World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1438 Holy Paste

Chen Xiang looked around in astonishment. Originally this was a terrifying tomb full of blood, but now it looked so comfortable. The black coffin in front of him didn't look like a coffin, but a snow-white jade box.

He slowly pushed open the heavy lid, and what caught his eye was a piece of pale golden liquid, and the whole box was filled with these things.

The pale golden liquid overflowed with mists of light, blowing towards his face, Chen Xiang only absorbed a little of those mists, and suddenly felt a large amount of true qi pouring into his body.

"This is holy ointment. Only emperor-level characters can condense these holy ointments. There are so many, it should be left by the evil emperor!" Long Xueyi ran out excitedly, scooping up the pale golden liquid with her hands, and was pleasantly surprised. Incomparable.

"How to use it?" Chen Xiang also touched it, his face changed greatly, his arm was in severe pain, because a lot of energy was pouring into his body frantically, and his current physical body could hardly bear these things.

"This box of holy juice... is enough for you to become an immortal king, and it can also make his heavenly holy body enter a high-level, and most importantly, it can turn all the true energy in your body into holy energy. , if it is normal cultivation, you have to go through the ninth turn of the Holy Transformation before it can be completely transformed into holy power." Long Xueyi said excitedly.

Chen Xiang was also excited: "So much, if you want to fully absorb it, it will take a lot of time! Do you want to absorb it with me?"

"No, it's better to keep it for yourself. Sister Meiyao and Sister Youyou don't need it either. You must hurry up and strengthen yourself now." Long Xueyi said.

"I'm only in the late stage of human beings and immortals now. I can enter the realm of immortal kings after complete refining. Will it affect me in the future?" Chen Xiang didn't dare to touch those holy ointments again, because it was too dangerous.

And Long Xueyi was fishing a few times just now, but nothing happened, which shows that her body is very powerful.

"There must be something at the bottom of this jade box for you, and you don't have anything to hold these holy ointments now, unless you use the divine cauldron." Long Xueyi said, "If you pour out a little bit, it will immediately melt into the heavens and the earth. This jade box is specially made to hold these holy ointments."

There is a Xuanyang Fire Crow sealed in the cauldron, and it must not be released!

"It seems that I'm going to spend a lot of time here." Chen Xiang made a decision, and he would never leave this place unless he absorbed this pool of holy juice.

"These holy ointments are very precious and allow you to convert your true energy into holy energy in advance," Long Xueyi said.

"The realm after the Immortal King is the Holy Transformation Realm. It takes nine transformations to transform the immortal energy into holy energy. So when I complete the transformation of the holy energy, isn't that the completion of the holy transformation nine transformations?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, in the process of incarnation, you still need to continuously strengthen the power in your body, and what you need to do is to strengthen the power in your body while converting the holy power into a higher form of power." Long Xueyi said excitedly. : "In this way, your starting point will become very high. Coupled with your cultivation of Heaven and Earth Killing Technique and mastering the Four Signs Divine Weapon, you will definitely be very powerful in the future."

"This holy ointment is much more precious than other things." Bai Youyou said, "Anyway, you have time here, so you can practice pills by the way, practice the killing technique of heaven and earth, and strengthen your soul."

The only heaven-level middle-grade medicinal materials that Chen Xiang possesses are the Fruit of Fortune. In addition, the Holy Beast Pill and the Eclipse God Powder can become a heaven-grade middle-grade medicinal material as long as they are properly spawned. As for the medicinal materials for the heaven-grade high-grade pill, he also has them, so he You can dive here for a long time.

"After those guys go out, it must take a long time to digest the treasures they got. I hope you can catch up with that time." Su Meiyao said.

"I'll try my best!" Chen Xiang put his hand into the box,

Soak in those pale golden liquids, run the exercises, and absorb the power of refining.


The affairs of the Xie Family, the Fire God Temple, the Suppressing Demon Temple, and the Heavenly Sword City in the Evil Dragon Mountain Range have been known to the high-level officials of many major forces.

Those big forces have arranged some dark lines in these four big forces. At this time, they all got some news. These four big forces really got some things left by the Evil Emperor, and there are many more. They don't know the specifics. Well, I just know that there are some exercises.

But when they did this, they offended the Imperial Dragon Clan, because it was the Imperial Dragon Clan's territory. The Xie family did not go to the Imperial Dragon Clan. It is related to the four major forces, because the Evil God Temple was controlled by them.

I used to have a good relationship with these four major forces. After some testing, I found that these four forces did not have the idea of ​​sharing the harvest with their friends, but they wanted to control them. This made other immortal kingdoms and immortal palaces have conflicts with the four major forces.

In a palace in the Immortal Kingdom of the Human King, Wu Canghong's face was solemn, and at this time the Immortal Kingdom of the Human King was discussing the countermeasures. In this conference hall, there are all the palace masters of other immortal palaces, and most of them are immortal kings.

"Among the Nine Emperors, I only know that the Fire Emperor is still there, and he controls the Fire Temple, but the Fire Emperor was seriously injured by the Ten Heaven Emperor, and he has not recovered yet, and his strength is not as strong as before, but he is still the top among the Nine Heavens. If he gets the healing holy pill from the Evil Emperor, maybe he can recover quickly." This is what Wu Canghong is most worried about.

"If the Fire Emperor did not stop his hegemony, it would be our immortal kingdoms who would suffer. He would definitely destroy or subdue all the rulers of immortal kingdoms, and then attack those superpowers." Liu Zongyu sighed: "I don't know. Who can stop him, among the nine emperors, the Ice Emperor has been killed by Chen Xiang, and the whereabouts of others are unknown."

"Fortunately, the Ice Emperor is dead, otherwise we would be even worse. Although Ice and Fire are not allowed, these two emperors have done a lot of embarrassing things," said an old man.

"It seems that we have to invite those ancestors out, and we have to discuss with other immortal kingdoms." Wu Canghong said.

In just a few days, a lot of gossip has made people panic, because it makes people feel as if there will be a war at any time, just like the war in ancient times.

But there are also some people who are very calm. They feel that this is not their business at all. If they want to fight, it is also those big forces who will fight, and they can still have a good show.

Chen Xiang also disappeared during this time. Some of his friends were looking for him, but they couldn't find him. There was no clue, but they knew that he disappeared in the Heretic God Temple.

Liu Meng'er was also worried about Chen Xiang at first, but after seeing Hua Xiangyue, she was relieved a lot, because Hua Xiangyue and Chen Xiang had a contract, if Chen Xiang died, Hua Xiangyue would also die, and Hua Xiangyue is still fine now.

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