World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1938 Xiao Chou's Adventures

Finally seeing Xiao Chou, Chen Xiang had many questions to ask him, especially how he entered the Supreme Divine Hall, but he didn't go through that trial!

Xiao Chou could already see from Chen Xiang's expression what question he was about to answer.

Entering the hall, Feng Yujie greeted Xiao Chou and Zhu Siqing to sit down, poured tea and water for them, which made them flattered, especially Zhu Siqing, as a junior, being treated like this by her mistress made her a little nervous.

"Master, how long have you been in here? I've been waiting for you here for many years, and I haven't seen you. I thought you died during the trial!" Xiao Chou smiled: "You really are tough, and you'll die like this. No, and it came in."

Hearing Xiao Chou's words, Chen Xiang really wanted to go over and slap his bald head.

"Joke, how could I just die casually?" Chen Xiang took a sigh of relief and asked, "What the hell is going on with you? You came in without a trial. During my trial, I spent the whole day I am worried about you, thinking that you will die in the trial."

Xiao Chou said with a smile: "To be honest, if I were to be tested, I might really die in it. If I entered it, I could only last until the second round, and then I would not be able to last any longer, so I admire the master very much now. You can actually pass this hellish trial!"

Chen Xiang smiled proudly: "Otherwise, can I be your master? Tell me, how did you come in this Supreme Divine Hall? You came in without a trial, I'm very jealous!"

Recalling the trial at the beginning, Chen Xiang wanted to vomit!

"That's because when I was testing, I suddenly encountered the ancestor of my Hercules. Because of his accommodating, the Hall Master of the Supreme Temple made an exception to let me survive, so I didn't come in through the test." Xiao Chou smiled a little embarrassedly.

Chen Xiang didn't understand a little, took a sip of tea, and asked again: "Is the ancestor of your Vigorous God clan very powerful? To be able to make an exception for the palace master of the Supreme Temple, this requires a high status!"

"It's okay, he is an elder in the Supreme Divine Hall, and also my hall master. He is the hall master of the first hall of the Soul Hall. I went out with him some time ago to experience and see this realm of the gods. Qing'er is him. My granddaughter." Xiao Chou looked at Qing'er and smiled at Qing'er, from their eyes it could be seen that there was a deep relationship between them.

"So it is!" Chen Xiang nodded.

Feng Yujie smiled and said, "Chen Xiang, your apprentice already has a wife, why don't you give Qing'er a gift?"

I want to give some gifts, Chen Xiang thought about it carefully, he didn't have any good things for Zhu Siqing, because Qing'er's grandfather was a very powerful hall master, and he was also the god of the Vigorous God Clan.

"Qing'er, here it is!" Feng Yujie saw Chen Xiang stunned, and took out a small red wooden box.

"Thank you, Mistress, Master!" Zhu Siqing stood up and quickly thanked.

Chen Xiang didn't have something that he could get his hands on, but Feng Yujie did. At this time, Chen Xiang was also very curious about what it was, and said with a smile, "Open it and take a look!"

Zhu Siqing blushed. She didn't expect Xiao Chou's master and wife to be so talkative. She gave her gifts as soon as they met, and just poured tea for her, which moved her very much and felt a strong affection.

Open this small red wooden box, there is a pill inside.

"This is... a mid-grade pill!" Xiao Chou was a little surprised. He originally thought it was just a low-grade pill. For him and Zhu Siqing, a low-grade pill was a good gift. After all, they were not like Chen Xiang and Feng. Like Yu Jie, she can easily concoct pills to sell, and quickly earn Divine Essence Stone.

Feng Yujie smiled and said, "A little thought, you have to use it well, Qing'er!"

Zhu Siqing nodded quickly,

Thanks again Feng Yujie.

"Xiao Chou, did you learn anything in the Soul Hall?" Chen Xiang was curious about the Soul Hall, because the Soul Hall could hunt down powerful divine beasts, and after refining the divine beasts' souls, humans could be integrated into it. As the soul of the beast, the soul of the beast can also obtain the unique and powerful power of the beast.

This kind of beast soul needs to be integrated into the bones, so Chen Xiang wants to know more about this aspect now, and when he has the bones in the future, let Xiao Chou help to get a good beast soul.

Xiao Chou scratched his head and smiled and said: "There is a lot of knowledge to learn in the Soul Hall, especially soul refining is very difficult, Qing'er is better than me in this regard, I am learning from her now! Master, you are now If you need the soul of a beast, Qing’er and I may be able to work together to help you make a good one.”

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I don't need it now. When I need it, I'll find it myself! After I find it, I'll refine it for you, and it will be easy when I merge it, right!"

Xiao Chou nodded and said, "As long as it has been refined by the secret method, it can be perfectly integrated into the godhead, and it can exert a very powerful force! Therefore, when you are looking for the soul of the beast, master, it is best to try to find the best one."

"I will!" Chen Xiang is only a low-ranking god now, with only two souls. If he wants to become a god, he also needs eight souls and eight godheads. Thinking about it, it feels very long.

In addition, he has to cultivate his skeleton, so that his physical body also has a godhead, and then integrate his soul into it, so that his physical body can be as powerful as the soul.

"Master, what kind of strength are you now, I can't see it for so long? Do you think it's a god?" Xiao Chou asked suddenly, with a curious look on his face.

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "What about you? You give me the impression that you should be the median god of the three souls and three gods, right!"

Xiao Chou pouted and said: I did it on purpose to let you see, am I very good? After I entered the Supreme Temple, with the help of Qing'er's grandfather, I used the blood of my Hercules to grow very fast! Of course, it was mainly because Qinger's grandfather gave me two very good souls for me to fuse. I just cultivated two godheads. "

Xiao Chou is not considered to have made rapid progress, because he has been in this Supreme Divine Hall for decades, and Chen Xiang has lost these decades because he is in the trial ground!

"I'm only a lower god now!" Chen Xiang sighed: "I'm not your opponent!"

"Where, the master has always been very good. Although he is not as good as me now, he will catch up soon. I believe in the master's strength!" Although Xiao Chou said it very modestly, he smiled smugly.

"Master, how long have you been trying? I heard the hall master say that it is very scary, especially in the back, it is a test that is almost impossible to pass!" Xiao Chou asked, why did Chen Xiang pass, Xiao Chou couldn't understand it. Because he also has some understanding of the following rules, especially the countless traps, as long as you fall into it once, you will make people start all over again.

"It didn't take long, it's only a few years. The time inside is very pitiful compared to the time outside. After I finished the test, decades passed outside." Chen Xiang said: "I can pass, it's all by luck!"

Xiao Chou was a little unconvinced. He knew that it was impossible to pass by luck alone, and he also needed a lot of strength.

Chen Xiang really depended on luck, if he hadn't met Yue'er Kitty in the Temple of the Beast, he didn't even know how he would die.

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