World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1877 I won't give it to you

The old man pointed to a chair, and after Chen Xiang sat down, the old man said: "I also know something about you, after all, you have two taboo divine arts, the Sword of Godslayer and the Technique of Heaven Refinement. I'll just follow you! The sword you just cast should be the Seven Demon Executioners, which is somewhat similar to the God Slaughtering Sword Technique.

Chen Xiang nodded, the Supreme Divine Hall is the base of the Great God, he knew this, and Chen Xiang was not surprised at all.

"As far as I know, you should still have a lot of unresolved things outside, and after joining the Supreme Temple, you cannot leave the Supreme Temple, unless you can complete a challenge of the Supreme Temple in the future, you can enter and leave the Supreme Temple at will." The old man said again.

Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Is the challenge easy?"

The old man smiled and said: "Let's put it this way, at least I didn't succeed in the challenge, although I am an elder of this Supreme Temple."

Chen Xiang's face changed, and he asked again: "So, I have to make a choice now, either join the Supreme Divine Hall, or choose to give up!"

The old man shook his head and said, "Didn't you already make a choice?"

Chen Xiang pouted and said, "I didn't know when I chose to participate in the trial. If I knew, I would not have joined the Supreme Divine Hall."

The old man smiled and said, "It's up to you now, you must join the Supreme Temple!"

Chen Xiang was a little angry, he just wanted to challenge this trial at first, but he didn't know that he couldn't leave after entering the Supreme Divine Hall.

"Don't worry, we will give you two years to stop the outside affairs, then you must come to the Supreme Temple!" The old man said: "Two years should be enough time for you to stop those things! Besides, there will be chaos outside. You will definitely be in danger if you have two taboo magical arts."

Two years was indeed enough, Chen Xiang just couldn't bear his women.

"Why is there chaos outside? You don't care about the Supreme Divine Hall?" Chen Xiang asked, the chaos in the world of gods is not a joke, and only the Supreme Divine Hall can stabilize it.

"We can't control it, the three major temples will not take action at that time!" The old man said: "In short, you must come to the Supreme Temple when the time comes. Even if you don't come on time, we will send someone out to arrest you, otherwise you will be outside. There is only one dead end!"

Chen Xiang was very puzzled, the Supreme Temple, the Six Paths Temple and the Beast God Temple were all concentrated places of the Great God, and they couldn't even close it!

The old man smiled and said: "I know what you are thinking, although we have some super gods, but they are not as scary as you think, otherwise we would not need to spend so many years building this kind of empty space isolated from the realm of gods, to be honest Tell you, we are hiding here to avoid this turmoil!"

Yue'er said: "Old man, when you say turmoil, do you mean that the prison can't hold it?"

"Kitten, you belong to the Temple of the Beast, right? Hey, why are you together with this kid?" The old man wanted to touch Yue'er's head, but Yue'er made a "meow", and then moved away, letting the The old man was a little embarrassed.

Yue'er flew to Chen Xiang's palm and said, "Old man, can't you hold back those guys in Divine Prison?"

The old man sighed: "Yes, as we expected, some of the guys in the Divine Prison have already become gods. As long as the number gradually increases, it will not take long for them to work together to destroy the Divine Prison and run out!"

There are so many terrifying villains in the prison of God. They have been imprisoned for so long, and they have accumulated a lot of resentment. Once they escape, it is unimaginable!

And the people who imprisoned them were all done by the gods of the Supreme Temple, and they couldn't kill the villains at the beginning.

It was only sealed in the prison of God, so they would also expect such a day.

The old man said: "The guys who were put into the prison by us at the beginning were not ordinary people. They are all talented, and the major hall masters in the realm of the gods can't hold them down, so we will take action. We can't kill them. These guys will be sealed in the Divine Prison, and they will find a way to cultivate in the Divine Prison. Many years have passed, and they have become very powerful."

Chen Xiang looked contemptuous: "This is the disaster that you caused. When the accident happened, you hid and let the innocent people in the realm of gods suffer."

"Relax, although we don't care, other forces will take care of it. The realm of gods is not only watched by our three temples! Other big forces comparable to us will definitely not see the realm of gods destroyed like this. We just need to hide."

In addition to the three major temples, there are other mysterious and powerful forces in the realm of gods!

The old man said: "Actually, our kind of supreme temple, just like the Nine Gods Kings, wanted to create a world that belongs to us, but it is not as grand as the Nine-Heaven World of the Nine Gods! The Beast God Temple and the Six Paths Temple have this kind of small world. In addition, some of the god kings did this in the past, this is to prevent the destruction of the realm of gods and continue the inheritance."

Thinking of hiding here at that time, Chen Xiang felt very uncomfortable, he really wanted to go outside at that time.

"Then let me go out now!" Chen Xiang said: "You can just send someone to pick me up at that time."

The old man nodded and sent Chen Xiang away with a wave of his sleeves.

Chen Xiang left the Supreme Divine Hall, and the place where he appeared turned out to be where he and Yue'er shared the Nine Wonders Divine Fruit. He and Yue'er just appeared here, and they sensed a few breaths.

"It's him and this cat, I won't forget it even if I die." Li Zhonghan shouted.

When Chen Xiang and Yue'er stepped into the black lake, Li Zhonghan and those Alchemy Gods suddenly arrived, but the black lake had disappeared.

"Eighty years later, it's finally time for you, hand over the Jiuqi Divine Fruit!" Li Zhonghan shouted.

Chen Xiang looked at this group of people, the strongest one was Ye Qin, she was the upper Profound God, and Li Zhonghan was only the peak of the middle Profound God.

Ye Qin frowned, because Chen Xiang didn't change his appearance, he used the original appearance.

"You are Chen Xiang?" After Ye Qin confirmed it, she could not help but take a few steps back, Chen Xiang knew the terrifying sword technique of killing the gods and the Seven Demon Slayers.

"Not bad!" Chen Xiang said lightly, he had already guessed that they were here to retrieve the Nine Wonders Divine Fruit, and he also knew that he had been in the trial ground for eight years, but eighty years had passed outside. Another seventy years were lost, and he couldn't help but scold the Supreme Divine Hall in his heart, and it took him so much time.

Chen Xiang said: "Eighty years later, you guys are still guarding here, you really have perseverance!"

Li Zhonghan snorted coldly and said, "Don't think that you are Chen Xiang, so you don't have to give it back to us! Tell you, because there is an alchemist who is in urgent need of the Nine Wonders Divine Fruit, so he paid a lot of money to find it. If Dan God doesn't kill you, I will kill you!"

Chen Xiang sneered: "The Nine Wonders Divine Fruit was taken away by me relying on my own ability, who made you so weak, and the Nine Wonders Divine Fruit Tree doesn't have your names engraved on it, why do you say it's yours? Here, what can you do to Lao Tzu?"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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