World Defying Dan God

The first thousand six hundred and eighty fifth chapters

Jiang Sheng, Qi Ji and the black robed man seemed to have a good relationship, but Long Xueyi didn't know the black robed man! Long Xueyi sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang, telling him to be careful about this black-robed man.

Chen Xiang looked around and found some footprints, among them the huge footprints he had seen before, but the soil inside these footprints was not black, unlike what he had seen before, which made him I was even more suspicious.

"This is Chen Xiang who made those guys a headache." The black-robed man patted Chen Xiang's shoulder and smiled.

Qi Ji laughed and said to Chen Xiang: "Lao Hei is a very strong guy in the ancient sacred beast realm, even my master has a high opinion of him, don't look at his black face and wear black clothes, in fact, he It's a snow lion that uses the power of ice."

The old black smiled and said, "I'm here this time to explore the Cold Wind Forest in the Forest of Life and see if it can help my cultivation."

"That's it, then let's go in and have a look together." Qi Ji put a hand on Chen Xiang's shoulder: "Would you like to go together? Although you can bring us a lot of trouble, that's exactly what I want, come on. It's been so long here, if you don't fight a fight or two, it's not fun at all."

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I plan to stay in the Purple Leaf Forest for a while, you should go to the Cold Wind Forest first, and I will contact you later!"

After Qi Ji, Jiang Sheng and Chen Xiang said goodbye, they left with the old black.

Although there are holy beasts in the Cold Wind Forest, there are not as many holy beasts as the Purple Leaf Forest outside. The holy beasts outside the Purple Leaf Forest are in groups to satisfy his appetite.

He wanted to find the Evil Emperor outside the Purple Leaf Forest and wanted to kill him. Another reason is that he doesn't understand the mysterious "Old Hei" now. Although Jiang Sheng and Qi Shi have a good relationship with him, they give people a feeling of being unreliable.

"I haven't heard of that old black, but there is definitely a problem. I can be sure that the footprints near Qi Shi are exactly the same as the black footprints we saw, but after he met Qi Shi, he restrained his evil power. "Long Xueyi said: "The power he is using now is definitely not the power of ice!"

Chen Xiang took out a communication jade talisman and sent a message to Qi Ji. As long as the distance was not too far, it could be conveyed. He told Qi Ji of the doubts in his heart and asked Qi Ji to be more careful.

Qi Ji didn't reply, Chen Xiang didn't worry much about him and Jiang Sheng, they were both old antiques, and being reminded by him at this time, he would definitely pay more attention.

Chen Xiang continued to search for the beasts in the Purple Leaf Forest. After encountering Qi Shi and them, he searched for more than three days, and finally found the traces of the beasts. .

Following the footprints on the ground, Chen Xiang would soon be able to keep up with the herd of beasts. There were only fifty or sixty thousand holy beasts in the herd, and they were all leopards with purple spots, running at an extremely fast speed.

"Depending on the situation, it should be to fight. This period may be the period when the herds enjoy the feast." Dongfang Xinyue said.

Soon, Chen Xiang sensed the aura of another beast herd. Judging from that aura, the number and strength were stronger than the group of leopards he was following.

"It's a group of purple tigers, and there are so many!" Chen Xiang exclaimed, in the forest in front, there were all those purple-striped tigers, roaring low, full of murderous aura.

Long Xueyi smiled and said, "There are other guys in the distance!"

Chen Xiang immediately expanded the sensing range, released his soul to look for it, and soon found a group of purple wolves. The number of this group of purple wolves is very large, more than purple leopards and purple tigers combined!

The wolves are some distance away from here,

Even if they want to come over, it will take a while, but it seems that the leopards and tigers here are going to fight. They seem to be waiting for the opportunity to shoot, wanting to annihilate the tigers and leopards in one fell swoop.

"It's started!" Long Xueyi shouted excitedly.

With the roar of the emperors on both sides, the battle between tigers and leopards began. This battle was more cruel and bloody than the battle between pigs and monkeys that Chen Xiang had seen before!

As soon as the war between the two sides began, he released an invisible great formation of forbidden souls to seal all the beast souls that were about to float away, preventing those beast souls from leaving the area.

"The beast souls of these holy beasts are very strong!" Chen Xiang and the other beast emperors moved away, and began to devour a large number of beast souls floating in the air.

"The wolves are here!" Long Xueyi reminded.

Chen Xiang has also been paying attention to the wolves. As he expected, as long as the two sides fight and there are a small number of casualties, the group of purple wolves will come over. The wolves are quite far away from here. It's almost the same as the fight, and it will definitely hurt both sides. The wolves will outflank it, and you can enjoy the feast!

The beast kings of the tiger group and the leopard group are fighting in the distance. After a whole day, the breath gradually weakened. If it continues, one of them will be beheaded, and most of the tiger and leopard group will die and can survive. Most of them are scarred!

At this time, the wolves hiding in the distance finally arrived, and the timing was very accurate!

Sensing the arrival of the wolves, the tiger and leopard two beast emperors reacted, furious in their hearts, and hurried back, but they were blocked by the wolf emperor, and the two beast emperors who were severely injured, even if they joined forces, it would be difficult to defeat the wolf emperor in a short time. .

Chen Xiang hid in the tree hole, and observed the fighting below with his immortal nine days. The tiger and leopard group, which were both lost, were surrounded by a large number of purple wolves and rushed to kill, and most of them died in the blink of an eye. The group of purple wolves were like reincarnations of hungry ghosts. They eat very fast. Although the tiger and leopard are bigger than those purple wolves, the previous battle has consumed a lot of their strength. At this time, they can't resist the violent wolf pack.

Soon, Chen Xiang harvested a lot of beast souls again, but he saw that Zilang didn't die much, and felt a little pity in his heart!

"Go ahead! Kill all these purple wolves!" Long Xueyi said with a smile, "Do you want me to help?"

Chen Xiang's expression suddenly became serious, and he said, "No, I can handle it myself!"

He closed his eyes and started to run the Heaven Refinement Technique. He used this trick to deal with the Hell Demon Army before, but now he can deal with these unsuspecting purple wolves!

"The mantis catching the cicada oriole is behind!" Chen Xiang prepared for a moment, smiled slightly, and saw a huge golden mask suddenly appear, covering all the purple wolves in it.

After feeling the situation, the group of purple wolves howled one after another, calling for their wolf emperor, but to no avail, because an extremely high heat suddenly appeared inside the mask that enveloped them, making the group of purple wolves most of the moment. It melted and turned into bursts of purple energy!

Under Chen Xiang's Heaven Alchemy technique, almost 100,000 purple wolves were instantly smelted, their souls and bodies were fused into energy, and quickly fused into a purple pill.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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