World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1903 God King disciple

The outside of this Nine Heavens Demon Palace is like a labyrinth, and each passage is very solid, and it is difficult to get through with force. There are so many doorways in it. What troubled Chen Xiang the most was that these doors would move randomly without any regularity.

Although he has a map of the Nine Heavens Devil Palace, and the map also has the route and the marked end point, but the random moving door here makes him chaotic quickly. Fortunately, he still knows where he is on the map at this time.

After the Hell Devil Emperor and the others came in, they originally wanted to follow Chen Xiang, but the door here was very complicated, and they were quickly lost. What was even more terrifying was that their group was separated.

Chen Xiang came to the end of an aisle, there were three doors in front of him, he was about to walk over to open it, how could he know that these three doors suddenly moved and changed positions with each other!

"It's like this again! When can I get to that place!" Chen Xiang could only open a door casually and walk in. After walking in, the door behind him immediately closed and disappeared.

The places he went before were all passages, but now he came to a hall lit by white light.

There are many beautiful and exquisite fluorescent stones hanging above the hall, the floor is covered with red carpets, and there are many jade tables and chairs carved with carvings.

"It looks pretty good here!" Chen Xiang walked to a chair and sat down. He had been walking through the passageway exuding green dim light before, but he was very surprised when he came to such a comfortable hall at this time.

He recalled the map in his mind and did not find the location of this hall, which made him immediately worried.


Chen Xiang suddenly heard some sounds, jumped up from the chair, looked towards the direction where the sound came from, there was actually a door over there, and this door seemed to be pierced through the wall, because there were still many Broken bricks.

The sound came from behind this door, and this door was the only door in this hall!

"There shouldn't be something inside, right?" Chen Xiang used the Chaos Divine Eye, but he couldn't see through it.

The sound came again, and this time it was louder than before, as if something was hitting the black iron door with force, making a thumping sound.

If you want to leave this hall, you must go through this door, even if there is something terrible inside, Chen Xiang can only open it, otherwise he will not be able to leave here.

Chen Xiang walked over and opened the door, then hurried back, only to see a tall and thin man in white walking out of the door.

The man's eyes had purple eyeshadow, and there were actually two eyeballs in his eyes, which looked very scary.

In this Nine Heavens Devil Palace, Chen Xiang could not use the power of space law, so he needed to be extra careful.

"You summoned the Nine Heavens Demon Temple?" the man in white asked. Although his eyes looked a little scary, his appearance was quite handsome, and he looked very weak, with no strong aura on his body, and a very thin body. , as if a gust of wind could blow it down.

Chen Xiang nodded his head, being able to meet someone who could talk in the Nine Heavens Devil Palace, he still felt a little intimacy in his heart, at least he didn't encounter any strange-looking monsters.

"Who are you?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I'm the apprentice of the Vulcan King. I'm glad you can summon the Nine Heavens Demon Temple. We finally have fresh snacks to eat." The man suddenly laughed, and licked his lips with his long pointed tongue. Seeing Chen Xiang was horrified.

The apprentice of the Vulcan King, that should be very powerful, and if he said such a thing, it must not be a good thing. The Vulcan King should be one of the nine gods.

How could he have such an apprentice!

"How can I leave the Nine Heavens Devil Palace?" Chen Xiang calmed himself down and asked.

"You don't have to leave, you are my dessert." The man in white sneered twice, his handsome face suddenly changed, became long, his chin was pointed, his eyes turned dark green, and his head turned dark green. There are also two raised meat balls, which look even more ferocious and scary.

Chen Xiang took a few steps back, he did not expect that this guy in front of him would become so powerful after his sudden transformation. This kind of strength should be at the level of a high-ranking god.

"Xueyi, are you ready!" Chen Xiang asked Long Xueyi, he needed to merge with Long Xueyi, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Okay, let's start now!" Long Xueyi said.

Long Xueyi's power had already poured into Chen Xiang's body, he could feel that he possessed the power of two divine seas and four divine souls.

"The Qi of the Six Paths, you are using the Power of the Six Paths?" The monster was a little surprised, the dark green eyes radiated a stronger light, and cyan saliva flowed from his mouth, as if a hungry ghost saw the taste of mountains and seas.

Chen Xiang ignored him, swung his sword and killed him, the sword-killing intent burst out from his body, and surprised the monster in front of him, he also recognized the sword-killing intent.

Chen Xiang also found it strange, if he recognized this monster, he should have seen it before. He claimed that he was the apprentice of the Nine Gods King, so it should not be fake.

In this way, there were people in the Nine Heavens Demon Temple who had practiced the Six Paths Divine Art and the Divine Sword Technique, and it was very likely that the Nine Gods King had practiced.

"Are you really the apprentice of the Vulcan King? No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it!" Chen Xiang didn't feel any flame aura from the other party's body, but the demon aura was very strong.

"Of course I am, but I was expelled from the teacher's door by him, haha..." The monster suddenly laughed wildly: "Because he drove me away, I became so powerful now, my little snack, enter obediently In my mouth!"

The monster laughed a few times, his arms suddenly swelled up, and then burst open, flying out dozens of thin green arms, which slammed toward Chen Xiang.

"It turns out that it is no wonder that you will be driven away, you are not shallow!" Chen Xiang slashed wildly with his sword a few times, and cut off these arms in an instant.

Hearing the words "entering evil", the monster suddenly roared, as if poking at his sore spot. It seems that he was indeed driven away by the Vulcan King for this reason.

"It is my blessing that I enter the evil, because then I become stronger." The monster's broken arm grew again and became stronger!

Dozens of dark green arms that could grow like old vines danced towards Chen Xiang again.

The opponent's regeneration ability is very strong, Chen Xiang felt that it would be difficult to kill him for a while, but he still chopped his attacking arm first.

However, this time his Excalibur couldn't be broken, it just left scratches on it.

"This guy is really strong. Maybe there are five or six godheads in his body. We are not his opponents!" Long Xueyi said.

At the same time Chen Xiang dodged, he discovered a strange thing, that is, when the monster's whip-like arm slapped over, it hit the table and chairs here, and it couldn't be smashed.

Discovering this, Chen Xiang hurriedly dodged back and forth among these tables and chairs, easily dodging many terrifying attacks.

"Quickly use the Godkilling Sword Technique!" Long Xueyi said.

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