World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1788 The news of Qinglong

Chen Xiang didn't speak, he himself didn't want to disturb Yang Yan to watch the dance, he just didn't want this table to be wasted, he thought that if he was eating and drinking on the side, it shouldn't affect Yang Yan.

When everyone saw Chen Xiang like this, they were secretly amazed. They suspected that Chen Xiang knew Yang Yan, but they saw the face of the big man behind Yang Yan. I understand that Yang Yan doesn't know this person.

They thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood one thing, that is, Chen Xiang didn't bother Yang Yan, didn't talk to Yang Yan, he just ate the food that Yang Yan didn't eat, and drank the wine that Yang Yan didn't drink, while Yang Yan didn't drink. He didn't even look at him from beginning to end.

Everyone was waiting patiently, and Chen Xiang was also savoring the delicious dishes on this large table. After he had eaten everything, he licked his lips, leaned on the chair, and crossed his legs to watch the beauties dance on the stage. dancing beautifully.

After the dance, the dancing woman gracefully stepped off the stage, and Yang Yancai asked, "Who are you?"

These two really don't know each other! Everyone secretly scolded themselves for not having the kind of courage to sit next to them, which showed that Yang Yan was testing others.

"The dish just now was too cold. Although the taste was good, I wasn't satisfied, and the wine was not very good! Young Master Yang, it's not right for you to entertain friends like this. I just didn't want you to throw away a table of cold dishes, so I just felt aggrieved. Eat and drink your own stomach." Chen Xiang grinned: "Now you should treat me with a hot table of delicious dishes!"

Yang Yan smiled: "Yes, it is indeed my fault to entertain friends with cold dishes!"

Soon, there was another table of dishes on the table, steaming hot.

This time, Yang Yan raised the wine glass and drank with Chen Xiang while eating, but Chen Xiang still did not tell Yang Yan his identity.

Although Yang Yan's strength was very strong, Chen Xiang suspected that he was already a Profound God, but he still couldn't recognize him. He was very satisfied with his transformation technique.

"Brother, where are you from?" Yang Yan asked.

"I just came over from the Devil Execution Temple. That place is too noisy. Those monsters are fighting outside all day." Chen Xiang chewed a lot of vegetables, pointed at the vegetables on the table with his chopsticks, and shouted Said: "Hurry up and eat fast, you're welcome!"

This kind of anti-customer-oriented guy made everyone look at him and curse, but Yang Yan didn't have a seizure. Obviously, Chen Xiang's personality made him appreciate it.

At this time, some people came up to give gifts one after another, but this was all for the big man to handle. If he needed any help, he also let the big man write down. If he couldn't help, he would let the big man return the gift.

"The Temple of Execution of Demons was besieged by monsters. At this time, I heard a little bit. It should be the monsters brought in by the Devil Emperor. The Temple of Hell and the Temple of Devil Execution have always been incompatible. The temple has such a powerful strength, and the second batch of disciples of the Devil Execution God all appeared, they are a group of nameless gods, and their strength is very powerful!"

"And the first batch of disciples of the Devil Execution God is even more mysterious! In the realm of gods, many people believe that the God of Wealth is the most powerful, because the four disciples are all called the little God of Wealth, and they are also powerful gods! Rich, that's why it gives people this illusion."

"Actually, the hidden strength of the Devil Execution Temple is even more terrifying! The third batch of disciples of the Devil Execution God is all high-ranking Profound Gods, and it won't take long for them to become gods. The overall strength of the Devil Execution Temple will increase many times."

Everyone nodded again and again. Although the second batch of disciples in the Temple of Devil Execution was not a secret, many people knew that they were in the Temple of Devil Execution, but this time they were all dispatched to defend against those terrifying blood monsters, and they had already killed a lot of them. Cheng is another divine city that is slightly weaker,

I am afraid it has already fallen.

Yang Yan continued: "It's just because of the constraints of the temples, so the Temple of Demon Execution does not dare to break the rules set by the temples, otherwise the Temple of Demon Execution would have already attacked the Temple of Hell!"

"Now the strength of the Hell Devil Emperor has been gradually weakened, because he has been controlling the Nine Heavens World before, causing large-scale deaths in the Nine Heavens World, thereby obtaining a large number of dead souls and gaining powerful strength! Now the Nine Heavens World has been taken over by the temples, The Hell Devil Emperor can no longer do anything wrong, so the Hell Devil Emperor will take further actions in the future."

Chen Xiang said: "The Hell Temple has been able to fight against the Devil Execution Temple for so many years, so it should have a certain strength! And if the Hell Devil Emperor wants to act, he must break the rules set by the temples and let him come from hell to the realm of gods and gods. dominate."

"But in doing so, the temples of the gods will definitely join forces to deal with him, so he only has one day left to find the strength to support him in the temples of the gods! I heard that the temple of the god of war, the temple of fire and the temple of wealth have all cooperated with him before. ."

These temples are one of the most powerful temples in the temples. If you can get the support of these temples, it is not difficult to conquer half the world of gods.

Yang Yan didn't speak, because he was a member of the God of Wealth Temple, and in his heart he didn't want to be with the Temple of Hell. He waved his hand and signaled the big man to invite him away.

Soon, only Chen Xiang and Yang Yan were left here.

"Who the hell are you?" Yang Yan felt that Chen Xiang was very unusual.

"Chen Xiang!" Chen Xiang grinned: "I didn't recognize it!"

While talking and laughing, Chen Xiang changed back to his own appearance, which made Yang Yan scolded with a smile.

"I knew I would see you again, but I didn't expect to meet you again, so I had a drink with you inexplicably." Yang Yan smiled and said, "It has been more than five thousand years, and you have entered the realm of gods so quickly. And it seems to be doing well, and even got rid of the Hell Demon Emperor's tracking curse."

"I don't have more than five thousand years." Chen Xiang smiled wryly, and then briefly explained the matter, which made Yang Yan even more admired.

Chen Xiang said: "Brother Yang, what happened to Qinglong after I left? I know that he killed those mysterious gods."

Yang Yan sighed: "He killed all those mysterious gods, but because of this, he was thrown into hell with his body. He stayed in hell for more than 4,000 years, and was suddenly brought back to the prison of gods. It is said that hell was killed by him. The tossing is not light, and now his strength has become more terrifying, and he is imprisoned in the disaster star of No. 4 to No. 9."

"Then can he come out?"

Qinglong is powerful, which is a good thing for Chen Xiang, but it is not easy to get Qinglong out!

"Yes, but it needs a lot of god money, it should be tens of billions of god money! This is not easy to do, even Yaoshen can't get that much at once." Yang Yan said: "The prisoners in the fourth to the ninth disaster star , this is the price!"

Chen Xiang now not only wants to save Qinglong, but also Wang Jinshi's sword god father! Add up to 20 billion god money!

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