World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1476 Evil Star Core

"What memories have you found?" Little Lizhi was a little curious.

"God Demon Sect and Fire Temple secretly joined forces. They want to get that seed, and then plant it together. It seems that their purpose is to go to that Heavenly Domain." Chen Xiang said: "I have limited memories, which is also the reason why they are right. This is what I know."

Chen Xiang didn't completely devour the other party's memory, it would take some time, and it's not good to have too many memories, he just looked for some key and useful ones, for example, he now knows where the gods and demons are hidden, the gods and demons Something that can give birth to a soul, he has been thinking about it.

"What's your background? You master the powerful magic-suppressing technique, but you also know how to use the soul-killing magic spell." Little Lizhi asked with a frown.

"I'm Demon Execution Peak!" Chen Xiang casually made an excuse.

Hearing that it was the Demon Execution Peak, Xiao Lizhi didn't ask any more about Chen Xiang's origin: "I heard some rumors that your Demon Execution Peak also sent someone to snatch that kind of seed, could it be you?"

"No, I'm not interested in that kind of thing, otherwise I would have arrested you long ago. Although I am from the Demon Execution Peak, I have never climbed the mysterious Demon Execution Peak, and I don't have that strength now, so What they are going to do with the people who came out of Demon Execution Peak has nothing to do with me." Chen Xiang said: "What you promised me must be kept secret, and you can't tell me what happened here.

"As I promised, I will never break my promise, but you have to tell me, what is the purpose of your claim to the Heavenly Emperor of Hundred Flowers?" Xiao Lizhi has been brooding over this matter, otherwise her relationship with Chen Xiang might have been better .

"It's nothing, I just want to disgust the arrogant woman of Huadi, there is no other purpose, when I think it's almost the same, I will naturally not do this." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

Xiao Lizhi was speechless for a while: "What kind of hatred do you have with the palace master?"

"There's no hatred, I just hate her, I want to disgust her, but you will understand later." Chen Xiang had already walked into the depths and said, "Hurry up, time is running out, I want to get the main star core quickly. ."

"I'll try my best, but it's up to you whether I can get it or not." Xiao Lizhi said, now she knows that Chen Xiang has many methods, and even if it's dangerous there, he can guarantee his own safety.

Although Chen Xiang is already an Immortal King, his improvement in the Divine Dao is very slow. He is not of the Imperial Dragon Clan, he is not like Long Xueyi who can break through when he sleeps. If he wants to quickly improve his spiritual cultivation, he must rely on some external force. s help.

There are still three days until the end of the time, so Chen Xiang and Xiao Lizhi are both running wildly in the forest at this time, rushing towards the center.

"There is a low mountain in front of it, and there are those evil beasts next to it. There are about 2,000 of them." Long Xueyi said, "I will try it first and see if I can find where the main star core is."

Chen Xiang asked Xiao Lizhi to stop, if he continued to move forward, he might have to alert those evil beasts.

"In the middle of that low mountain, but that low mountain is made of unknown material, it is very strong, there is no gap at all, and there are signs of being attacked on the surface. It seems that those evil beasts have attacked many times, but they cannot Get the inner star core." Long Xueyi said.

"What if the power of space law is used?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It shouldn't work either. That dwarf mountain should be the core of the evil star back then. After so many years, it hasn't been damaged. I'm afraid it's better to take it out!" Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "I don't know if I can use the Azure Dragon Slayer Sword?"

"You can try,

But then you will reveal your identity. "Long Xueyi said.

"That's not to be afraid of, this little lychee won't say it out, but I'll just let her keep it a secret. Although she is violent, her integrity is not bad." Chen Xiang said.

Xiao Lizhi asked: "Have you found anything? We must act quickly. If we can't find it again, we must return quickly so that we don't run out of time."

"I found it. I found that thousands of evil beasts surround that place. I need you to divert most of the evil beasts so that I can move easily." Chen Xiang said: "The place is very solid, and it will take me some time to open it. ."

Little Lizhi was very puzzled in her heart, how could Chen Xiang know so much detail, as if she was in the scene, she nodded: "Let's do it!"

Little Lizhi rushed over at the fastest speed, and it didn't take long to see that there was a large area ahead without trees, and the soil was pitch-black. In the middle of the field was a relatively large semi-circular low mountain, which was pitch-black and uneven. , giving a very solid feel.

There are many evil beasts in human form on this low mountain, more than a thousand, and there are almost two thousand evil beasts around the low mountain, but they are relatively large, and it seems that they have not fully evolved.

Xiao Lizhi suddenly rushed in, and her whole body exuded the breath of magic-suppressing holy power, which made these evil beasts feel very uncomfortable, and suddenly roared at her. Thousands of evil beasts roared at the same time, shaking the sky, and the birds in the entire evil forest. They all jumped up in shock.

The roar was accompanied by a gust of wind blowing through the forest. Near the trees in the middle, the branches and leaves were blown off, and bursts of black air emerged from the evil beasts, floating in the air, blocking the light, making the middle of the forest suddenly darkened.

In the face of so many evil beasts getting angry, Xiao Lizhi was under a lot of pressure, but she still took out a broad sword and rushed into the beasts, beheading several heads in an instant, at this time the group of evil beasts had already rushed towards her.

Her purpose was to lure away these evil beasts, so that Chen Xiang could do it easily, she immediately fled in one direction, these evil beasts were already rather stupid, they immediately chased after them, only a few were still here.

"Go away, let's start!" Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang immediately went through the space, took out the Qinglong Demon Slayer Sword, and killed the few evil beasts that were still here. Those evil beasts were at most only the strength of the late Immortal King. In front of his holy power and divine sword, they were simply The existence of scum, it was solved by Chen Xiang in three or two seconds.

Chen Xiang jumped into the air, holding the divine saber in both hands. When he fell, the holy energy in his body was injected into the divine saber to increase his strength, and then he violently slashed the top of the low mountain.


The low mountain swayed violently, and a thunderous roar erupted from the inside. The force shook Chen Xiang's palms, and he was unable to shake the low mountain, and he couldn't even leave a trace on it.

Xiao Lizhi, who was running wildly in the forest, heard the sound, and knew that Chen Xiang had already started, but the group of evil beasts who were chasing her immediately turned their heads and ran back after hearing the sound.

"What's going on?" Little Lizhi gritted his teeth, and with a broad sword, rushed into the beasts that were rushing back, and slashed wildly with his sword.

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