World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1790 Magic Sun Forest

The Seven Demon Punishing Forms are indeed as powerful as the Demon Punishing God said! However, it is very difficult to learn, and now that Chen Xiang has comprehended a little, he can clearly feel the horror of the Seven Demon Slayers.

For example, just now, when he punched, he used the time and power changes together. The powerful power had already appeared and destroyed the house, but because the speed was too fast, the power was invisible, so the house collapsed long ago. It just fell down after a while.

This is also the reason why Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang didn't feel any signs, because the house was destroyed long ago, but the speed of destruction was too fast, and it cooperated well with the power, so it was too late for the house to fall!

In other words, Chen Xiang's power has exceeded the original time rules!

Without the use of divine power, just physical power, it is possible to display the power of the rules slightly, which is why Chen Xiang marvels at the power of the Seven Demon Slayers.

"What's going on?" Xiao Chou couldn't understand. It was fine before, but in a blink of an eye, the house collapsed like this. Even if it was destroyed by a very powerful force, there would be a process of destruction. Although it was also very short-lived, At least you can see what the house is broken into.

And when Chen Xiang destroyed this house, there was no process. In an instant, the house turned into pieces and appeared on the ground, not even the process of falling and cracking. Just like a person who was a child the moment before, became an adult in the blink of an eye, and then became an old man again.

Now Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang's experience is like this, they feel that they have not experienced the period of time when the house collapsed, and that period of time has been lost!

"Master, hurry up, stop laughing!" Xiao Chou couldn't even think of his bald head.

"That's a technique I just learned. It can change the operation of time a little... This is changed under the influence of power, and the change of time can also make the power stronger." Chen Xiang said with a smile, Now he is looking forward to the Seven Demon Slayers and the five changes after the first one.

Xiao Chou was amazed again and again and asked, "How amazing, can you teach me?"

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I'm afraid you won't be able to learn it!"

Tai Qiang suddenly lowered his voice and said, "Is this from the Seven Demon Slayers?"

Chen Xiang nodded!

Xiao Chou seems to have also heard the Seven Demon Punishing Forms, so at this time he is downcast.

"It turned out to be the Seven Demon Slayers, you will do it so soon?" Tai Qiang was shocked: "I saw a little bit, but I was completely confused, even my master and nine uncles didn't understand it. "

And not long after Chen Xiang joined the Devil Execution Temple, he was able to display such a strange power through the Seven Ways of Devil Execution.

Chen Xiang made a "shush" gesture, indicating that he and Xiao Chou kept it a secret.

"What about this house? This is rented by Lao Tai!" Xiao Chou said.

"It's just rebuilding, it's not worth a few dollars, it's not destroying this place." Tai Qiang said, he now admires Chen Xiang even more.

"Let's go, it's almost three days, let's go to the Demon Execution Temple to gather and see what to announce." Xiao Chou said.

Chen Xiang and the other three walked quickly to the twentieth floor of the Devil Slayer Temple. Many people had already come here, Wang Jinshi and Yuan Baibing were also here, and then the other gods of war came one after another. It didn't take long for all the teams to arrive.

What disappointed everyone was that they didn't see the ten second batch of disciples, they were all powerful gods! And the Devil Slayer did not appear.

"I'll make a long story short, I called you here today to say good news!" Ren Tianyong said with a smile: "Everyone should already know,

We are going to fight back against the Hell Temple next. According to the latest information, the Hell Temple has raised a group of monsters in Moyang Valley, and they have combined various monsters and are very powerful. "

"Nowadays, there have been many such monsters in the Magic Yang Forest outside the Magic Yang Valley, and now we can deal with these monsters in an open and honest way!"

Ren Tianyong took out a black crystal and continued: "As long as you can get this kind of crystal, you can get extra points when you come back, ten thousand points per pound, and a low-grade artifact worth 500,000 god money, 100,000 points. You can get a mid-grade artifact worth five million!"

"What about a million points?" The fifth man asked with a smile.

"High-quality artifacts! As long as you can get them, you are guaranteed to have them!" Ren Tianyong said with a smile: "Everyone, this time is an activity to give away artifacts, because those monsters are easy to kill, but everyone still needs to be careful, as long as they are outside the Moyang Valley. The forest is underway, don't enter the Magic Sun Valley unless your team has a God of War."

Everyone was excited when they heard that there was a chance to get a mid-grade artifact.

"Let's start now, don't worry if the Hell Temple sends the God of War to stop you. Our gods are already there waiting for them. If they dare to hinder us from clearing the demons, then we can kill them in an upright manner."

Everyone immediately left the Demon Execution Temple and ran to the teleportation formation.

"Little Junior Brother, there are only three people in your team, which is quite a disadvantage. If you don't join my team, I am the God of War, and my team also has several mysterious gods. We can enter the Devil's Sun Valley, and we can get more in it. There are so many crystals." Wang Jinshi transmitted voice transmission to Chen Xiang.

"No need! Tai Qiang and Xiao Chou are both my friends. I'm with them, so don't worry about revealing too much!" Although Chen Xiang lifted the tracking curse, in order to avoid revealing too many things, he still planned to keep concealing it. identity.

"Well then, you have to be more careful!"

Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang were both fantasizing about which mid-grade artifact to choose!

"Let's go quickly, didn't you see that group of guys wanting to be reborn as a hungry ghost? It's probably too late to have even hair." Chen Xiang patted the two of them on the shoulders.

Chen Xiang didn't know about the Devil's Sun Valley, but Tai Qiang knew that it would take a while to get to the Devil's Sun Valley, first teleport to a small divine city, and then walk from the divine city.

If you have a powerful artifact, you can get there at a very fast speed. For example, the Qinglong cloak of Qinglong, the speed is very fast.

"These bastards all have this kind of flying artifact." After Xiao Chou walked out of the city, he saw many people riding large flying artifacts and quickly flying to the Demonic Sun Forest.

Tai Qiang and Xiao Chou originally wanted to catch up, but they were held back by Chen Xiang.

"When they're gone, let's go again, come with me!"

Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang could only trust Chen Xiang, and followed Chen Xiang to the side of a hill, only to see Chen Xiang opening a space passage.

"I almost forgot that Master had this trick, haha!" Xiao Chou laughed excitedly.

Afterwards, the three of them stepped into the space passage together. When Chen Xiang came, he had already learned the direction from Tai Qiang.

"It hasn't arrived yet, but it should be soon!" Tai Qiang took out a divine plate to determine where he was at this time.

Chen Xiang continued to open the door of space. After several times in a row, they came to the top of a big mountain, and in front of them was an endless forest. This forest was rather strange, and the leaves were all black. The trees grew tall, with luxuriant branches and leaves, densely packed together. The strong wind blew and the leaves swayed, and it looked like the black sea water was floating.

"This is the Moyang Forest, and the Moyang Valley is at the end of the forest, it's still far away!" Tai Qiang said.

Xiao Chou saw a huge frisbee in the distance, Yuan Baibing jumped down from it with dozens of people, pouted and said, "It seems that we are not the first batch to come here, these two uncles are craft refiners themselves, he What are you robbing yourself!"

"Of course he bought it for sale. This guy is very short of money! The Frisbee he used is really good, and it flew there so quickly." Tai Qiang said.

Just as Chen Xiang and the others were watching the Moyang Forest, many flying artifacts arrived one after another from behind, flew over the forest, and then jumped into the forest one after another.

"Let's go!" Tai Qiang flew into the sky and flew in a direction where no one was going.

The three of them, Chen Xiang, had just entered the forest, and the jade plaques suddenly vibrated. This was an urgent communication from Ren Tianyong.

"The Temple of Hell has also sent people. When the time comes, you may encounter people from the Temple of Hell. Just kill them! If you can't beat them, you have to escape, don't fight hard."

After listening to Xiao Chou, he said, "Can you add points for killing the disciples of the Hell Temple!"

"It shouldn't. Master, he didn't say that, because we don't fight recklessly." Tai Qiang said, "Let's be careful then."

Chen Xiang is now a true god, Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang don't know, so they all walk in the front, and from time to time tell Chen Xiang to be careful.

"Although I came to the realm of gods, I didn't learn the easy-to-use devil-killing magic, but I have also learned some powerful devil-suppressing magic before, and I can also use the devil-killing gang, which is enough for me to deal with guys who cultivate the power of the devil. "Chen Xiang said: "Don't underestimate me!"

"Come on, master! Your seven-style slaughtering demons are still half-baked. The ones you learned before can't be used to deal with the demons in this realm of gods."

Xiao Chou held a spear and walked at the front. Tai Qiang used the big scissors in his hand to cut off some magic flowers that would bite people from time to time.

"Someone!" Chen Xiang suddenly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang: "Just behind the tree in front, this guy is very clever at hiding, I almost didn't find it!"

The space perception field released by Chen Xiang covers a very wide range. All objects in his space perception field will appear in his mind, so even if the hiding person is hidden, as long as he and Chen Xiang are in the same place There is no hiding in space.

"Really? Why didn't we find it." Xiao Chou was shocked, he and Tai Qiang thought their sensing ability was good, but Chen Xiang now told them the location, they searched with divine power and couldn't find it.

"Keep going, don't disturb that guy! He wants to plot against us, we will do it, and then we will surprise you!" Chen Xiang sent a voice transmission to Xiao Chou and Tai Qiang, telling them not to stop.

Chen Xiang sensed that the hiding person was not very strong. He was at the same level as Xiao Chou Taiqiang. As long as Xiao Chou and Taiqiang knew in advance that there was an ambush there, they would be able to fight, so Chen Xiang was not too worried. plan to start.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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