World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1516 Missed 1

Huang Jintian and Mao'er, who were waiting outside, saw that Chen Xiang had been gone for so long without moving, and they were relieved a lot, because there was no movement, it meant that Chen Xiang was quietly proceeding smoothly.

Chen Xiang's progress was relatively smooth, because the heavenly beings he encountered in succession were all cultivating. Although two of them were aware of the danger, they were still caught by Chen Xiang's intoxicating poison, and were finally collected by Chen Xiang. In the cauldron, there is only the last one left.

Even if this one fails, Chen Xiang doesn't think it's a big problem. Of course, it's the best to be successful, so there is no need to directly conflict with the gods.

Chen Xiang has now poisoned fourteen heavenly beings, and what makes Chen Xiang quite disappointed is that there is not a single woman here, they are all men, and the eight who are retreating in the cave are relatively strong and look relatively strong. Old, the guards outside are some young-looking men.

The last one turned out to be a boy!

"This kid should be the weakest, right?" Chen Xiang said, he turned into a flying insect and flew in through the gap under the door. On a table inside, a young man with beautiful eyes sat cross-legged, on the floor beside him The chairs and chairs were filled with silvery-white stones that were much duller in color.

"Those who come here to guard can use these holy stones unscrupulously. It's no wonder that only the powerful can come to this kind of place. This is indeed a fat mistake." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang pushed two drunken poison pills into the boy's nostrils, and when he was about to succeed, the boy suddenly opened his eyes and turned his head to avoid the two poison pills.

"Who!" the boy shouted immediately, then looked at the two poison pills that fell on the ground, he didn't immediately recognize that they were strange poison.

Chen Xiang scolded secretly in his heart, he was just about to succeed, he had expected this situation before, so he also had a backhand.

The boy stood still and looked around with great vigilance. He felt that the thing that had attacked him was inside the house.

"Little devil, take it!"

Chen Xiang secretly laughed in his heart, and used the power of space law to make a large basin of water suddenly fall on the young man's head, because this is the last one, so it doesn't matter if the movement is a little bigger.

The young man was really strong, but he didn't expect that the other party would throw water on him. After he got wet, all the water on his body was evaporated to dryness by him!

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiang's heart blossomed with laughter, because the water contained a lot of drunken spirit powder, and those liquids were also refined by him. At this time, with the addition of the other party's heating, the evaporated water vapor was even more toxic. Strong, and these poisonous gas will be inhaled into the body.

Sure enough, the boy fell to the ground before he took a few steps, his face was full of shock, he wanted to call for someone to save him, but he didn't expect him to be so soft that he couldn't even speak, and when he wanted to use his divine sense At that time, he was thrown into a pitch-black place. He sensed more than a dozen familiar auras in it, and he was immediately terrified, because they were all the gods who guarded the mine with him!

After getting the heaven and man in here, the next step is the nine black eagles with holy claws in the air. He took out a jade talisman and sent a sound transmission to Huang Jintian, so that the cat could get those black eagles with holy claws.

None of the nine holy-clawed black eagles were gathered together. The cat had observed it before, so when he started, he would sneak attack quietly, just like Chen Xiang dealt with those heavenly beings.

Mao'er had beheaded a holy-clawed black eagle before, but if he made a sneak attack now, it would be easier for him to succeed. He was killed three times at once, and finally attracted the attention of the other six holy-clawed black eagles and was besieged.

Huang Jintian took advantage of this time to enter the mining area. He had figured out where there were many holy stones in these days.

So as soon as he came in, he knew the way and picked up all the holy stones dug up by the beasts.

Long Xueyi released a few souls to find the holy stone. According to Long Xueyi's guidance, Chen Xiang suddenly picked up dozens of bricks the size of, and there were many more.

The holy stones here are rather peculiar. When they were dug out, the weight of each piece was almost the same, about one kilogram.

Chen Xiang quickly picked up more than 500 holy stones. At this time, Mao'er and the six holy-clawed black eagles fought very fiercely. There were loud noises, the ground was shaking, and the mountains were shaking.

"what happened?"

There was an elegant and light whisper in the distance, and it turned out to be a woman. What made Chen Xiang and Huang Jintian feel terrified was that the person who came here had an incomparably powerful spirit of the Holy Spirit, and it should be a very powerful one. Heaven and man, and not restricted by that prohibition, can use holy power!

At this time, Chen Xiang had already picked up more than 1,000 pieces, and so was Huang Jintian. These holy stones had been piled on the side for a while, so they could easily pick them up.

"Come on!" Huang Jintian shouted to Chen Xiang in shock, and was about to rush over to take Chen Xiang away. Who knew that a silvery white glow suddenly flashed in front of Chen Xiang, a tall woman in a yellow dress holding a long sword , low in Chen Xiang's throat.

Chen Xiang didn't dare to move, because he felt that the space around him was blocked by the powerful force released by this woman!

The woman wore a silver mask covering the upper part of her face. From her sexy little mouth, it could be seen that this woman should be very beautiful.

"Master, let's go first, leave me alone." Chen Xiang said: "I will find a way myself, if everyone suffers, it will be even more troublesome."

Huang Jintian sighed in his heart, he couldn't use True Qi here, so everything was in vain, and he immediately fled the mine.

The cat sensed the appearance of a heavenly being, and immediately got rid of the entanglement of the six-headed black eagle, and hurried to the meeting point set by Huang Jintian and him.

The woman didn't go after Huang Jintian and Maoer, because she thought that the strong man hiding in the mountain would appear, because she just released a strong coercion that could awaken the heavenly beings in the cave.

However, she waited for a while, but no one came out, which made her frown slightly, looked at and shouted angrily: "Aren't you coming out yet? My father asked you to come here, not to let you sleep, but to let you sleep. Guard here!"

Chen Xiang didn't dare to move, otherwise his head would say goodbye to his body at any time, the holy sword on his throat was no joke, the strength of that woman was even more terrifying, he was still disappointed that he never met a woman before. God, I didn't expect that the owner of this mining area was a woman, and she was very powerful. Listening to her tone, there should be an even more powerful father.

"Come out for me!" The woman drank angrily, her voice still nice, but with a strong power.

Bang bang bang!

The woman just shouted softly, and all the mountains in this mine exploded, making bursts of roaring explosions, and flying out huge stones.

However, apart from the appearance of the six black eagles with holy talons, the fifteen people still had no shadows.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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