World Defying Dan God

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-four chapters of the first refining pill

After Feng Yujie heard this, she was worried. She had already learned from Chen Xiang's mouth that the pair of grandparents and grandchildren were going to Shenxuan Tianchi. If they were intercepted halfway and asked something, Chen Xiang would be in danger.

Just came to the Supreme Hall to hear this, Feng Yujie did not continue to modify her notice, and immediately went back to find Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang hadn't started alchemy yet, but looked at the spiritual bloodline inside the medicinal materials with his spiritual eyes, but when he heard someone approaching and sensed Feng Yujie's breath, he immediately stood up and walked over to open the door.

"Little devil, the guys in charge of the investigation have already found some clues. They are going to find the old woman and the little girl now! This is their only clue now!" Feng Yujie said, "I heard it in the Supreme Hall!"

Chen Xiang is not worried about himself now, but is worried about the pair of grandparents, he doesn't know where the grandchildren have gone, otherwise he will definitely chase after them immediately!

Seeing that Chen Xiang was worried, Feng Yujie said: "We waited patiently, Jiren have their own good looks, they will be fine!"

Chen Xiang nodded.

"Alchemy well, when we have accumulated a certain amount of strength, we will go to the Shenxuan Tianchi to see!" Feng Yujie comforted Chen Xiang.

After Feng Yujie left, it took Chen Xiang half an hour to calm down.

"The Yuxin Shendan requires three low-grade magical medicines. This is a low-grade magical medicine that uses less magical medicines. No wonder it is not very popular. After all, the effect is not strong. , then it will definitely be very popular!" Chen Xiang was rummaging through the low-grade magic pills in his memory, to see which ones would be suitable to be paired with the Jade Heart Magic Pill.

The spirit beads used to copy the medicinal materials have already been used almost, and the speed of using the spirit liquid is slow, Chen Xiang feels that it is better to change the alchemy for the divine essence stone, and then purchase the medicinal materials.

Chen Xiang looked at the three magical medicines on the jade basin. These are all low-grade magical medicines for refining the Jade Heart Pill. Yuhua Zibeard is a very strange magical medicine, like a long beard. It grows from the purple bark like a stone.

The same is true for the second kind of crescent moon fruit, which is like a crescent moon, the size of a palm, pale white, and has a strong healing effect. Chen Xiang felt that the pill made from the crescent moon fruit should not be too bad. , while the Jade Heart Divine Pill is much worse, there must be some reason that the effect of the Moon God Fruit cannot be exerted and is suppressed.

The last one is the jasper tree root, which is something that many divine trees have. When some divine trees grow for a certain year, the roots will turn into jasper, which can be used for alchemy, and also has a good healing effect.

"The combination of jasper tree root and jade flower purple beard is something that some trees grow until a certain year, and it is quite common! But the crescent moon fruit is not the same as these two magical medicines!" Chen Xiang carefully After analyzing these medicinal herbs, I fell into deep thought: "If I want to add one medicinal herb, it must have the same properties as the crescent moon fruit, and at the same time, it can be combined with the jasper tree root and the jade flower purple beard to transform into a A line that fuses these three!"

The added fourth low-grade magic medicine is very important, not only should it have a strong enough healing effect, but also can reconcile the other three magic medicines.

"What exactly is appropriate?" Chen Xiang's mind kept flashing the magical medicine knowledge that Feng Yujie imparted to him.

An hour has passed, Chen Xiang finally found a more suitable one, and he will have to wait for him to try it before he can determine whether it fits together perfectly.

"Let's make it now and talk about it!" Chen Xiang hasn't started alchemy yet, and now he wants to make it just to get familiar with the real properties of the various medicinal materials of this jade heart pill.

There are only two medicinal materials of the Jade Heart Divine Pill in his hand. After refining this one, he has to make several copies, which will consume all his spiritual liquid.

After a day's time, he successfully refined a pot of Jade Heart Divine Pill. The refining of his origin was used to refine the Divine Pill, which also had a very good effect, allowing him to complete it quickly!

The first process is not too easy, it takes a long time and patience!

"Four, if one sells 100,000 Divine Essence Stones, I don't know if it can be sold sooner!" Chen Xiang had four Divine Pills like purple jade beads in his hand, which were the Jade Heart Divine Pill.

Ordinary low-grade magic medicine can be purchased in the hands of villagers with 5,000 spiritual essence stones. If it is in the Supreme Hall, it needs 10,000 spiritual essence stones. The three medicinal materials of Yuxin Shendan are relatively common. Divine Essence Stone can be received, even if it is only sold for 60,000 pieces, it can still make a lot of money.

Of course, this is for Chen Xiang, because he used the refining of the source to refine the Jade Heart Divine Pill very fast.

If it is another alchemist who has just touched the field of Shendan, it will take at least ten days, and more will take half a month! There is no guarantee of success, even if it is successful, the quality is inferior quality!

"This is the first divine elixir that I refined as a pill god!" Chen Xiang looked at the four jade heart elixir with great emotion.

He wants to refine the skeleton magic pill, he is very eager for skeleton, because it can make him have more powerful power.

At this time it was night, Chen Xiang came up from the underground secret room and saw that Feng Yujie was sleeping quietly on the side of the bed, that beautiful posture made Chen Xiang's eyes reluctant to move.

Feng Yujie suddenly opened her eyes. Although she had fallen asleep before, a strong person of her level would immediately catch any sound and wake up quickly. As soon as she heard the sound of Chen Xiang opening the stone door of the secret room , she woke up immediately.

"I'm going to take a bath!" Chen Xiang smiled hehe, and immediately walked into the bathroom to rinse his body. He had been concocting pills for so long, and he sweated a lot.

Feng Yujie snorted softly, wrapped herself tightly with the quilt, and when she heard the sound of water splashing in the bathtub, she couldn't help but think about it, and soon recalled that Chen Xiang was in her divine sea, which made her embarrassed and shy things to come.

"With such a big bed, do you feel very empty when you sleep!" Chen Xiang walked out of the bathroom and said with a smile.

"I want you to take care of it, go to sleep!" Feng Yujie's jade face was already blushing at this time, but because the light in the room was dim, Chen Xiang didn't see it.

After Chen Xiang lay down on his bed, he said: "I have successfully refined the Jade Heart Divine Pill, there are four! Sister Feng, if you buy one hundred thousand Divine Essence Stone, can you sell it quickly? ?"

Feng Yujie already knew the technique of heaven refining very well at this time, she was not surprised that Chen Xiang could refine four jade heart pills.

"It's still a bit difficult, the 80,000 Divine Essence Stone should be able to be sold very quickly!" Feng Yujie said, she was also eager to move at this time, and wanted to use the Heaven Alchemy technique to try the Yuxin Divine Pill to see if she could do it too. Four grains were made.

Chen Xiang asked: "How many medicinal materials have you acquired?"

When asked about this, Feng Yujie was a little helpless and sighed softly: "I was going to buy the same thing today, but that guy's price was too high. He asked for 100,000 Divine Essence Stones, but I didn't want it!"

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