World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1835: Suspicion of price increases

Seeing that Long Xueyi and Chen Xiang were confused about why she said that, Lu Qilian explained: "The main thing is not to be on guard against the Goddess Palace, but to guard against the Alchemy God in the Goddess Palace! Chen Xiang, you practice the technique of Heaven Alchemy, as long as It's the Alchemy God, and they all want to get this magic, so it's essential to be defensive."

Chen Xiang nodded and said, "I'd better not reveal it before I figure out what that Pill God's character is like, so I can't contact Feng Yujie now, right?"

Lu Qilian shook her head and said, "No, you have to find a way to communicate with Feng Yujie secretly, only she knows exactly what the alchemist is like! I think it's a little strange that the alchemist suddenly appeared here, because I heard that this alchemist took his daughter I've been here for many years, and I haven't been here many times."

Chen Xiang didn't know about this Alchemy God, he only knew that Ye Qin was his daughter, and this Alchemy God seemed to have an ambiguous relationship with the Hall Master of the Goddess Hall.

"Could Ye Qin be the daughter of this Alchemist and the Goddess Hall Master?" Chen Xiang just listened to what the black-clothed old man said.

"No, the hall master of the Goddess Hall can't have children and partners, so this is impossible! Feng Yujie and I talked about some things about the Goddess Hall before, so this is just a rumor, but I doubt this Pill God and the Goddess Hall's hall master The relationship is not shallow, it may be a family relationship."

Because Feng Yujie wanted to invite Lu Qilian to join the Goddess Hall before, Lu Qilian also took the opportunity to ask a lot about the Goddess Hall, so she knew more about these things.

Lv Qilian said: "Let me contact Feng Yujie, you and Xueyi will go to find cheap and cheap middle-grade holy medicine and high-grade holy medicine."

Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi nodded, left the house, and then split into two paths, going to those medicine pill shops alone to inquire about the market, and to see that there were no cheap middle-grade holy medicines.

The spirit beads that Chen Xiang and Lu Qilian cultivated together can make the medicinal materials of extremely poor quality become high quality, so it can save them a lot of money.

"Shenhan Pill Shop, this place sells pills! It looks like the business is good, so many people are in it." Chen Xiang passed by a very stylishly decorated shop with several floors and a good location. I know it's not a shop run by ordinary people.

As soon as Chen Xiang went in, he saw a banner hanging on the wall with the words "Special sale of top-grade holy pills with exclusive secret recipes".

This shop has high-grade holy pills for sale, which means that the shop has good pill saints in alchemy, which is very powerful, especially high-grade holy pills, it really needs exclusive secret pills to be refined, and it is very difficult to get these pills. It's not easy, you have to pay a lot to get it.

These alchemy recipes are not allowed to be spread at will. Once discovered, they will even be punished by the alchemy god. Therefore, if you want to get a high-grade holy pill, you need to go to the alchemy god to buy it, and the price is expensive.

"The dry holy pill refined by our exclusive secret recipe has been recognized by many saints and gods. After eating it, it can strengthen the divine power, and even if the mysterious gods eat it, it will have a good effect."

Chen Xiang asked an old man what this exclusive high-grade holy pill was, and he got such an answer.

There are many names of high-grade holy pills. This is because there are too many pill recipes. However, many of them are similar, but the effects are different. If the high-grade holy pills have significant effects, most of them are very famous. Chen Xiang heard about it. Several.

The famous high-grade holy pill recipes are all researched by some pill gods for many years, so they are not only precious, but also difficult to obtain.

"This dry holy pill has not been sold yet. We have already sold several batches before, and many people grabbed each batch, so now it is just publicity, so that everyone can prepare the god money." The old man said again.

Chen Xiang left this Shenhan shop,

After inquiring outside, I learned that the dry holy pill is indeed very good. After eating it, the divine power will be significantly enhanced, especially if its divine power is relatively weak, the effect will be more obvious.

This dry holy pill is not to increase the reserves of cultivation and divine power, but to enhance the divine power, so it will be very popular.

Next, Chen Xiang inquired about the origin of this Shenhan shop, but he didn't expect it to be related to a big apprentice of the God of Wealth.

This apprentice Chen Xiang is very familiar, he is the god of abundance! And the person who opened this shop is the son of Fengshen, whose name is Li Zhonghan!

Later, he also inquired about a more interesting thing, that is, Li Zhonghan came all the way here to open a shop, and the main purpose was to pursue Ye Qin, the daughter of the Alchemy God!

Li Zhonghan's strength is very strong. He is a mysterious god. He doesn't know how to make alchemy. , earning the most money is also the most.

"One dry holy pill costs 100,000 gods. Every time he sells a batch of only 100 grains, he can earn tens of millions of gods." Chen Xiang secretly exclaimed in his heart, selling high-level holy pills is indeed very profitable. : "If I sell middle-grade spiritual light holy pills, it may only be 20,000 to 30,000 pills. It is very difficult to refine, and there are few pills!"

Middle-grade holy pills are very difficult to refine. Although there is no need for that kind of secret recipe, it requires a variety of middle-grade holy medicines to be fused together, and it is very laborious to refine.

The difficulty of refining middle-grade holy pills and high-grade holy pills is the same. The reason why high-grade holy pills are one stage higher than middle-grade holy pills is because high-grade holy pills require secret recipes and some top-grade holy medicines.

Chen Xiang went to several medicinal medicine shops, and the middle-grade holy medicines that he inquired about were relatively expensive. The ordinary ones cost more than 5,000 gods, and the rare ones even cost tens of thousands.

At night, he and Long Xueyi both returned to Lu Qilian's house, and both he and Long Xueyi reported the price.

"The price of pills has gone up a lot now, maybe it's because of the collapse of the Temple of Hell." Long Xueyi said, "I asked some people, and they all said that they have gone up a lot recently."

Chen Xiang asked: "Why is it related to the collapse of the Hell Temple? There is no reason for this!"

Long Xueyi stuck out her tongue: "How do I know, in short, these profiteers are raising prices for good reasons, no matter what you are, because the price of medicinal pills has been too low for many years, and now there are a lot of medicinal pills in the business of medicinal pills. medicine, so secretly colluded to raise prices.”

Lu Qilian shook her head and said, "That shouldn't be the case. In the past, my Hundred Flowers Palace would need to slow down the sale of medicinal pills due to some circumstances. In order to ensure a certain amount of medicinal pills to be sold, we will greatly increase the price! For example, we are facing a war, and we need to consume it. We will increase the price of a large number of medicinal pills, so that the selling speed of medicinal pills will be slower, so that the stock will not be out of stock."

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Could it be that the temples that sell medicinal pills urgently need to consume a lot of medicinal pills? What happened?"

Lu Qilian said: "I have already contacted Feng Yujie, she may come to me tomorrow, I think she should know what happened."

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