World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1924 God lotus root

If Chen Xiang killed Zhang Zhuo and the other five, if it was known to the Supreme Divine Hall, it would be a big crime, and the consequences would be much more serious than attacking mortals!

And now that old grandmother and Xu Lingfei also know about this, Chen Xiang only hopes that they can keep their mouths shut!

"This is what I owed yesterday!" Chen Xiang gave the old lady one hundred and five thousand Divine Essence Stone, and said with a slight smile. He was following behind the old lady, Xu Lingfei was holding a small fruit in her small hand, while eating, she was bouncing beside Chen Xiang. Seeing how happy she was now, it seemed that what happened just now didn't happen.

The old lady said, "Young man, you really are a good person! If you didn't come in time, I can't imagine what would have happened!"

Chen Xiang smiled and said, "It's fine now!"

As a gesture of gratitude, the old lady originally wanted to reject the Divine Essence Stone that Chen Xiang handed over, but Chen Xiang still forced her to give it to her. Anyway, these Divine Essence Stones were not of much use to him, and they were not his.

Back in the hut, the old lady served her magical medicinal broth, which was very delicious. Because the medicine was too powerful, Xu Lingfei only added a small spoonful to the porridge.

"Grandma, didn't you say yesterday that there are better magical medicines today? I have prepared some divine essence stones, waiting to be purchased!" Chen Xiang asked with a smile after drinking the soup.

The old man laughed a little, took out a jade box, and inside it was a small piece of jade the size of a thumb, Chen Xiang took it over and frowned, because he didn't recognize what it was!

This thing is like a lot of jade lotus, which is crystal clear, cold and stiff to the touch, with a faint fragrance, and under the strong light, the interior will reveal a layer of light green brilliance!

"This is called divine lotus root, but a good thing itself can be used for alchemy. If it is used for planting, the divine lotus and lotus that will grow in the future will also be high-quality medicines!" The old man introduced the advantages of this divine lotus root.

Chen Xiang nodded, although he didn't know it, but based on his experience, he could judge that this was a good mid-grade magic medicine, and it was the kind that could make planting evolve.

"How many Divine Essence Stones do you need?" Chen Xiang asked.

"200,000!" The old man sighed softly: "Find and I will leave immediately after getting these Divine Essence Stones. I'm worried that it will cause you trouble in the future!"

The old man also understood how much risk Chen Xiang took to kill Zhang Zhuo and the others, and she was very grateful!

Chen Xiang looked at Xu Lingfei who was playing in the yard, sighed, and handed the old man 200,000 Divine Essence Stones: "You don't have to leave, I'm the one who caused you trouble!"

The old man shook his head and said, "I was harassed by those guys last time, and I plan to leave! You don't have to blame yourself, you are different from other disciples in the Supreme Temple, I can feel it!"

Chen Xiang looked at the cute and innocent Xu Lingfei, and asked, "Feifei has been drinking the magical medicine broth you made. She should have good aptitude. Do you plan to let her be a mortal for the rest of her life?"

"Of course not, so I plan to take her to a place to learn her skills. I'm already old. I hope I can give her the power to protect herself before I die."

Chen Xiang was a little surprised: "Isn't there only the Supreme Divine Hall in this Supreme Divine Realm? Where else can I go to learn from a teacher?"

The old man smiled and said: "It seems that you came from outside, you came in through the trial of the Supreme Divine Hall! No wonder it is so powerful! You don't know, this Supreme Divine Realm and several Divine Realms are connected together, It's just that this place belongs to the Supreme Divine Hall! The six realms of the gods and the wild beasts are all here, in addition to this, there are several other powerful forces!"

Chen Xiang didn't know,

No one has ever talked to him when he came in, and now he is also secretly relieved. If the killing of Zhang Zhuo and the others is revealed, he still has a chance to escape.

"I'll take her to Shenxuan Tianchi, where my ex-wife learned his skills. If you have a chance in the future, you can also go there to find Feifei!" The old man could see that Chen Xiang cared about Feifei very much.

Chen Xiang nodded, remembering the Shenxuan Tianchi in his heart, he suddenly felt that the world where the Supreme Divine Hall is located is very grand like the realm of gods, maybe the nine great kingdoms of gods are also located in it!

"Big brother, you have to come often in the future!" Xu Lingfei didn't know that her grandma was going to take her away tomorrow, she waved her little hand to say goodbye to Chen Xiang, and held a large bag of fairy fruits in her arms, and Chen Xiang gave her a lot a lot of……

Chen Xiang was walking on the road and felt that the old lady was very uneasy, and she acted very calmly. He suddenly felt that even if he didn't make a move, maybe Xu Lingfei would be fine!

Xu Lingfei's parents are definitely not ordinary people. Maybe because of some things, the old lady took Xu Lingfei to hide here.

Returning to the Supreme Divine Hall, Chen Xiang immediately ran back to his alchemy hall. On the way, he copied the divine lotus root for himself as before.

Luo Tianjun didn't go out, he was waiting for Chen Xiang to come back. The blood flower of the soul that Chen Xiang brought back yesterday made him very happy.

The three Gu brothers have not returned yet. They went to communicate with the other disciples of Dantang. They also went out early in the morning and only came back at night. In Luo Tianjun's words, they were arguing from morning to night, and they had to quarrel for several days. will end.

"Little guy, what good things have you brought back?" Luo Tianjun asked with a smile.

"This thing is called divine lotus root. I don't know much about it. That old man asked for 200,000 yuan. I don't know if he was deceived!" Chen Xiang knew that this was a mid-grade divine medicine. Although he didn't understand the value, he knew that the old lady won't lie to him.

Luo Tianjun opened the jade box, and when he saw the thumb-sized jade lotus, he almost stared out his old eyes. He wanted to shout happily, but he immediately covered his mouth, because this kind of thing has to be low-key!

"It's only 200,000! Did the old lady like you? It's too damn worth it, it's an excellent thing!" Luo Tianjun lowered his voice: "This matter must be kept secret, don't tell the three brothers Otherwise, with their show-off temperament, the entire Supreme Temple will know in a few days!"

Chen Xiang was very surprised, and asked in a low voice, "What exactly is this?"

Luo Tianjun led Chen Xiang to a secret room before he dared to speak aloud. He carefully looked at the jade lotus root under a bright luminous bead, and was amazed, "Excellent!"

"Little devil, this thing has only appeared in the past thousand years. It's called Shenlian, and its main function is to play a neutralizing role. When refining Shendan, there were originally many good pills that couldn't be reconciled because of various magical medicines. We have to give up because we are together, but with this kind of divine lotus root, as long as you add a little powder into it, you can easily neutralize them together, and fuse those magical medicines that are very mutually exclusive!" Luo Tianjun put it very preciously. Put this jade lotus away: "I will plant it carefully, and when it grows, I will give you some, this is your credit, I will remember it!"

Chen Xiang understood the benefits of this divine lotus root. Although it would be easier for him to use the Origin Refinement to refine the pill recipe, if he added a little of these divine lotus roots, it would be easier and less troublesome to refine!

And the biggest use is to refine those magic pills that are difficult to be compatible with, but they are very useful after being compatible!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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