was very proud to swing the holy sword in front of Chen Xiang, and said with a smile: "Brother, do you want it, I'll give it to you!"

"You should keep it for yourself." Chen Xiang touched his head and laughed.

Dai Yongcheng sighed helplessly, this holy sword was made by them, but it didn't take long for Luo Yitao to change the owner, which made him very emotional.

"I will exchange some holy-level materials with Shengyuan Ancient Domain. This sword is too small, and it is not pleasant to use at all." Leng Youlan danced a few times and pouted.

Leng Youlan, who has the blood of the White Dragon, has increased her strength very quickly, even Chen Xiang is secretly amazed in his heart, and he can also see that Leng Youlan hides a lot of strength, no wonder she is so confident, Long Huishan seems to be too I know a little bit, so I'm very relieved to let her out to fight.

In the distance, Duan Ming and the domain master of the Holy Origin Ancient Domain were fighting with an ancient beast. At this time, the breath coming from that direction was getting weaker and weaker. It seemed that one party was being suppressed. Everyone thought that it should be the ancient beast. The great powers join forces to stop it.

Sure enough, the crowd saw two people walking in the distance while chatting and laughing, which surprised Chen Xiang. He did not expect that the domain master of the Ancient Holy Origin Domain was as powerful as Duan Ming.

In these nine days, there are still many hidden powerhouses, but they are not known. Someone told Chen Xiang before.

There are only seven suns in the sky now, and Chen Xiang was very curious about what that ancient beast was like.

"It's a wolf, it should be Xinghuo Sirius. In ancient times, a meteor fell into the ancient sacred beast domain, and there was a wolf inside, that is, Xinghuo Sirius. Although this guy is not bad, he likes to cause trouble. In the end, he disappeared, and I didn't expect to become a servant of the evil god." Long Xueyi said.

"Is it a holy beast?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, but if he is honest, maybe he can become a holy beast."

"These are all from your memory inheritance? Your memory inheritance is getting more and more!" Chen Xiang said, originally Long Xueyi didn't know the secrets of these ancient times, but now she seems to know gradually.

"I have a lot of heritage memories, and I'm waking up little by little." Long Xueyi said.

But Chen Xiang felt that it was not that simple, he always felt that Long Xueyi had a lot of things to hide from him.

After the ancient beast was subdued, except for Luo Yitao, everyone else was full of joy, waiting for Duan Ming and the domain master to come over.

Just when everyone showed a relaxed smile, the world suddenly trembled. It was not only the earth trembling, but even the seven blazing suns in the sky were shaking, as if the entire space was shaking.

"Youlan, come here!" Long Huishan hurriedly grabbed Leng Youlan, because the vibration became more and more violent, and the world gradually darkened.

Chen Xiang looked up at the sky and saw that the space in the sky was collapsing little by little.

The space around him was collapsing. He had already seen Leng Youlan and Long Huishan. At this time, the space they were in seemed to be bombarded by a powerful force and divided into many parts.

"What's going on?" Chen Xiang stood there and didn't move, because the space collapsed all around him, and he didn't know how to escape the predicament.

"Be careful, this force seems to be aimed at you, someone deliberately separates you from others!" Long Xueyi said, "I sensed just now that only the space around you fluctuates strongly. Use this power to control the cutting space from a distance, and move the space!"

"Apart from my enemies, who else would target me?" Chen Xiang snorted coldly, frowned tightly, his whole body tense.

It didn't take long for the space he was in to gradually stabilize, the huge earthquake had disappeared, and there was only a slight shaking, but it was dark in all directions.

"The area you are in has begun to merge with other spaces. It seems that the spaces in this Evil God Temple are built up in pieces and can be moved at will. Only by mastering the space movement formation in the Evil God Temple can this be done." Long Xue Yi said.

Chen Xiang clenched his fists tightly, a hazy light began to appear around him, he would soon know who was attacking him.

The surroundings gradually became clearer, but Chen Xiang was suddenly unable to move his entire body, the true qi in his body could not flow out of his dantian at all, he was actually imprisoned in his dantian by someone using a very deep technique, and even the divine sea in his mind, They were all restrained by a very strong divine force.

A person who can use this technique must be very strong, not weaker than Duan Ming, and he is also a spiritual cultivator.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Xiang heard a burst of laughter, many people were laughing, and then he saw a group of people appeared in front of him, among these people, many of them he had seen!

The Fire Temple, the Xie Family, the Demon Temple and the Heavenly Sword City!

The haggard-faced Luo Yitao laughed wildly. Xie Kang, who had fought with him before and lost the Heavenly Evil Sword and the Demon Slayer Sword, was also here, smiling sullenly.

"Chen Xiang, you can't escape this time." A handsome man sneered. Judging from his service, he was from the Temple of Fire, and he had a scorching aura all over his body. He doubted that this man said It might be that Fire Emperor's eldest apprentice.

"He really is a cultivator. Fortunately, he can calm down his Divine Sea. Otherwise, maybe he will use some magical powers to escape." An old man said, this is from the Temple of Demon Suppression.

An old man of the Xie family said solemnly: "Don't be in a hurry to divide him up, we didn't catch him to get what he had, the Heavenly Evil Sacred Sword is on him, and he has cultivated a golden body to suppress the devil, and he can lead the way. We enter the tomb of the Evil Emperor."

That old man from the Xie family is very strong, it should be an old antique, with the same strength as Duan Ming, Chen Xiang sensed that part of the power that imprisoned him came from this old man.

In addition, there is a middle-aged person from Tianjian City, the eldest apprentice of the Fire Emperor, and an old man in golden robes from the Temple of Demon Suppression.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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