World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1690 Space Black Iron (Part 2)

Long Xueyi and Dongfang Xinyue were very much looking forward to Chen Xiang finding those space black irons in the tyrannical space. They all entered the You Yao Ring and waited patiently.

Chen Xiang left the ship, went outside, looked at the place where the ship was staying, remembered the location, and then used the power of space to open a passage into the tyrannical space, this was only a momentary thing.

In the tyrannical space, not only is the space chaotic, but there are also various tyrannical forces, especially the attack formed by the space force. If you are not careful and are attacked by a space shock wave, all parts of the body will be shaken seven times. Scattered, scattered in other places, but not killing people.

Because Chen Xiang has the Space Law Profound Pearl, he has mastered the Space Law, so he will not be affected here. If other people come here, even if they are not driven mad by the tyrannical space power, they will be affected by the kind of space power here. Chaotic space tossing crazy.

In the tyrannical space, there is no exact direction. Sometimes, if you walk forward for a long time, you are still in the same place, and you can move to the right to move a little bit. The direction is very chaotic and changes every moment, so even Jiang Sheng dare not dare. Enter any place like this.

"If you stay here for too long, is there really no problem?" Long Xueyi asked, she just used Divine Travel Nine Heavens to investigate, and all the spirits she released were disconnected. Chen Xiang never came here before. It will be too long, but now she has to come in here looking for something, and she can't help but worry.

"It's alright!" Chen Xiang looked at the pitch-black area around him, activated his divine power, made himself levitate, and began to search for space black iron in it.

It was very dark inside, there was no light at all, and Chen Xiang didn't find any other solid objects. It was as if there was nothing in this tyrannical space.

"It looks so terrifying!" Long Xueyi muttered, "If you can't find it, forget it. I'm worried that you won't be able to go back if you stay here for a long time."

"It's okay, I have a subtle sense of the stable space outside, and I can open a way back at any time through that sense of sense."

Chen Xiang quickened his speed, and with the space laws he mastered, he was able to move forward normally and search for this dark and tyrannical space.

It seems that he has not been affected. In fact, there are often space shocks and chaotic space changes here, but because he masters the laws of space, he is not affected.

"Something is coming!" Chen Xiang suddenly had a very strange feeling, and then he sensed that many solid objects were rapidly charging towards him.

"It's a space storm!"

Chen Xiang was startled, and hurriedly prepared for defense. Soon, he felt that many things hit the space shield he released.

"What's going on?" Long Xueyi asked.

"The sudden storm blew over a lot of things, all of which hit me." Chen Xiang said: "It seems that most of them are rocks!"

Long Xueyi hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up and get those stones in and take a look, maybe it's space black iron?"

Chen Xiang released his powerful divine power, found a relatively large stone, and forced it into the Youyao Ring.

Dongfang Xinyue and Long Xueyi immediately got busy, with Pearl and Kong Bailing helping out!

The stone that Chen Xiang got into the Youyao Ring was really too big, like a hill!

Soon, Dongfang Xinyue shouted in surprise: "There is space black iron in it, but it's just some powder that needs to be refined. Is there much of this kind of stone outside?"

"Really? There are many such stones,

It's like trash being blown everywhere by space storms! "Chen Xiang was overjoyed, and then he chose many huge stones and put them in the Youyao Ring.

Fortunately, the Youyao Ring can hold a lot of things, and he can put so many stones in it.

"In these stones, it may take 100,000 catties to extract one catty of space black iron, so you need to get more of these stones." Dongfang Xinyue said.

"It can only be refined so much?" Chen Xiang was a little surprised, then took out a lot of storage magic treasures and began to sweep the huge stones in this spatial storm.

Long Xueyi said: "These stones should all fall in from a stable space, and then settle here for many years before they gradually contain the power of space, and after continuous collision and natural refinement, they finally form small pieces of space black iron. , it is very likely that it will fall from some space cracks to a stable space, so space black iron is so rare!"

"Well, it's pretty good that Old Jiangtou can collect so much. It's really not easy to be able to drop a naturally refined space iron from here." Chen Xiang said.

Large-scale storage magic treasures that can hold people are difficult to refine, but there are many storage magic treasures used to store and store stones. Chen Xiang carried one billion catties of holy stones in this way, so he had to take it away from here. A lot of stones are not difficult.

In order to obtain these stones quickly, Chen Xiang wanted even the small ones, and swept frantically.

This space storm didn't last very long, only more than two hours, but he had already obtained a lot of stones. According to Dongfang Xinyue's estimation, it was enough to make a very large ship.

"This space storm should happen often, if it's not enough, just come again." Long Xueyi laughed.

"Space storms often occur, but you have to go to the right location. I can only meet with good luck. If I am unlucky, I can't find it for two or three years."

Chen Xiang left the tyrannical space and returned to Jiang Sheng's ship!

Seeing Chen Xiang coming back so soon, Jiang Sheng was a little disappointed, he thought that Chen Xiang would have a show if he came back later.

In the cabin, Chen Xiang's face was full of smiles, Jiang Sheng hurriedly asked: "Have you found those space black irons?"

Long Xueyi came out of the You Yao Ring and threw a watermelon-sized stone to Jiang Sheng: "Maybe this?"

As soon as Jiang Sheng got it in his hand, he hurriedly swept it with his divine power, and immediately nodded: "There is space black iron in it, but the amount is very small, and it needs to be refined, but this is enough, are there a lot of such stones in it? "

Chen Xiang nodded and said: "It's quite a lot, but it's rare to meet..."

He told Jiang Sheng and Qi Shi about the space storm.

"Old Jiangtou, do you want to buy some space black iron?" Long Xueyi smiled and said, "I can ask this little rascal to give you a discount."

Jiang Sheng sighed: "If I could meet Chen Xiang earlier, I wouldn't have to work so hard back then!"

Qi Jie smiled and said, "Chen Xiang, if you want to avoid the Hell Devil Emperor's Tracking Curse, you can enter that tyrannical space. Even if he knows you are inside, those people can't chase in."

"Although I'm not affected by it, it's because I'm in a very vigilant state. If I stay in it for too long, I'll be uncomfortable. I can only dodge temporarily, and can't stay for a long time." Chen Xiang shook his head. If you want him to stay in it for two or three years, and he is constantly vigilant for various emergencies, he will go crazy.

"Let's hurry up and refine something that can let me avoid the Tracking Curse." Chen Xiang said.

"When I go to the Shenhuo Forest, Suzaku can provide me with a good environment, and I will help you refine it, but you have to give me a little space black iron as a reward." Jiang Sheng smiled: "Use those flames in the Shenhuo Forest. Come to refine, it may be faster!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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