World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1771: Supreme Divine Bone

Seeing the appearance of Emperor Mei, Chen Xiang was just a little surprised. He had already learned from Feng Yujie that Emperor Mei was with her at the beginning. At first, he had a good relationship with the Nine Gods King, but he later betrayed the Nine Gods King.

Why did Emperor Mei betray, Chen Xiang still doesn't quite understand, even Feng Yujie, she herself can't explain clearly.

Chen Xiang continued to look at the influence in front of him, only to see one of the god kings waved his hand and signaled Emperor Mei to step back.

At this time, the Nine Gods Kings all spread out their arms, as if they were setting up a barrier. Chen Xiang felt that they must discuss some very important things next.

"Little Jiutou and Big Jiutou, one of them must have been controlled and should have died long ago. Her spiritual body has been swallowed up." said a god king sitting at the top, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Who do you think it is?"

The expressions of the other eight god kings were a little heavy. Obviously, they also knew about it, but they had not yet determined who betrayed them.

Big Jiu and Xiao Jiu are Feng Yujie and Emperor Mei.

"It's Xiao Jiu, even if her performance just now deviates from her character, Da Jiu is very sensible and knows that this conference room cannot be entered, and Xiao Jiu has always followed us here, obviously Eavesdrop on our conversation." Another god king said.

Feng Yujie was the ninth girl, Chen Xiang now knew why Emperor Mei betrayed. It turned out that the Nine Gods King didn't pay attention, Emperor Mei was controlled by the enemy using powerful means, and his original soul had long been wiped out.

"This is not good for our next plan!" The head of the king said: "It's not bad that we can get to this point, and then we have to look at the fortune of Jiutian!"

Another god king nodded and said: "It's time for us to quit, end this boring dispute, and let outstanding creatures shine in this brand new world."

A sturdy looking god king pointed to the jade box on the table and asked, "The chicken ninth girl is no longer her, so there is no need to give her this supreme god bone."

The other god kings nodded.

The Great God King said: "The big nine girl already has the supreme sacred bone, I don't want her to protect this land in the future, I just hope that she can escape the catastrophe and live well, this nine-day world has its own set, his Existence and destruction are not determined by external forces.”

As soon as the Great God King finished speaking, they suddenly stood up.

"Come on, it's time for us to face it!"

Then they swayed, and the backs of their chairs suddenly shot seven rays of light, that is, the Seven Dragon Sacred Sword flew out, and another God King threw out a book, Chen Xiang recognized the book, it was the book that recorded many exercises. The sacred book of the magic door and the formation method.

The Four Signs Divine Soldier was refined based on this divine book!

The image behind was very chaotic, Chen Xiang only saw the Nine Gods King leave in a hurry, and the jade box with the Supreme Divine Bone on the table was not moved.

"Could this be the last conversation between the Nine Gods and Kings? After they finished talking, they went to the Nine Heavens Devil Palace? Where is this place? Is this the legendary Nine Heavens Devil Palace?"

Chen Xiang shuddered, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not. If it was the Nine Heavens Devil Palace, he would definitely face many dangers now.

"What is the Supreme Divine Bone? Feng Yujie also has this thing, it should be very strong!" Chen Xiang walked over and pulled out all the Nine Dragons Holy Sword.

Now he already knows the real function of the Nine Dragons Sword, which is to record the content of the Nine Gods King's meeting here,

But he could only see the last part.

"Let's see what this Supreme Divine Bone is!" Chen Xiang opened the jade box, there were no bones in it, only a mass of silver-white "mud", which looked soft and exuded rays of light.

"This is the Supreme Divine Bone? What exactly is it? It should be stored for many years!" Chen Xiang didn't sense any aura.

He poked it with his finger, and suddenly felt a tingling pain in his finger, as if his finger had been pierced by many needles.

Feeling very painful, he immediately pulled his finger back, only to find that the silver-white mud ball was sucked tightly, and the fellow felt a large amount of blood was rapidly flowing out of the body from the finger.

The sudden occurrence of this kind of thing made him terrified. He originally only thought that it was a bone or something, but who knew it would be so deadly, especially the blood-sucking speed, as if it could suck him dry in a moment.

Just when he wanted to cut off his finger, he suddenly felt something digging into his finger and into his body.

At this time, the pain of the fingers has eased, and he can also feel that something is entering his body, entering his bones, and merging into his bones very fast, and it only spreads all over the body at once.

"What the heck is this?" Chen Xiang looked at his finger, and the cloud of silver-white mud had already penetrated into his body.

No more sucking his blood, no more stinging pain, he was relieved a lot, but then something terrifying happened to him.

On the surface of one of his hands, there was a layer of silver-white things, like a thin layer of ice, wrapping his hand.

At first it was just that hand, but later, it also spread to his whole body, making him unable to move, as if frozen by ice.

Even so, Chen Xiang didn't feel any discomfort, his whole body was covered by this silver-white ice layer, and he stood there dumbfounded.

There are huge changes outside of the body, and the changes inside are not small, Chen Xiang can clearly feel that the bones in his body seem to be shattering little by little, but there is no pain, but after the shattering, they begin to reorganize, like this Repeatedly.

"Could this be the benefit of the Supreme Divine Bone? If I fuse this thing, I will have that Supreme Divine Bone? What exactly is this?" Chen Xiang wanted to know what the Supreme Divine Bone was used for, but he knew that Good stuff for sure.

There are two sets of supreme god bones, which were prepared by the Nine Gods for Feng Yujie and Emperor Mei, but after Emperor Mei was controlled by the enemy, he left one set here, and the other set was fused by Feng Yujie!

"This thing is definitely extraordinary, I'll have to ask Feng Yujie in the future!" Chen Xiang was wrapped in that strange silver-white skin, and he couldn't move. Only his eyes could move, and he passed through the thin skin. , you can see outside.

What shocked him was that he actually saw a burst of red light, and this red light was obviously from those lava fires.

After he fused the Supreme Divine Bone, the palace lost its defensive power and was crushed and shattered by those powerful lava.

"It's over!" Chen Xiang shouted in his heart, he couldn't use any power at this time, and the divine power hidden in the Divine Sea was banned for no apparent reason.

Just when he was very worried, his eyes suddenly turned red, the entire palace was collapsed by lava, and all around him was fiery red lava.

Without using the Fire Dragon Sword and Xuanwu Vajra Armor, and in a place deep in the center of the earth, Chen Xiang thought that he was doomed.

Now that he was wrapped in some lava, he didn't feel any heat. That thin layer of silver-white was so powerful that it could block such heat from entering.

In this way, Chen Xiang continued in this state for a month!

A month later, he suddenly felt that the outer skin was a little loose, and he could move. With a little force, he broke through the silver-white outer shell.

"It's burnt to death!" Chen Xiang shouted in his heart, and then took out the Fire Dragon Sword to let the lava retreat.

Chen Xiang was very pleasantly surprised at this time, because just now, he let him know how terrifying his fleshly body was at this time. He was scalded, and he only felt that his skin was burning.

He immediately took out a set of clothes and put it on, and then carefully looked at the inside of his body and found that all the bones had turned silvery white! It is no longer the purple gold bone it used to be!

"What's going on? Could it be that this Supreme Divine Bone is stronger than the Jade Bone?" Chen Xiang was sure that his skeleton had undergone tremendous changes, and his entire body had become very powerful.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood! He was able to break open the silver-white shell that had wrapped him for a month, not because the shell was ineffective, but because his strength became stronger.

"My physical body has surpassed the level of jade bones, so I can soon become a true god!" Chen Xiang was very excited, as long as he could become a true god, he would be able to go to the realm of gods.

Chen Xiang mobilized the Fire Dragon Sword to let the Fire Dragon Sword release stronger power, so that there was a larger space around him. In this way, it was convenient for him to use the power of space to open the space channel.

"Go back and ask Feng Yujie first, see how Dad is doing now, and then decide whether to go to Dad or not." Chen Xiang opened the space passage, left the center of the earth, and came to the outside of Shenyu Holy Land.

Chen Xiang, who possessed the supreme divine bone, felt a different kind of powerful power. Previously, the powerful power he possessed came from the power in the divine sea, which was assisted by the divine soul, divine personality and divine power. The soul is condensed inside the soul, and at that time he will be able to combine the three and become a true god!

Chen Xiang entered the Shenyu Palace, and after coming here, he realized that Feng Yujie was not here, but went to the Goddess Palace!

By asking the person who is currently in charge of the Shenyu Palace, Chen Xiang learned that in the past month, many temples have descended directly from the realm of the gods, and many of the great power giants who were originally in Ditian have taken refuge in these temples.

Feng Yujie joined the Temple of the Goddess!

"Feng Yujie should be the Goddess of the Nine Heavens, and she also has the Supreme Divine Bone. She should also be a goddess. If she also joins the Temple of the Goddess, Xianxian and Meng'er will also enter the Temple of the Goddess, which may be a good choice. After all, it is inside. It will be very safe, the power of the Temple of the Goddess should not be small in the realm of the gods!"

Chen Xiang knew that if he went to the realm of gods, he would definitely be stared at, because the heavenly refining technique on his body was very eye-catching, and even the God of Wealth decided to take action against him. If Xue Xianxian and the others could join a good temple, this could Make him less worried.

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