World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1623 Spiritual Fluid Fusion

Chen Xiang looked at Lu Qilian, his heart thumped, he didn't expect that this high-ranking flower emperor would have such thoughts in his heart, which made him somewhat excited.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, Lu Qilian turned her head away and whispered, "You can leave my divine sea and go out and try it!"

The consciousness of the two of them left Shenhai and returned to reality. In order to avoid embarrassment, Lu Qilian hurriedly got out of bed: "I also need to get a lot of medicinal materials during this time, you can cultivate here yourself, if you have anything, just Find me in the training room next door."

Lu Qilian left the room, Chen Xiang sat on the bed a little disappointed, he shook his head, no longer thinking about the complicated relationship between him and Lu Qilian.

"Little bastard, what's the matter? Did you eat her?" Long Xueyi's voice echoed in Chen Xiang's Divine Sea. When Chen Xiang left Tianyu, he left a ray of divine soul in Long Xueyi's Divine Sea. .

"What do you think?" Chen Xiang snorted.

"It's been more than ten days, and nothing has happened!" Long Xueyi curled her lips: "It's really useless."

Chen Xiang ignored her and concentrated on sorting out the cultivation experience Lu Qilian had given him. He and Lu Qilian had been together for more than ten days!

At this time, his understanding of the art of life and death was very easy. Many of the previous difficulties were all made clear to him at this time. He was able to run the art of life and death very smoothly, absorb the aura of the Holy Spirit outside, plus his physical and The strange power in the sea of ​​​​shen merged, and the spiritual liquid gradually condensed on the tongue.

"One drop in an hour, this is too slow!" Chen Xiang looked at the drop of spiritual liquid that was transparent and exuded a faint glow. He didn't know how powerful this spiritual liquid was.

Lu Qilian can condense a lot in one hour now. She only needs to condense a month of spiritual liquid to copy a holy-level medicinal material. Chen Xiang is very envious of this speed, but it is still too much for Long Xueyi's appetite. slow.

Chen Xiang walked out of the room and knocked on the door next door.

"Come in!" Lu Qilian shouted softly.

Chen Xiang pushed open the door and entered, and a burst of fragrance hit his nostrils. This fragrance reminded Chen Xiang of the last time he kissed Lu Qilian, the spiritual liquid in her mouth had this kind of floral fragrance.

"Sister Qilian, how does the spiritual liquid you look at compare to yours now?" Chen Xiang took out a jade box, and inside there was a drop of the spiritual liquid that he just condensed.

Lu Qilian sat cross-legged on the carpet on the ground, in front of her there were several jade bottles, which were filled with the spiritual liquid she had condensed, and bursts of fragrance were wafting out of it.

"It's as good as mine, how long did it take you to condense a drop?" Lu Qilian nodded with satisfaction.

"One hour!" Chen Xiang said embarrassedly, because he knew that Lu Qilian was much faster than him.

"Yes, as long as you get familiar with it slowly, you will soon be like me." Lu Qilian returned the drop of spiritual fluid to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang squatted down, picked up a jade bottle, looked at the spiritual liquid that Lu Qilian had condensed, and asked, "Why doesn't mine have this fragrance? Is it because you ate too many flowers? Why is it all fragrant! "

Lu Qilian smiled lightly: "This may be related to my physique. Otherwise, why would others call me Huadi? The spiritual liquid you have condensed now is exactly the same as mine, there is no difference, just the smell is different."

Chen Xiang shook his head and said, "I don't think so, why don't we mix it up and see!"

The last time Chen Xiang used his creation liquid and Lu Qilian's fusion, he became very distant, even Lu Qilian could not understand it!

Lu Qilian nodded, she also wanted to see what the result would be,

She took the jade box in Chen Xiang's hand, dropped a drop of her spiritual liquid into it, and landed on Chen Xiang's drop.

The two drops were quickly fused together, and there was no change, but Chen Xiang and Lu Qilian frowned!

Because of the fusion of two drops of spiritual liquid, even if there is no change, that drop should be larger, at least the sum of the two drops. The fusion of his creation divine liquid and Lu Qilian's spiritual liquid not only has a great change, but also a drop. will get a lot bigger.

But now when their two spiritual liquids are together, it is very strange!

"This is the real fusion!" Chen Xiang said: "Add another drop of your spiritual fluid."

Lu Qilian did as she did, but this drop could not be incorporated into the drop just now, and was repelled!

"You can condense one more drop, two drops of yours, two drops of mine, and see if the results are the same." Lu Qilian said, if the combination with Chen Xiang's spiritual liquid has a great effect, she doesn't have to work so hard Stayed here all day to condense.

Chen Xiang immediately ran the technique of life and death, and began to condense. An hour later, he made a drop of spiritual liquid, dropped it into the jade box, and merged with the drop that Lu Qilian had previously rejected.

At this time, there were already two drops in the jade box that had been fused separately. Lu Qilian shook the jade box and made the two drops collide together. As she thought, they combined into one drop, very fast and natural!

It's as if two grains of rice collide and melt into one, but only the size of one!

At this time, four drops became one drop. Although the water drop did not become larger, both Chen Xiang and Lu Qilian knew that these four drops had been highly compressed, and the quality was very high at this time.

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I said that our spiritual fluid is different, could it be because of the difference in Yin and Yang?"

Lu Qilian frowned, shook the jade box, carefully observed the drop of spiritual liquid with divine power, and said, "Try to see how effective this thing is!"

She took out a jade dragon petal and tried it with the jade dragon flower.

"If it's just my spiritual liquid, it usually takes a thousand drops to turn this petal into a complete Jade Dragon Flower. It is the most mature kind with ten petals," Lu Qilian said.

Chen Xiang said: "We only have four drops, it would be better to try some low-level medicinal herbs!"

Lu Qilian shook her head and said, "After the fusion, it's not just four drops. According to my guess, the effect is at least twenty or thirty times the original, equivalent to about one hundred drops. correct."

In this regard, Lu Qilian has a wealth of experience. She is a woman who built this powerful Hundred Flowers Palace with these spiritual fluids.

Lu Qilian dripped the four-in-one spiritual liquid into the petals placed in the jade box. After dripping on it, a petal quickly emerged next to the root of the petal. As expected by Lu Qilian, this made Lu Qilian was full of excitement.

"As expected, the two of us will join forces and it won't take long for your seed to germinate." Lu Qilian's eyes were full of scorching light: "Don't you have a seed that, after planting it, can lead to a heaven? ? That sky is full of exotic flowers and plants!"

At first, Chen Xiang gave that seed to Lu Qilian, and later Lu Qilian gave it back to him, but Lu Qilian never forgot it.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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