World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1687 Cold Wind Forest

Dongfang Xinyue has a good understanding of this cold wind forest. She has been with Suzaku several times before, and she can tell everyone the situation here in detail.

"There are not as many holy beasts in this Cold Wind Forest as there are in the Ziye Forest outside. The holy beasts here like to act alone. The most terrifying thing is the Xuanhan evil poison. Poisonous beasts, she has to take a detour, worried that she will conflict with those powerful mysterious cold poisonous beasts." Dongfang Xinyue said: "Once entering the cold wind forest, it means that there will be danger at any time, so we are in danger now. among."

Jiang Sheng said: "The mysterious cold poisonous beast that even Suzaku is afraid of, we will definitely not be able to deal with it. At that time, we can only see if this kid who is invulnerable to all poisons can deal with it."

Qi Ji smiled and said, "Even if we can't deal with it, this kid can take us away quickly, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Dongfang Xinyue shook her head: "As the second barrier, Cold Wind Forest is not that simple! If you are not familiar with this place, it will be difficult to find the powerful poisonous beasts hiding in it."

"Most of the Xuanhan poisonous beasts are like ice cubes, without any anger, and it is difficult to sense it. Sometimes even if you stand on his back, it is difficult to find that it is the Xuanhan poisonous beast. Once the Xuanhan poisonous beast attacks, then It is a very powerful mysterious cold evil poison, if you can't resist it, it will be poisoned."

Chen Xiang said: "Is the mysterious cold poisonous beast hiding so well?"

Dongfang Xinyue nodded: "Yes, it's hard to find out, even if you see it with your own eyes and go deep into the investigation, it's hard to find out that it is the mysterious poisonous beast. attacked."

Qi Shi touched his chin: "Is it really that evil?"

"The more powerful Profound Cold Poison Beast will usually release a strange icy power, which can freeze the surrounding space, and then slowly enjoy his feast! Cold Wind Forest and Purple Leaf Forest are the same, both breed a A peculiar power, the peculiar power of the Purple Leaf Forest is that kind of purple energy, you should have all seen it! And the Frost Wind Forest is a peculiar ice-cold power, as well as a large number of mysterious cold evil poisons, holy beasts born here , most of them possess the mysterious cold evil poison."

Chen Xiang frowned, and said a little in shock: "Can you freeze the space? It seems that this second barrier is really not easy! We have to be careful!"

Qi Shi knocked on the wall and asked, "Old Jiangtou, besides being able to keep out the cold, can your broken boat be able to resist poison?"

Jiang Sheng said: "It should be possible, the mysterious cold evil poison is mainly a kind of icy cold, and it mainly uses the extremely cold cold to quickly penetrate into the human body for poisoning. As long as people feel cold, it means poisoning. Now we have In the cold wind forest, do you feel cold?"

Everyone didn't feel the cold, and they felt relieved immediately. Jiang Sheng is a god craftsman after all. He has never died and does not need to be reborn. Although he has been guarding Qi Shi's corpse for many years, this does not mean that his strength has not improved.

Long Xueyi didn't care much, she rarely took action, she would be the first to enter Chen Xiang's You Yao Ring, if Chen Xiang needed her power, she would borrow it, and now she is leisurely eating holy Sydney, looking at the beautiful snow scene outside the window.

The cold wind is icy and snowy. There are also trees here, but not many. They are all big trees that are far apart. I don’t know whether these big trees are dead or alive, and they are covered with thick layers of ice.

"Look, the stone just moved!" The dragon blood who had been looking out the window suddenly shouted.

Jiang Sheng hurriedly stopped the boat, and then everyone leaned to the window and looked at the stone that Long Xueyi pointed to.

The rock was the size of a bed, lying quietly on the ice, not moving like Long Xueyi said.

And looking at the traces around the stone, there is no sign of movement.

"Did you read it wrong?" Qi Ji asked. He used his divine power to investigate just now and found that it was just an ordinary stone, but it was frozen.

Chen Xiang and Jiang Sheng also felt that Long Xueyi had read it wrong, because they had both probed the stone just now and found nothing wrong.

"I didn't read it wrong. The stone really moved just now. If you don't believe me, go take a look. Maybe it's the powerful Xuanhan poisonous beast that Xinyue said." Long Xueyi was very firm that she was not mistaken.

Dongfang Xinyue frowned and said: "It's better to be careful, why don't we go over and take a look? The stone is moving, and we didn't notice it. If it follows us and finds an opportunity to attack, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I'll go out and have a look!" Chen Xiang said, just in case, Qi Shi and Jiang Sheng suggested that Dongfang Xinyue enter Chen Xiang's You Yao Ring, it would be safer inside.

After Dongfang Xinyue and Long Xueyi both entered Youyao Ring, Chen Xiang left the boat and flew to the stone that Long Xueyi questioned.

When he came to this stone, Chen Xiang gave him a ruthless kick with his foot, and the stone suddenly shattered!

Qi Jie said with a smile, "I know that the little greedy longan is flowered, it's just an ordinary stone!"

Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to return to the boat when he saw a white light shot towards the boat, before Chen Xiang could shout, the boat was attacked.

With a bang, the boat was blown away by the powerful force contained in the white light, breaking a huge tree, and the boat was deformed. Qi Ji and Jiang Sheng came out of the boat with ugly expressions on their faces!

Although the boat can withstand severe cold and high temperature, it cannot resist such a strong attack. What is even more terrifying is that this attack actually contains a mysterious cold evil poison!

At the moment when they felt the cold just now, Jiang Sheng and Qi Shi were already poisoned, but they reacted very quickly and hurriedly used the divine power in their bodies to restrain the mysterious cold evil poison!

The white glow shot again, Chen Xiang hurriedly dodged over, took out the Azure Dragon Demon Slayer Sword, and waved it to open it, otherwise Jiang Sheng and Qi Shi would probably be poisoned again.

"Are you all right?" Chen Xiang asked, holding the Qinglong Demon Slayer Saber tightly, using the Immortal Travel Nine Heavens, and flying in the direction of the white light, looking for the hidden poisonous beast of profound cold.

"It's okay, you can't die, you have to be careful, this guy who attacked us is very powerful, the power he hit just now is a very strong divine power, and his strength is not inferior to me!" Qi Jie told Chen Xiang, facing the This kind of low-handed person with powerful power and know how to use the ancient strange poison, Qi Shi and Jiang Sheng can only let Chen Xiang go out, because they are not immune to a hundred poisons.

"Leave it to me, you hide!"

Chen Xiang shouted at the front: "I found you!"

He hurriedly dodged, came to a big tree in front of him, slashed with his knife, released countless sword shadows, and chopped the big tree into pieces.

The moment he chopped down, a white shadow flew out and avoided it!

Chen Xiang now understands Dongfang Xinyue's previous worries, the poisonous beasts in this cold wind forest are really terrifying, with a very powerful concealment technique, their own strength is powerful, and they also control the powerful ancient strange poison like the Xuanhan Evil Poison!

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