World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1917 Supreme Dan Tang

Huang Jintian was very curious about the Supreme Divine Hall, and wanted to go in for a long time. He was very proud to send a voice transmission to Chen Xiang: "Little devil, you worked so hard to pass the trial to enter the Supreme Divine Hall, and I only got in with a few words as a teacher. , this is the gap!"

Chen Xiang curled his lips and replied: "Master, don't fail again in your next catastrophe, otherwise you will have to remake it again, but then again, you have returned to the furnace so many times, so this time is not bad!"

Huang Jintian grabbed Chen Xiang and gave him a few times, but his hands were always sore. He also chased after him bravely, only to catch up with this little pervert. He believed that only when he succeeded in transcending the calamity could he go fast. After surpassing Chen Xiang, only then will he be able to beat Chen Xiang to the point of screaming.

Yi Baidong was very happy when he saw that Huang Jintian could go back with him, hehe smiled and watched the pair of master and apprentice fighting, and then took out a formation plate and took Chen Xiang and Huang Jintian to the Supreme Temple.

The Supreme Temple is located in a different space from the realm of gods, and only people who are familiar with the formation disk or who are familiar with the location can open the space channel and transmit it.

Huang Jintian and Chen Xiang appeared in a huge hexagonal square. The square was empty at this time, with only some scattered weapon fragments. It seemed that a fierce battle had just happened here.

The giant square can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people, Chen Xiang and Huang Jintian could sense a lot of residual strong aura in this square!

The square is surrounded by a large number of stone buildings, so many that it is impossible to see the end of a city like this.

Chen Xiang had seen the Jiuxiao Temple, which was even more shocking and magnificent than this, so he didn't think there was anything, because this place was a lot worse than the Jiuxiao Temple.

"Chen Xiang, there are several halls here, you should go to understand first, and then consider which one to join. If you decide, let me know, and I will help you arrange it!"

As soon as Yi Baidong finished speaking, Chen Xiang immediately asked, "Is there a pill hall?"

The last time he tried with the disciples of the Sword Hall, he already knew that there was a Supreme Sword Hall, and he believed that the Supreme Sword Hall should be regarded as the strongest hall here!

"Yes, but you need to know how to refine high-grade holy pills to join, and each person can only join one hall. The number of people in the pill hall is the smallest!" Of course, Yi Baidong knew that Chen Xiang had the technique of heaven refining, and he also knew how to make pills.

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "There is no problem, just let me join the Pill Hall!"

Yi Baidong nodded, took out a jade talisman to send a message, and soon came an old man with a hunchback, leaning on a blue cane, he looked at Chen Xiang with a smile: "Follow me, welcome to join Dan Hall!"

Chen Xiang asked with some doubts: "Is there no need to assess anything?"

The hunchbacked old man smiled and said: "No need, you have practiced the technique of heaven refining, even if you can't refine the high-grade holy pill now, we will definitely teach you to refine it in the future!"

Yi Baidong said, "He is the head of Dantang, you should follow him!"

Chen Xiang followed the hunchbacked old man, and Huang Jintian left with Yi Baidong.

"You just came to the Supreme Temple, and you are not familiar with the rules here, but don't worry, the rules here are not too complicated! First, you can't fight privately. Second, you can't steal the property of the temple, and third, you can't go to some forbidden places. That's basically it."

The hunchbacked old man chuckled: "I am the head of the Pill Hall and one of the elders of the Supreme Divine Hall. My name is Luo Tianjun. Just call me the head of the hall!"

Chen Xiang nodded and said, "Hall Master!"

Luo Tianjun took Chen Xiang into the building complex, walked for a while, and came to a large courtyard. As soon as he entered, Chen Xiang could sense the smell of thick and hot medicine, especially the pure anger.

It can be seen that there are many powerful alchemists who are refining alchemy.

Chen Xiang said: "Palace Master, I can already refine high-grade holy pills now, and I can only refine a few. The pill recipes are all prepared by me, and I can only refine them with my own method!"

Luo Tianjun was a little surprised, and said: "You use the technique of alchemy to make alchemy, and the method will be different! So, in terms of alchemy, I can't give you much advice! Because I don't know the technique of alchemy, I used to have it back then. I had the opportunity to learn, but I gave up because it was too difficult to start. You can learn the beginning well and understand the secrets by yourself, which is better than me!"

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "The hall master only needs to provide me with some pill recipes!"

When he came to the Supreme Divine Hall, Chen Xiang could concentrate on alchemy. High-grade holy pills were of little use to him. Now, if he was allowed to refine the king of holy pills like Zixuan holy pill, it would be easier.

"You can really refine high-grade holy pills?" Although Luo Tianjun asked this question, he was very convinced. He just wanted to see how Chen Xiang used the technique of heaven to refine high-grade holy pills.

Chen Xiang has refined it many times. In Lu Qilian's shop, he refined most of the top-grade holy pills, and he was too familiar with them.

"Hallmaster, do you want to take a look?" Chen Xiang said with a low smile: "I can make a furnace for you to see right now!"

"Okay, I believe in you! Don't train now, wait until you compete with other halls, and I'll help you get a place to play at that time, and perform well then! Also, try not to put you on the line. Speaking of the beautiful things outside, the little ghosts in the Supreme Temple don’t even know!”

Luo Tianjun pointed to a room in the compound: "That's your residence, you are here to chat with other senior brothers, I'll go to work on other things first!"

After the hall master left, Chen Xiang walked into a room with the strongest medicinal fragrance, and there were three gray-haired old men concocting pills.

Now Chen Xiang understands why Luo Tianjun said that there are only senior brothers here. It turned out that they were all alchemists here.

"Senior brothers... I'm new here!" Chen Xiang shouted softly, these old men look alike, their hair is as long as white, their beards and hair are as gray, and it's hard to tell who is who.

"Are you new here? Are you sweeping the floor or doing chores? After we finish refining the pills, I'll give you a few more pills to try. I'm the best pill-making here." An old man said.

The other two old men were immediately dissatisfied, and they immediately argued with him, which soon became a quarrel.

"Are you refining divine pills?" Chen Xiang's eyes lit up: "Laughing, I haven't eaten divine pills yet, I really want to try them right away!"

Now Chen Xiang can roughly distinguish them, they seem to be three brothers, the eldest brother has three rings on his hand, the second child has two, and the youngest only has one!

The boss said: "I must be the fastest refining, I am the fastest refining Shendan in this hall, you are far behind me in this regard!"

Of course, it's not that Chen Xiang has never eaten divine pills, but the divine pills he ate before were all refined from the godhead, not such traditional divine pills!

He wants to see how much these magical pills can do to him!

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