World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1883 Yuan Gongzi

In order to prevent himself from being frozen so uncomfortable, Chen Xiang used the fire of creation in his body to protect his body, and at the same time released the space domain to isolate him and Long Xueyi from the cold outside.

"This kind of ice-cold power is really terrifying, what exactly caused it?" Chen Xiang couldn't help but ponder, he looked at Long Xueyi: "Do you have any impression?"

Long Xueyi shook her head: "No, before I died, the place was at most shabby, but there should still be a lot of trees. I didn't expect it to become like this now!"

"You let me feel these icy powers, I think it's a little weird, you can feel the feeling yourself, maybe you can find something." Long Xueyi asked Chen Xiang to withdraw from the space domain.

After Chen Xiang withdrew, he only felt a little cold, because he had already warmed up with flames.

"I didn't find anything wrong!" Chen Xiang took a few deep breaths of cold air into his body, nothing special.

"There are two cold powers here. Although they are both cold powers, they have different special abilities. For example, one of them has the ability to regenerate. As long as it is covered on one thing, it can absorb the power of heaven and earth. Qi to strengthen himself, making this place getting colder day by day! While the other force continues to devour other cold energy, and then releases stronger cold energy." Long Xueyi said.

Chen Xiang squatted down and grabbed a piece of ice, crushed it vigorously, then used flames to burn it, and then used his Origin Spirit Eye to check, and he found that there were two strands of Origin Power entangled in it!

The two icy forces with different characteristics depend on each other, which makes this forbidden place so cold for many years.

"There must be a source, as long as you find the source, you can figure out what's going on." Long Xueyi's face suddenly became serious, and this matter seemed to be very important to her.

Chen Xiang took out the jade tiger given to him by the Devil Slayer God and sensed the jade tiger trembling slightly. He used the jade tiger to face several directions. One of the directions vibrated the most violently, indicating that there was someone he needed to look for. .

"Let's go find some friends of the Devil Slayer God first!"

Long Xueyi nodded, helping the Demon Execution Temple out of trouble was the top priority, and Chen Xiang had to put aside the matter of looking for Bai Ziqian. Besides, after the group of strong men from the War God Temple came in, there was no news, and he didn't know how to find it. rise.

Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi discovered that the other people who came in here actually went in the same direction as them, and there were several groups of people who didn't know each other, but what were they doing in the same direction?

At first, Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi thought that their identities had been exposed. These people were following them, but after they deliberately slowed down, the hundreds of people still walked in that direction.

After walking for a long time, Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi realized that there was a small city built of ice in front of them. Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi had never inquired about the events after entering the forbidden land, so they didn't know this. A small town.

The buildings in the small town are all made of ice, high and low, and they are all very strong. The roads and everything are all white ice, and the whole city is a vast expanse of white.

Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi were walking on an ice road, passing by a shop, and suddenly they saw something that made them astonished as if struck by lightning!

That kind of thing is really the Xuanbing they are very familiar with!

In the mysterious ancient region of the Nine Heavens World, there are many such mysterious ices. This kind of mysterious ice contains very strange cold power. After Chen Xiang cracked it, he used these mysterious ices to refine a very terrifying Destruction Frozen Pill!

And these mysterious ices have a strong defense, which can block the entry of spiritual consciousness.

These breaking the mysterious ice, there will be a certain possibility that genius treasures will appear!

Back then, Chen Xiang used Chaos God's eyes to see this kind of mysterious ice, and obtained a lot of treasures, among which was the Dao Enlightenment Stone that benefited him endlessly!

Seeing Xuan Bing appearing here, Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi both had a bold guess, this might be the Xuanhan Ancient Domain!

The Xuanhan Ancient Territory was originally very beautiful, and there were a lot of exotic flowers and plants in it, because it became like this after a battle of gods!

And this is so forbidden because of a battle of gods!

"No, at the beginning, Bai Hu said that the place was frozen later, and when the battle of gods started here, the time was much earlier than when Qi Killed them!" Chen Xiang frowned: "So this is not the same place!"

Long Xueyi nodded: "After I was reborn in the Nine Heavens World, the ancient Xuanhan area was not frozen, it was only later! The ancient area of ​​Xuanhan was frozen because a god who used the power of ice died. It was created, it should be a very powerful god...or a god!"

"But this kind of mysterious ice should be caused by the same kind of ice-cold power. There must be a connection between these two places!" Chen Xiang vaguely felt that this place could lead to the ancient mysterious cold domain, which was a mysterious passage to the Nine Heavens World.

Long Xueyi nodded and said, "It's possible, I can only wait until I get back my complete memory. I sensed it, and it's nearby!"

Chen Xiang looked at the Xuanbing placed in these shops, he was looking at it with the Chaos God Eye, and Long Xueyi was the same, she taught Chen Xiang the Chaos God Eye at the beginning, so she was very proficient.

"There is something in this piece!" Long Xueyi sent a voice transmission to Chen Xiang, his voice was full of surprise: "Do you see what it is?"

"It's a low-grade divine medicine, a divine fruit of animal power!" Chen Xiang said: "As long as you eat the beast pill of a beast into this divine fruit, you will be able to possess that kind of beast's power, but it is only temporary."

Long Xueyi nodded and said, "Buy it!"

As long as it is the magic medicine that Chen Xiang does not have, he will buy it.

"How to sell this?" Chen Xiang patted a piece of mysterious ice and asked.

"50,000 yuan of god money, since you asked, what should it be! If you are lucky, you may get more than 50,000 yuan of god money in return, maybe 500 million yuan." An old man laughed.

Chen Xiang nodded and said, "Although it's my first time here, I've already heard about it, so I'll try it out, I want three yuan!"

He bought three yuan at once, and after giving the god money, the old man broke it by himself without Chen Xiang's consent!

After the mysterious ice was broken, it turned into a piece of debris, the same as what was dug out of the ancient Xuanhan!

"This is... a magic medicine!" The old man exclaimed, and just as he was about to pick it up, Long Xueyi took it away from the air.

The old man looked regretful, and looked at Chen Xiang unwillingly: "This is the magic medicine!"

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Of course I know, I didn't expect such good luck!"

The old man said with a sad face: "Your luck is also very good, this small town can sell at most 3,000 pieces of this ice a day, and sometimes no treasure is broken out of it for a month, you just got the magic medicine!"

The old man's shocking shout just now spread throughout the small city, and many shops selling Xuanbing hurried over. At first, they were a little unbelievable, but when they saw the old man's face turning green with regret, they immediately believed it. .

If they sell a piece of Xuanbing with magic medicine in it, they will do the same.

"What kind of magic medicine, take it out and see!"

"Let's open our eyes!"

"For a long time, I haven't talked about the baby that broke out of these ices."

Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi were surrounded by a large group of people, as if they couldn't leave here unless they took out the magic medicine to open their eyes.

Long Xueyi took out the divine fruit of animal power and said, "Did you see it, it is this fruit, I don't know what kind of divine medicine it is, let's go now!"

After everyone saw it, they couldn't recognize what it was, so Long Xueyi also put away the fruit.

Just after the crowd dispersed, they suddenly saw a group of people hurried over. Seeing this group of people, Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi jumped in their hearts, because they were the powerhouses of the War God Temple.

"Is there a magic medicine? I'll take a look too," said a young man walking in front.

The Temple of War really dispatched the gods, and there were twenty mysterious gods, which was a very strong force, and the young man walking in front was a high-ranking mysterious god, or the kind of god who wanted to become a god, and his strength was not weak.

"Young Master Yuan, it's this man and woman, the magic medicine seems to be of the highest quality." The old man pointed at Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi.

Yuan Gongzi of the War God Temple is very famous here, because he has been here several times, and every time he comes, he buys a large amount of mysterious ice, but he never gets the treasure.

After Yuan Gongzi came over, he looked at Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi, and finally his eyes fell on Long Xueyi.

Both Long Xueyi and Chen Xiang had changed appearances, and they seemed to be just ordinary appearances, but this Young Master Yuan looked at Long Xueyi right now, as if he saw a treasure.

"It's a dragon, but I can't see what kind of dragon it is!" said the god in the Temple of War, apparently it was the son of Yuan who sent him a voice transmission to make sure.

Yuan Gongzi laughed: "A dragon, and it's a female dragon, that's great! If you take it back, it will definitely be better than the ice dragon of the God of Wealth! Well, I want to make her a slave girl!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiang and Long Xueyi were immediately furious. They also knew that Young Master Yuan's status was not low, otherwise the God of the Sky would not have listened to him.

"Let's go!" Chen Xiang pulled Long Xueyi and immediately teleported away, but was stopped by the god of the sky. This god of the gods from the Temple of War was not an ordinary god. He could actually judge the path of Chen Xiang's teleportation, and then Hit a force to smash through Chen Xiang's open space road.

Long Xueyi immediately entered Chen Xiang's You Yao Ring, neither she nor Chen Xiang expected that Young Master Yuan and Tian Shen could see her body.

"You are all from the Temple of War, how could you do such despicable things?" Chen Xiang said solemnly.

"We're just catching dragons, not people. How can it be considered despicable? Aren't all beasts caught casually?" Seeing Long Xueyi disappear, Young Master Yuan was not in a hurry at all, hehe smiled and said, "That mother The relationship between the dragon and you is good! Hey, take her away from you, I will be happier when I see you in pain!"

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