World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1505 taste the flowers

Chen Xiang recovered the fastest, driving the Frisbee carefully to the Sacred Armor Mad Lion's den.

When approaching the canyon, Long Xueyi sighed in disappointment: "There are many wolves in that canyon, don't go there, that place is already occupied by wolves!"

"It's the Holy Light White Wolf Clan, goddamn! So many holy armored lions are cheap for these guys." Chen Xiang sighed, they no longer have the energy to fight against such a powerful herd.

"Why not? Those wild lions should have lost their resistance. You can put them in the cauldron." Lu Qilian leaned on her body. She had regained some strength, but her body was still soft.

"There is a group of holy light white wolves, and it is estimated that there are also holy beasts. Our victory has been swallowed by them." Chen Xiang whispered: "Let's find a place to hide for the time being, and then talk about it when we fully recover."

"Then hide better, these wolves should have a very sensitive sense of smell." Lu Qilian said softly.

Chen Xiang tightly hugged her slightly, making her body and his body close together, that feeling made him secretly praise, especially Lu Qilian's tender and soft chest...

Little Lizhi slept very hard, and was taken advantage of by Chen Xiang, Lu Qilian saw it in her eyes, and while scolding Chen Xiang in her heart, she pinched the flesh on Chen Xiang's body with weak strength, but it was like scratching Chen Xiang, It made Chen Xiang laugh.

"The body of the Heavenly Sage is complete, plus the golden body of slaying the devil, how did you forge your fleshly body?" Seeing Chen Xiang recovering so quickly, Lu Qilian was very jealous.

"I did it through a lot of hardships, but if you want to strengthen your physical body, I can find someone to help you." Chen Xiang said: "They are all women, but they have hatred against some forces, I don't know if you dare or not. Dare to accept them?"

Lv Qilian raised her head slightly, her beautiful eyes flashed at Chen Xiang: "Is it using the Holy Spirit's Jade Rabbit Blood? I've heard about it, Yu Xuelian stole those Jade Rabbits, but I didn't expect you to be involved in this! "

"I've been looking for Yu Xuelian, but I couldn't find it. If you can contact her, let her come to Baihua Palace. The God Sword Immortal Palace doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Chen Xiang said: "At that time there were four Holy Spirit Jade Rabbit, and besides me, there were also Mu Jialan and Yao Shumei, they all had a Holy Spirit Jade Rabbit in their hands, they should all be together, I tried my best to let them go to Baihua Palace, don't treat them badly then!"

"There are quite a few women who are related to you!" Lu Qilian snorted softly: "And there's a Holy Spirit Jade Rabbit? A man will turn into a woman by using Jade Rabbit blood, so don't you plan to keep it for yourself?"

After speaking, a charming smile appeared on Lu Qilian's face: "You still have the characteristics of a man."

"Bah, bah, I've done a good job as a man, so why should I become a woman? And there are two beauties around now, even if I can't think of it, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing... The jade rabbit in my hand was sold by me. Dropped and traded something with someone else."

Chen Xiang lowered his head and looked directly at Lu Qilian's beautiful eyes, and now he is holding her with one arm, and he is so close that he can't help but have bold thoughts in his heart.

The frisbee was flying slowly, while Chen Xiang and Lu Qilian just stared at each other in silence.

"You want to kiss me?" A playful smile appeared on Lu Qilian's face. Seeing that Chen Xiang's eyes narrowed a little, she snorted softly: "You don't even dare to measure it!"

Chen Xiang took a breath and grinned wickedly: "I was hesitant at first, but now I'm going to give it up!"

Seeing Chen Xiang say this, Lu Qilian, whose face was full of sneers, changed her expression and said coldly, "Try..."

Chen Xiang has already put his mouth together,

And he let go of the sleepy little lychee, hugged Lu Qilian tightly with both hands, and forcibly kissed her on the mouth.

He rudely pushed his tongue into Lu Qilian's sandalwood mouth, Lu Qilian wanted to resist, but her whole body was soft, she wanted to bite Chen Xiang's tongue hard, but Chen Xiang's tongue had a suction force and pulled her The tongue sucked and dragged out of her small mouth, she would bite herself.

"Bastard, don't you want to live?" Lu Qilian sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang: "Let go now, or you will look good!"

"It's obviously your tongue that sucks me, why do you blame me?" Chen Xiang was secretly surprised: "Don't devour my strength, I'm very fragile, it's not worth your devour!"

"Could it be a problem with the cultivation technique?" Lu Qilian immediately realized, "Do you have the habit of condensing spiritual fluid anytime, anywhere?"

"Yes, but I don't have any luck right now." Chen Xiang said.

"Trouble, we all use our tongues to condense spiritual liquids. After so many years, our tongues have been stained with the properties of those spiritual liquids, so they are now fused together." Lu Qilian scolded: "It's all you bastards, I forgive Not you!"

"Since that's the case, let's obey God's will and have a good time!" Chen Xiang said with a grin, sucking greedily and teasing Lu Qilian's soft tongue, which made him feel dark.

It was the first time that Lu Qilian experienced this kind of thing, and she couldn't resist, she could only obey Chen Xiang. She kept cursing Chen Xiang in her heart, but gradually, her face turned slightly red, an inexplicable sense of beauty made her feel a little relieved, she began to cater to Chen Xiang, at this time she and Chen Xiang were lying down On top of the Frisbee, they hugged tightly, kissed fiercely, and the two were entangled like glue...

The frisbee was relatively large, and the sleepy little lychee was lying on the side. Under the influence of Yulonghua, she recovered very quickly. She opened her eyes and heard some voices beside her. She looked sideways and was stunned!

Little Lizhi thought she was dreaming at first, because it was so outrageous, the palace lord in her mind was actually hugging Chen Xiang, like a pair of hungry lovers greedily seeking love from each other.

At first, she thought that Chen Xiang was forcing Lu Qilian, but she saw that Lu Qilian was enjoying herself, and she was a little active. At first, the two of them kissed fiercely, but gradually they became much gentler.

Xiao Lizhi closed her eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep, but her heart was like a turbulent sea. She really had a hard time accepting this fact, even though Chen Xiang had mentioned in front of her many times that he wanted to conquer Lu Qilian...

"Little devil, let's work together to condense those spiritual fluids!" Lu Qilian sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang.

"Hey, kissing is so cool, you haven't tried it since you are old! It's cheaper for you, the old cow eats the tender grass." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"Hmph, I'll make you look good sooner or later, don't be complacent!"

Lu Qilian has recognized it, she has enjoyed it and tried it. This kind of thing was full of mystery to her, but now that she has tasted it, the novelty is no longer there. She just wants to separate from Chen Xiang quickly, so as not to be seen by Xiao Lizhi.

"Fast Fortune Condensing Spiritual Liquid!" Lu Qilian urged, she also wanted to see what kind of effect this would have. Chen Xiang had fantasized about trying it out before.

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