World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1493: The World of Heaven

There was a lot of movement in the front, and the sound of fighting began. Although the ground was shaking wildly, it did not crack. The things in this heaven are very solid.

"It stands to reason that there should be a lot of people who will come to take a look, why is there no one now?" Chen Xiang carefully walked forward.

"They should have an agreement not to snatch each other's prey. It should be like this. I sensed a few breaths passing by here just now, but I just didn't approach." Long Xueyi said.

There is a basin in front, Chen Xiang is at a high place, hiding beside some rocks, looking at the direction of the fighting coming from below.

"How is this going?"

Chen Xiang saw a pale golden light curtain, which seemed to connect the heaven and the earth, dividing the space into two parts, this heaven seemed to be separated by the light curtain.

And next to the light curtain, there is a lion-shaped beast covered in golden armor, with golden armor covering its body, golden light from its mouth, and its giant tail like an iron whip, lashing the ground, roaring at the person suspended in the air, while Shoots golden beams from the sky.

"How did this fight start? The man seemed to be going through the light curtain, but was stopped by the lion." Chen Xiang thought, carefully observing the surroundings of the battlefield to see if there were any treasures, but he felt that even if there were, they should be there. The world inside the light curtain.

"He's from Tianjian City, and he's not the strongest guy. I remember there are five of them, but now there's only one person here? Is it to hold back this savage beast?" Long Xueyi said: "In that light curtain, it should be the real face of this heaven. The side we are on should be responsible for nurturing the power of the Holy Spirit."

Chen Xiang suddenly saw a circular formation under the lion-shaped beast, which could stand about ten people.

"That should be the teleportation formation, it should have entered there." Long Xueyi said.

"It seems that this person is responsible for attracting this big lion and letting the other four people go in first!" Chen Xiang suddenly laughed grimly: "Let's go and help that big lion."

Chen Xiang sneaked over quietly, it was too easy for him to approach without being discovered.

Although the big golden lion is very strong, he wants to guard the teleportation formation, not letting anyone approach, just expel those who want to approach.

But that day, the old man in Jiancheng tried his best to lure the big golden lion away. The big lion was very angry, but he still stood his ground. He just spewed golden light and attacked the old man, but they were all avoided by the other party.

"Beast, get out of the way!" the old man shouted, controlling a fairy sword, slashing the body of the golden giant lion, looking at the golden scales, making a clanging sound, causing no harm to the golden giant lion.

After Chen Xiang approached, through the huge light curtain, he could see that there were mountains and waters inside, just like a paradise, and there were also some figures inside, which should be other powerhouses in Tianjian City, but they didn't come over. Because the teleportation array was seated by the golden giant lion.

"Dragon Bound!"

Chen Xiang used his supernatural powers, and the holy power and supernatural power in his body fused together to form a powerful dragon power. After using the supernatural powers, he saw a few small dragons suddenly jump out from the ground below the old man, like thick ropes, and they instantly smashed the The old man is bound.

The old man was tied up and hung in the air like this, and the golden fire lion took the opportunity to spurt a huge beam of light, hitting the old man's body, causing the old man to let out a scream.

Chen Xiang received his energy, the old man fell to the ground, and his body was blurred with blood. Chen Xiang also had a certain understanding of the power of the golden giant lion. If such an attack fell on him, he would not be able to bear it.

The people on the other side of the light curtain were immediately furious when they saw that the old man was severely injured. Of course, they knew that someone was shooting nearby, causing the old man to lose his ability to escape, and was injured by the golden giant lion.

In this Heavenly Domain, only Chen Xiang would do this kind of thing. They immediately determined that Chen Xiang did it, and then they became more convinced, because Chen Xiang suddenly jumped out and took all the old man's Heavenly Pill and storage magic weapon. , then slashed several times at the body, and then disappeared.

"Chen Xiang!" The old city lord of Tianjian City roared, but his voice could not reach Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang put away the Tiandan, and the storage magic weapon is forbidden, no one can open it except the old man, Chen Xiang can only throw it away, now he is next to the light curtain, he follows the edge of the light curtain Running wildly, he thought that there should be other teleportation formations that could pass through this light curtain.

The light curtain was very long, and he ran for more than half an hour without seeing the end, like a curtain that fell from the sky to the ground.

Chen Xiang tried many methods, but couldn't get through, so he had to look for the teleportation formation in the past.

"There's someone ahead!" Long Xueyi shouted softly, "It's Huadi and the others!"

The Thunder Dao Shuangzun and the Phoenix King are all with the Flower Emperor. The overall strength of this group of people is very strong. In such an unknown place, it is the best way to ensure safety.

Knowing that it was Huadi and his party, Long Xueyi did not dare to investigate further, because it was easy for Huadi to find out.

Chen Xiang could only hide and use the Chaos God Eye to take a closer look in the distance.

"They have found the formation." Chen Xiang was surprised: "But they didn't teleport there, what are they thinking about?"

Chen Xiang was far away from that group of people, and he couldn't use his soul to see, he could only rely on his eyesight, but he still saw a group of giant beasts walking around on the other side of the light curtain, which seemed to be guarding the teleportation over there. Array, if you teleport from here, you have to face those giant beasts.

"The number of them is the largest. There are ten people in the Hundred Flowers Palace, fifteen in the Royal Bird Clan, and fifteen in the Divine Thunder Immortal Kingdom. They can only transmit ten at a time." Chen Xiang said: "They are discussing who will be sent to the first batch, and They don't know the strength of those giant beasts."

"Is King Jinpeng here?" Long Xueyi laughed.

"Come on, it seems to be the first batch to pass!" Chen Xiang said: "The first batch really chose the strongest, Huadi, Phoenix King, Lei Dao Shuangzun, Xiao Lizhi and that Jinpeng King, plus a few more. The strong guy should be testing the strength of those giant beasts in the past."

"The teleportation array is on!"

In the blink of an eye, Huadi and other ten strong men suddenly appeared on the other side of the light curtain. As soon as they appeared, ten of them began to attack those giant beasts. In just an instant, a few giant beasts that rushed over were knocked into the air, and then Giant beasts kept flying over.

Chen Xiang estimated the number, there are at least hundreds of them, and their strength is not weak, otherwise they would not just be sent flying. After these giant beasts were sent flying, they could get up and dash over, their bodies were very strong.

With Huadi, they took the lead in the past, and the others sent them one after another. They were all sure that the good things in this world should be hidden in the light curtain.

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