World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1537: Signs of the Holy Transformation

"Is it the same for Saintess Sanxia?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It seems that it should be right now, otherwise they don't have to be too busy. Those things are not suitable for them to do, but they are forced to do it. If they really have status, they should be in a good environment now. Cultivation." Ji Linger felt inexplicably much better when she thought that the three saintess were just like her.

Chen Xiang could see that Hongxia was a little dissatisfied with her current situation, so he wanted to draw Hongxia over, he just had this idea, he had not thought of how to do it specifically.

Within three months, Chen Xiang had digested all the 20,000 Feather Immortal Pills. It was all thanks to Ji Linger's help. He kept releasing his strength every moment to help him cultivate, which made Chen Xiang secretly grateful. .

Ji Ling'er was standing aside, and his breathing was recovering, while Chen Xiang was still sitting there, compressing the power inside his dantian. The tens of thousands of catties of holy stones placed beside him had turned into ordinary white stones. The Holy Spirit's breath has been absorbed by him.

Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou came out of the Youyao Ring, at this time Chen Xiang was on the verge of breaking through!

When Chen Xiang ate 5,000 Feather Immortal Pills before, he had already entered the middle stage of the Immortal King. After eating all the Feather Immortal Pills, he had been promoted a lot. In addition, he had absorbed a lot of the Holy Spirit within the Holy Stone. So he already has the conditions to break through to the late stage of the Immortal King.

At this moment, Chen Xiang was enveloped by a cloud of silver-white mist, and bursts of very strong Holy Spirit aura continued to emerge from his body. Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou, who were on the side, absorbed this scorching aura, and immediately felt a burst of warmth inside their body. The airflow is running, which is of great benefit to them.

"His situation is very complicated, and the time of cultivation is fundamentally different from normal. If he is an ordinary person, with the help of me, he has eaten so many Feather Immortal Pills of the second rank of Immortal. Now he is just preparing to break through to the late stage of the Immortal King." Ji Ling'er recovered a lot of vitality, and looked at Chen Xiang with frown, Chen Xiang had told her before that he cultivated five Heavenly Pills in his body.

Chen Xiang looked at the five beast statues in his dantian, and it was already a circle bigger. The power of the Holy Spirit absorbed into those beast-shaped heavenly pills became even more powerful, and it was actively rolling inside those heavenly pills, making The five beast-shaped Tiandans seemed to be spitting out radiant air clouds, and those air mists fused together and condensed into a burst of silver-white energy that overflowed from Chen Xiang's body.

Just as Chen Xiang was practicing his exercises and carefully observing those beast-shaped Heavenly Pills, he suddenly saw an astonishing scene, the five small and exquisite beast statues opened their eyes!

This kind of eyes is like the eyes of living beasts, with aura of spiritual energy, and the eyes before were only the kind of statues, which scared Chen Xiang a lot, he did not expect that his five beast-shaped Tiandan would actually It will give birth to its own spirit.

At this time, the aura surrounding Chen Xiang's body became more and more violent, surrounding him like a beast, as if it was about to smash him to pieces.

"What's going on? That's not the case when breaking through!" Ji Ling'er was surprised: "Could he enter the Holy Transformation Realm? It's unlikely!"

Su Meiyao and Bai Youyou both had very solemn expressions, Chen Xiang's situation at this time was not a good situation, and such a violent aura erupted, no matter how it looked, it didn't seem like a good thing. They knew very well that Chen Xiang's cultivation method was indeed different from that of ordinary people, and they didn't know what would happen if they went on.

"He's absorbing a lot of Holy Spirit's aura!" Ji Ling'er sensed the Holy Spirit's aura around her, it had become very thin, and Chen Xiang took so much time all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Ji Linger hurriedly took out many holy stones and stacked them beside Chen Xiang!

Not long after those holy stones were taken out,

He saw that five phantoms suddenly appeared on Chen Xiang's body, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and a giant beast covered with red scales. The aura of the Holy Spirit emanating from the holy stone looks very miraculous.

"What the hell is going on in his body?" Ji Ling'er saw the five divine beasts flashing out of Chen Xiang's body, and couldn't help shouting in surprise. At this time, the holy spirit inside the holy stones was draining very fast.

Bai Youyou frowned and said, "Originally it was supposed to be an elephant, but now it seems to be evolving... Is it going to become a unicorn?"

Su Meiyao nodded and said, "Yes, it looks like a unicorn. For many years, he has mainly focused on flames. He didn't want to turn the idol guarding the middle of the earth into a fire unicorn."

Chen Xiang was also very surprised by the rapid change in his body. This kind of change happened suddenly. At first, the beast-shaped Tiandan opened his eyes, but in the end it evolved to leave his body and run out, and What will happen next, he can't guess at all.

What reassured him was that his current situation was relatively stable, and the speed of absorbing the Holy Spirit's energy had become very fast. As long as he continued to operate various divine arts, this situation would continue.

Ji Ling'er saw that Chen Xiang gradually stabilized, let out a long sigh, and said: "It seems that he triggered an opportunity to allow him to enter the Holy Transformation Realm directly, which may be related to the holy energy that has been transformed in his body. Fortunately, we didn't use those holy stones indiscriminately before, and now they can be used!"

"Ling'er, don't worry, he will return those holy stones to you in the future, take them out now to let him get through this," Su Meiyao said.

"Do I look like such a stingy person?" Ji Linger giggled. Over the past year, her relationship with Su Meiyao Bai Youyou has become very good.

"It looks like he has to practice for a long time." Bai Youyou said, "Linger, you have to continue to work hard."

This secret room is not very big, and Chen Xiang needs a lot of holy stones. Ji Linger is responsible for continuously providing holy stones for Chen Xiang to absorb. These holy stones were neatly placed in the secret room, forming several circles to surround Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang had completely cut off contact with the outside world at this time, he found that the Divine Sea had lost control and kept churning, and his dantian, which was surrounded by gray-black mist, seemed to be pouring into the Divine Sea little by little!

Seeing such a thing happen, Chen Xiang was ecstatic, because it was a sign of the fusion of divine power and divine power during the transformation of the Holy Spirit. He did not expect that he would enter this stage before he entered the late stage of the Immortal King.

"It seems that my dantian will be moved into the divine sea in the future, but I have to continue to cultivate the physical body, the soul and the body must be as strong." Chen Xiang said in his heart.

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