World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1815 Space Breakthrough

In front of it was a mountain range shrouded in dense fog. Wang Jinshi took out the jade board with the map on it and said, "The nearest bead is here, so it should also be the most dangerous place."

Chen Xiang said with a bit of depression: "My strength is so weak, I can't help you at all when I come here, and it will drag you down."

If the space here was not blocked, even if Chen Xiang couldn't be of much help, at least it wouldn't be a drag on Wang Jinshi.

"Okay, don't blame yourself! Although you can't play any role, you can accompany me, and the master asked you to come, maybe just to open your eyes." Wang Jinshi gently touched Chen Xiang's head, Like soothing a child, this made Wang Jinshi smile even sweeter.

The more Wang Jinshi said this, the more regretful Chen Xiang felt. For the first time, he felt that he was a burden, although this was forgivable.

"Leave it all to me, I have passed the four-stage God of War trial, and even I can handle it easily." Wang Jinshi looked ahead. Although she was smiling now, she was on guard around her.

"It's definitely not that easy! This is not the God of War trial, but a comparison of millions of years. Although the temple master said it was easy, I don't believe his nonsense." Chen Xiang said.

As soon as the Frisbee entered the thick fog, Wang Jinshi stood up and frowned: "Be careful, I feel that there are many terrible things hidden in here."

Chen Xiang also immediately became vigilant, looked around silently, released his soul and went out.

Wang Jinshi, who used to talk and laugh, suddenly became so serious, and knew that the situation here was very unusual.

Long Xueyi sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang: "Don't you think that you can break through the power of the laws of space again? You have now come to the realm of gods, the space here is originally different from the Nine Heavens World, and there are many large divine cities here. There are super god formations in the forbidden space, your space law is too weak, and it is useless in this kind of place."

"I think it's time for you to try to break through the comprehension of the laws of space. Now is a good time!"

Chen Xiang looked at Wang Jinshi's back, now he can only trust Wang Jinshi to protect him, in this kind of place, even if he wants to escape, it is useless, just like facing Qinglong back then, he has no strength to fight back.

He integrated the Space Law Profound Bead, but it only allowed him to use the rules of space and use the power of space to break through the limitations of space.

As for the specific use of space power, he still needs to comprehend it himself in order to break through more restrictions.

Chen Xiang began to comprehend the laws of space, he felt that his body was a little cold, and he immediately understood that this was Wang Jinshi's use of her natural power to freeze him, which was equivalent to protecting him.

"This divine power of destiny should be her strongest power, but now it is used to protect me, and it will weaken her a lot." Chen Xiang, who was frozen in ice, felt the tremors all around him, it was obviously Wang Jinshi is fighting.

"She's fighting with a few guys. Senior Sister you is really strong. The guys she's facing are much stronger than the Qinglong we met back then, but she can handle it herself." Long Xue Yi did not expect this Wang Jinshi to be so powerful.

Wang Jinshi was being besieged outside, and there was no one who could rescue him now. It could be said that it was more dangerous, and Chen Xiang was frozen again.

Chen Xiang, who was in a hurry at first, suddenly became quiet, because he knew very well that the more anxious he was, the more useless he was. Now all he has to do is to calm down quickly and fully understand the power of the laws of space.

"The restrictions here are somewhat the same as those in the Divine Prison.

They are all blessed with a layer of time formation to disturb the balance of space and time here! The space power I use is the time outside, so when I come to a place where time is disordered, and the space is blocked, it is difficult for my space power to be used. "

"If I want to break through this ban, I must master the law of time like Qinglong!"

"It seems that now I can only try it with the time change in the Seven Demon Slayers, plus the time refinement in the technique of heaven refinement to see if there is a breakthrough in the mastery of time!"

Chen Xiang already has some eyes on him, he doesn't need to control time, and he doesn't need to use the power of time. As long as he can understand the law of time movement where he is, he can cooperate with his space power and use the power of space law. The operation can break through the space.

"I still have to strengthen my space law power. This kind of place should be arranged by many temples and gods. My space law power is too weak. Even if I can master the law of time operation here, I can't use space law power to break through here. Space confinement."

Chen Xiang calmed down and began to combine the Heaven Alchemy Technique and the Seven Demon Slayers to familiarize himself with the time and time movement here. As long as he can capture the chaotic time changes here, he may combine the power of space to break through the space ban here. .

Shen Xiang, who was immersed in comprehension, didn't notice the passage of time, even if it was outside interference, he couldn't wake him up. His current state is also the best cultivation state.

Chen Xiang only felt that he was lying in the darkness, and there were many floating black ribbon-shaped energies under him, which he could not see, but he could feel it.

"Although I have integrated the Space Law Profound Bead, I have never understood what kind of power space power is. It just allows me to break through the rules of space at will, and use space power to make unnatural space changes, such as space separation. Fetching, teleporting, teleporting! But is this really the real use of space power?"

"It should be, but it is not all the space power uses. There should be a lot waiting for me to explore."

The frozen Chen Xiang, in the process of comprehension, has gradually developed his eyes, and unconsciously, the power of the space law he used has become stronger.

"How's it going?" Chen Xiang suddenly woke up. As for whether he can break through the space ban here, he is not sure yet, he just wants to try it.

"You have slept for more than ten days, this woman is running around with you, fighting everywhere. She has killed dozens of groups of villains who blocked her, and she is still fighting outside. She has never rested! The strength of the four-stage God of War is really terrifying. , it shouldn't take long for her to become a god." Long Xueyi said, "She should be able to go to the trial ground for the fifth stage of the god of war."

"How are you? It seems that you are in good shape, you should have gained something!"

Chen Xiang did gain something, but now he doesn't know how, he wanted to try it out, and when he learned that Wang Jinshi hadn't survived the ten-day fight, he felt very sorry in his heart.

He used Divine Travel for Nine Heavens, covering the surrounding area with divine power, and soon found Wang Jinshi, who was using her already weak ice-cold divine power to fight against five red-robed old men.

"Senior sister, I'll try to see if I can move you to my side, wait for you to sense my space power, just don't resist. If it succeeds, you can quickly take back the power that has frozen me, and then I Use the power of space to take you away."

As soon as Wang Jinshi heard Chen Xiang's voice transmission, she sensed Chen Xiang's spatial power, which surprised her.

Chen Xiang did not expect that he would succeed, and when his mind changed, Wang Jinshi appeared beside him.

Wang Jinshi immediately put away his natal supernatural powers, Chen Xiang hurriedly grabbed her, performed teleportation, and at the same time released a space domain, allowing him and Wang Jinshi to create a power of separation from this space, although they were still walking around in this space , but has nothing to do with this space.

In this way, their breath can be completely hidden and will not be discovered!

If he was outside, Chen Xiang could easily do it, but in the Divine Prison and here, he couldn't do it. Now that he has made a breakthrough, he can do it.

"Senior sister, you're very tired!" Chen Xiang saw Wang Jin Shixiang dripping with sweat, her face was a little pale, and she fiddled with the messy hair on her forehead with a distressed expression.

"It's okay, you are powerful enough. You can break through the ban in such a space where the ban is deadly. My master said back then that even a god would have a hard time doing it." Wang Jinshi could finally take a breath. He took out a pill and ate it, and that beautiful face regained a trace of blood.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. How can I bear to see a beautiful woman take her life to protect me." Chen Xiang smiled and said, "Now that we are safe, we can go directly to take those beads! There are ten more. Seven days, right, enough for us to take five beads."

Wang Jinshi also feels very safe in Chen Xiang's space domain. This space is independent, only she and Chen Xiang are the two of them. Even if they speak loudly here, as long as they are outside the domain, they will not be able to hear unless Chen Xiang Control the sound to go out.

"Senior sister, I have another idea!" Chen Xiang smiled slyly: "The villains here are all Profound Gods, and they are still quite strong, and their godheads... Hehe, you know what I mean!"

"No, those guys have imprints in their godheads, and those imprints are left by the punishment gods. If you get those godheads, you will definitely be tracked by the punishment gods." Wang Jinshi hurriedly shook his head: "So, come in for the trial. I don't dare to take away those godheads at all, otherwise, the gods will be punished and thrown into the prison of gods."

"Don't worry, I will wrap the godhead with a layer of space film, he won't be able to track it, even if the Hell Demon Emperor casts a tracking spell on me, I'm not afraid of being chased by him, my current power of space is Very powerful." Chen Xiang was very confident about this, he whispered: "Senior sister, if you want to get your father out of the prison, a lot of god money is necessary."

Wang Jinshi nodded: "Little madman, I'll give it up this time, go crazy with you once, get those beads, and we'll go hunt for the godhead!"

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