World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1879: The Fall of the Devil City

Before Chen Xiang entered the trial ground, he had already learned that the Hell Devil Emperor and his forces had revived, and they were also taking revenge on the Devil Execution God City. After inquiring, he learned that all the god cities did not open the Teleportation Array to the Devil Execution God City. It is related, because the City of Demon Punishment is now being besieged by a large number of demons and monsters carried by the Hell Devil Emperor, and this battle has lasted for more than ten years.

Most of the people in the City of Devil Execution have left long ago, and now only the disciples of the Temple of Devil Execution have already guarded the entire dilapidated God City, and now they are at a disadvantage.

"Why don't the temples help the City of Devil Punishment?" Chen Xiang asked an old man, the old man was a tea customer in a teahouse and a mysterious god, Chen Xiang chatted with him in this teahouse.

"The temples thought it was a grievance between the Devil Execution Temple and the Hell Devil Emperor, so they didn't take action! I think it was the Devil Execution Temple. Most of the gods in the temple thought the Devil Execution Temple was too much of a problem, and wanted to make the Devil Execution Temple completely disappear. "The old man said.

Chen Xiang drank a few cups of tea, chatted with the old man for a while, then teleported to the city closest to Devil Execution God City, and then rushed to Devil Execution God City.

The Hell Demon Emperor received the support of the Great God, so he quickly developed a very strong force. In order to stabilize his position in the realm of gods, the first thing he had to do was to destroy the Demon Punisher. Temple.

Chen Xiang had already seen from a distance that Demon Punishing God City was so evil that it was shrouded in haze. The tall city walls surrounding the city were already devastated. At this time, there were still a large number of demons standing on the city walls, and the city walls had already been breached.

"This group of idiots in the temples, after the Hell Devil Emperor destroys the number one threat of the Devil Execution Temple, he will definitely target other powerful temples. Don't they know the ambitions of the Hell Devil Emperor? By then, the world of gods will be hell devils. God's."

Chen Xiang teleported over and appeared in the city.

The buildings in the city, except for the Demon Execution Temple, which is still intact, are all in a state of dilapidation. The ground is cracked, there are a lot of bottomless ravines, the houses are all collapsed, and the white bones can be seen everywhere. disciple.

Chen Xiang looked at the dark cloud shrouded in the sky, it was constantly taking on the evil energy, and the evil spirits hidden in the city absorbed this evil energy and were growing rapidly.

And the undead who died here will pour into the dark cloud. This is the most familiar trick used by the Demon Emperor of Hell when guarding hell, using the souls to quickly gain power.

"This cloud should have accumulated for many years. It must be dispersed. When the sun shines, it also has a certain lethality to those demons. It should be able to weaken the power of those demons."

Chen Xiang stared at the dark clouds in the sky, clenched his fists tightly, and shot out golden lightning bolts.

"Tian Lian Da Qian Kun!" Chen Xiang shouted softly, the power of the Six Paths suddenly surged up in his body, and golden light burst out from his body, causing him to release a blazing light like a blazing sun.

In an instant, a huge golden hood suddenly appeared, covering the entire Demon City!

Chen Xiang had just surveyed the surrounding environment. The base camp of the Hell Devil Emperor was far away from here. Although there were many demons and monsters entering the City of Devil Slayers, they all hid and cultivated, absorbing the evil energy released by the dark clouds above.

The huge cover released by Chen Xiang is like a huge magic furnace, covering the whole city!

He is already very familiar with refining this kind of demon power, but now he has to refine a lot, and with the support of the power of the Six Paths, it is not difficult for him to perform such a large-scale refining.

Soon, a silver flame appeared from that huge dark cloud. This was the fire of creation released by Chen Xiang's natal supernatural power. It became even hotter and burned more intensely under the impetus of the power of the Six Paths.

Soon, the sky above the Demon City was turned into a sea of ​​fire.


In the Devil Slayer Temple, Wang Jinshi exclaimed, "Master, look up, what's going on?"

Ren Tianyong and Yuan Baibing felt very familiar when they saw this flame.

After seeing the Demon Punisher God, he was pleasantly surprised: "It's the fire of Chen Xiang's creation, this kid has passed the test, he didn't die!"

The Demon Punisher was very excited, and his voice trembled!

The disciples in the Demon Execution Temple saw silver-white flames burning in the air at this time, and the holy silver light shone down on them, which made them feel a lot more comfortable.

"Eighty years, what has he been doing!" Wang Jinshi was also very happy, but she was a little worried because the Hell Devil Emperor had been looking for Chen Xiang.

"Let's go out and cooperate with him, so as not to be disturbed by the Hell Devil Emperor, dispatch!" said the Devil Execution God, and then quickly flew over with a large number of disciples from the Devil Execution Temple.

Chen Xiang is using the technique of Heaven Refinement, and it is still very large in scale, and it takes time. If there is someone to protect the law, it is naturally the best.

"Bring them all up!" Chen Xiang's consciousness was covered like a giant net, covering the hidden demons and monsters, and then he performed the Taiji Refinement, a huge Taiji pattern immediately appeared in the sea of ​​fire in the air, and the ground The countless demons and monsters immediately suspended and were pulled in by that force.

Chen Xiang, who was fully activating the power of the Six Paths, has used the Heaven Alchemy technique he mastered to the extreme. A large number of demons and monsters were quickly suspended and sucked into the sea of ​​​​fire. When viewed from a distance, they looked like moths. General fire.

"Refining!" Chen Xiang roared, the sound shook all directions, shaking the world, the demon and monster still struggling in the sea of ​​​​fire instantly turned into ashes, and then quickly condensed into a white pill.

The Demon Execution God and others who came over were extremely surprised when they saw it. They didn't expect Chen Xiang to end so quickly!

"The Hell Devil Emperor is here, we won't fight them for the time being!" The Devil Executioner came to Chen Xiang's side, grabbed him and immediately returned to the Devil Execution Temple.

The City of Demon Execution has been shrouded in dark clouds for many years. At this time, the sun is shining on the City of Demon Execution. Although it has been turned into ruins, it means that it will end soon.

Inside the Devil Slaying Temple, Chen Xiang looked at Ren Tianyong and the others, and smiled: "Long time no see, it turned out to be like this! Where's the fat fifth?"

"Dead, the fifth and the ninth are all dead!" The Demon Punisher said sadly: "Zu Chao, Zu Ming and their couple are still missing. Alas, otherwise we wouldn't be so miserable!"

The two sons and daughter-in-law of the Devil Execution God are the main forces. Now Chen Xiang understands why the Devil Execution God City has become like this.

Fortunately, Wang Jinshi, Ren Tianyong, and the others have all been promoted to gods, as well as the first ten second batch of disciples. The overall strength of the Devil Execution Temple is still very strong, but after so many years of fighting with the Hell Devil Emperor, a lot of strength has gradually been worn away. The Hell Devil Emperor has a steady stream of support, so it is no wonder that this is the case.

"Aren't other temples helping?" Chen Xiang saw Tai Qiang walk in, nodded to him, and said hello.

The Devil Punisher said helplessly: "If you don't help, the Punishment God himself is in deep trouble. He is being entangled in a lot of things and can't get out to help me. The temples of the Fire God, the God of Wealth, and the God of War are absolutely impossible. help me."

Punishment Heavenly God could not come to help, which means that what the old man in the Supreme Divine Hall said is true, the prison will soon be unable to suppress it, and Punishment Heavenly God should be preparing for the destruction of the prison now!

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