World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1801 bred Emmanuel

Chen Xiang used the power of his natal supernatural powers to release the fire of creation to concoct pills, which could ensure the quality of his pills. If this flame is combined with the spiritual liquid released by his practice of life and death, he can generate more medicinal spirits. , which can make the quality of the medicinal pills higher.

At this time, all the alchemists were concentrating on alchemy. To refine the holy pills that produced spiritual light, it generally required five medicinal materials, and only one pill was refined, which was a test of the level of the alchemists.

For Chen Xiang, only one piece of five medicinal materials was refined, no matter how good the quality of Spiritual Light Sacred Pill was, it would be a waste. If one piece of medicinal material was refined, it would be of great value.

According to what those alchemists said just now, the quality of the Spiritual Light Pill is ten times higher than the superior quality, and the price is ten times more expensive. With five medicinal materials, Chen Xiang can refine fifteen Dragon Blood Pills. .

"What are these alchemists doing? Don't they care about the loss of so many medicinal auras?" Chen Xiang was surprised, because at this time, the battlefield was covered with a strong medicinal fragrance and all kinds of medicinal auras. come together.

These medicinal auras float out from the pill furnaces of many alchemists. One pill furnace is filled with five medicinal materials, and if they are refined at the same time, if the control power is not enough, only some medicinal spirits can be released to ensure that the inside of the pill furnace is guaranteed. stability, which is also a helpless move.

In contrast, those few well-known titled Pill Saints are different. Although they lose a lot of medicinal aura when they concoct pills, they don't have that much.

In Chen Xiang's eyes, the medicinal spirits floating in the sky are like pills. If he hadn't been competing now, he would definitely have taken them all, and then refined them into pills.

"It's about to condense pills, let me try it!" Chen Xiang's pill furnace had already appeared three groups of air groups that were gradually shrinking. Just when these three groups of cyclones were about to converge into pills, he immediately controlled these three groups of cyclones to collide together. , to bring them together.

But this did not go as he wished. The three cyclones collided violently, producing a very strong explosion!

With a bang, there was a dull loud noise in the pill furnace, and the lid of the pill furnace was blown up, and was rushed into the sky by the violent energy inside the pill furnace.

The failed Dragon Blood Pill turned into a very thick blood mist, floating in the air like blood, looking very coquettish and poignant, like a dangling stream slowly floating.

"It turned out to be fried!"

Although Chen Xiang had blown the furnace, there were only a few alchemists who laughed at him at this time, because not long after the beginning, Chen Xiang was able to refine the blood dragon ginseng to this level. With them, they simply can't do it.

According to the blood dragon ginseng medicinal aura emerging from the pill furnace, at least two dragon blood holy pills can be condensed with this level of medicinal aura.

For a Pill Saint who only has the strength of a true god, this is very rare.

Chen Xiang immediately released his divine power, wrapped the gushing medicinal aura, put it in the pill furnace, then closed the lid, put in the blood dragon ginseng, and continued refining.

"What is this guy doing? Does he want to use the least amount of medicinal ingredients to make the Holy Pill of Spiritual Light?"

"Before, he didn't seem to have alchemy yet, and he didn't even spill out a bit of flame and medicinal aura, but I didn't expect him to refine the blood dragon ginseng to such a level! And he still used a broken pill furnace!"

The alchemists present had already seen that Chen Xiang had two brushes, but they thought that Chen Xiang had not practiced for a long time, and in such a short period of time, he would definitely not be able to refine the Holy Pill of Spiritual Light.

At the moment when the furnace was blown up just now, Chen Xiang sensed what was produced by the collision of the three air masses.

He thought it was the so-called "aura", but he couldn't control it well, so he didn't quell the aura at the moment of birth, so he blew the furnace.

"At the moment of condensing the pill, controlling the air masses that are about to transform into pills collide with each other, and that kind of aura can be produced!" Chen Xiang accelerated his speed, refined enough medicinal aura, and prepared to condense pills.

This time, there were already five cyclones in the pill furnace. Although he failed before, he was able to take in the lost medicinal aura in time without causing much loss.

The five groups of cyclones gradually contracted, and at the moment when they were about to turn into pills, he immediately controlled the air groups to collide with each other!

The pill furnace was shocked again, and there was a louder sound, and he blew the furnace again!

But this time he controlled it very well. Although the furnace was fried, the lid did not fly up, and the medicinal aura inside did not leak out.

Seeing Chen Xiang fail again, many alchemists were gloating over the misfortune. In their eyes, it was absolutely impossible to refine the holy elixir of spiritual light in such a short period of time.

Chen Xiang looked inside the pill furnace and was overjoyed.

"This is the aura medicinal energy. No wonder it needs multiple medicinal materials to be refined together, so that there will be more aura medicinal energy produced by the collision."

Originally, after the blood dragon ginseng was refined, it was a blood-red medicinal gas, but at this time, the medicinal gas in the pill furnace had a faint golden haze, which was aura.

"This is enough to condense two spiritual light holy pills! If you continue to collide, I don't know what will happen!" If it wasn't for this alchemy competition, Chen Xiang would not have known the existence of spiritual light holy pills so quickly.

Next, Chen Xiang did something incomprehensible, he threw the rest of the blood dragon ginseng into the pill furnace, that is to say, if he failed, there would be no chance.

For his current strength, refining eight medicinal materials in one pill furnace at the same time is not difficult, and in his opinion it is also a new challenge.

He sealed the aura of the aura that he smelted before, and did not intersect with the blood dragon medicinal aura that was just smelted now.

At the same time, he smelted eight medicinal materials. After smelting, he had to fuse them into a ball. The difficulty was more than ten times higher than before, so he had to slow down.

Five days have passed, and some alchemists have opened the lid of the pill furnace on the battlefield. Many alchemists shook their heads and sighed, because none of them had refined holy pills with spiritual light. These all failed in the middle, and they did not open the pill furnace. All of the alchemists are progressing relatively smoothly, and they are very hopeful to refine the Holy Pill of Spiritual Light.

And Chen Xiang didn't open the lid of the pill stove. In the past five days, his pill stove has been very problematic, because he controlled it very well and didn't exude a trace of power, so no one knew what happened inside his pill stove.

For those gods in the auditorium, these five days are not very long. They usually practice cultivation, ranging from a few years to tens of thousands of years, so they can also wait patiently for the results.

"Ready to start!"

Chen Xiang took a slow breath and prepared to condense the pill. The medicinal aura in the pill furnace had already been divided into eight groups by him. When it was about to condense into pills, he had to control these air groups to collide and fuse at the fastest speed. Together, they can be born with inspiration.

"Fortunately, it is a divine furnace. If it was my previous Yanlong treasure furnace, it would definitely be blown to pieces." The explosive power of the collision of multiple groups of medicinal aura cannot be suppressed by him with divine power. Most of the momentum.

Soon, Chen Xiang began to perform aura shock. Eight cyclones inside the pill furnace shot towards a point like light, the distance and speed were the same, and these cyclones themselves were gaseous, so that instant collision, as long as Violent enough, they melt together and create a wave of air.


Chen Xiang's pill furnace made another loud noise, and all the alchemists immediately looked over, because this time there was a lot of movement. Although there was no breath, the kind of shock transmitted from the pill furnace made people jump. It seemed like it would burst and explode at any moment.

Chen Xiang was also in a cold sweat at this time, just now he felt that the pill furnace was blown to pieces, he didn't know how other pill alchemists did it, and he was so gentle, there would not be such a big movement from him.

Although he was rude and savage when he conceived the spiritual light, the effect was very good. At this time, the strong spiritual light medicinal energy in the pill furnace made him happy.

"I really didn't expect that this kind of refining method can actually increase the spiritual energy out of thin air, and the quality is very good. It is estimated that this amount can condense fifteen pills."

Chen Xiang checked the pill furnace, and after there was nothing serious, he began to release a lot of divine power to carry out the final steps.

"Second, there's nothing wrong with the pill furnace you gave him, it's been blown up three times." Wang Jinshi was very curious about what Chen Xiang was doing. Although it exploded, Chen Xiang looked fine.

"Although this pill furnace is very bad, it is still very strong. It will not be easily smashed when refining low-grade holy pills. As for the rest, I don't know."

Xiao Chou said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, my master is an alchemy genius, he will definitely make that spiritual light holy elixir."

As for Xiao Chou's words, they didn't really believe the Devil Slayer God, because they had never seen Chen Xiang's magical alchemy technique.

Chen Xiang had already divided the light golden aura of blood dragon medicinal energy into fifteen groups, everything went smoothly, it only needed to condense into pills.

"No, this Spiritual Light Holy Pill is not so secure when condensing it."

Chen Xiang tried it a little, and wanted to compress those cyclones into pills, but he knew that a strong repulsive force would be generated. If they were to be forced together, they would definitely need very strong divine power, and they had to do it carefully.

"Tai Chi Refinement!" Chen Xiang released a Tai Chi chart formation under each small cyclone.

If he didn't do this, he would not be able to continue at all, because he used a very strong divine power, and he could not continue to compress.

Now that the Taiji diagram has been added for restraint and confinement, it is still very difficult, but it can continue, but it will take a long time to suppress.

"You have to take it slow!" Chen Xiang let out a long sigh, but the pill furnace shook at this moment.

"Oops, is it going to crack?"

Cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the pill furnace, showing how powerful the energy generated when fifteen spiritual light holy pills were condensed.

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