World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1954 Dao Heart Stone

Yue'er checked the contents of the jade card and let out a coquettish cry. She didn't speak, but her eyes were flashing white light.

Chen Xiang asked a few times and she didn't answer, she could only wait patiently.

After half an hour, Yue'er said slowly, "This place is very dangerous!"

"I know, that's why I came to see you. You should be familiar with it!" Chen Xiang was also mentally prepared, because looking at Yue'er's reaction at this time, he knew that it was more terrifying than he imagined. If the child refuses to go, he will not force himself.

Yue'er said: "I'm not familiar with it either, but you can try it! By the way, do you know what that kind of stone is useful for?"

Chen Xiang saw that kind of stone on the jade plaque, but he didn't know what it was used for, and the details of the entrustment order were not explained.

He shook his head: "I don't know, but the person looking for this stone is very strong in the Supreme Temple, and it is said that he almost died in it!"

Yue'er nodded and said, "The guy looking for the stone should be the descendant of the Hercules God Clan. He is the head of the Soul Hall."

Yue'er even knew this, Chen Xiang was secretly surprised, the origin of this kitten made him more and more curious.

"Is there any use?" Chen Xiang asked.

"That kind of stone is called Dao Heart Stone. Just a small piece can condense a Dao Heart. With Dao Heart, you can directly absorb the power of Dao. If you have a special exercise, plus your own If you have comprehension, you can see through the laws of the Dao and gain the power of the laws!" Yue'er said, "The chief hall master of this Soul Hall has always wanted to find this kind of Dao Heart Stone, and then refine the spirit of the beast into it...he said so, I don't know what he wants to do, in short, he has been to the Beast Temple before, and he entrusted us to help him find it, and he offered a very generous reward."

"I still haven't found it yet!" Yue'er said: "I also want to see this heart stone! Although I use the power of space law, I can't directly absorb the power of the avenue! The mirror directly absorbs the power of the Six Paths, but you can't peep the secrets of the Dao Law unless you have the Dao Heart!"

Chen Xiang's heart moved, and he hurriedly asked: "If I have a Dao Heart, then I can skillfully use the power of various laws?"

Yue'er nodded and said, "Yes, it can absorb Dao power and use various laws at will. This is something that many strong people yearn for."

"If you find this kind of good stuff, will you give it back to him?" Chen Xiang was entangled in his heart, this is a priceless treasure.

"He just asks for a small piece, and it's not easy to find. If he can find it, giving him the size of a grain of rice is enough for him to condense his Taoism! The head of this Soul Hall is still very good." Yue'er said: " When are you going to leave?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, let's go now!" Chen Xiang said.

"Okay, let's go!" Yue'er thought of cooperating with Chen Xiang, and there was an inexplicable expectation in her heart, because she was very happy to work with Chen Xiang last time.

Yue'er took out a backpack from her storage magic weapon, and then she entered the backpack and let Chen Xiang carry her on his back.

"Yue'er, what's your background? You are hiding in this bag now for fear of being recognized, right!" Chen Xiang asked: "You little thing, from the first day I saw you, it was mysterious."

Yue'er snorted: "I have a lot of backgrounds, you just need to know this, and now I can't explain it to you!"

Chen Xiang walked out of the city and came to the ladder, he had to toss for a while to go down, thinking about it, he felt a little depressed.

"You're an alien beast that can't change shape,

Should have the privilege to fly, can you fly with me so that I can get to the ground soon! "Chen Xiang was running wildly on the stairs, when someone came up on the way, he had to hurriedly stop to avoid it.

As soon as Chen Xiang finished speaking, the backpack moved a bit, Yue'er was no longer in it, Chen Xiang looked up and saw a big white eagle appeared above. This white eagle grabbed his arms with his claws, and then led him Dive down to the ground.

Yue'er also knows how to use the power of space law, she shuttled through the space continuously, and soon saw the ground.

The big white eagle flashed a burst of white light and disappeared, Chen Xiang also felt the heavy backpack, and Yue'er had changed back.

"Is that your body just now?" Chen Xiang asked. He used the Chaos Divine Eye just now, but he couldn't see through it.

"Of course not, my body is a cat. I used the supernatural powers just now." The cat replied in a low voice, "Let's go, go outside that mountain first."

Chen Xiang already knew how to go, and without Yue'er's instructions, he went straight through the space to leave, and soon he was far away from the Beast God Mountain, and the huge Beast God Mountain could no longer be seen.

After half a day, he came to a swamp, it was already dusk, the blood-colored sunset dyed half of the sky red, Chen Xiang was in the swamp, looked into the distance, and saw several purple smoke rising into the sky.

The purple smoke dissipated after reaching the air, and Chen Xiang could see clearly from a distance, which meant that the smoke was very thick.

Yue'er flew out of her backpack and said, "It's almost here. As long as you pass this Ziyan volcano, you will be close to that mountain range. This Ziyan volcano just appeared not long ago."

Chen Xiang touched the water in the swamp, and felt that the water was warm and warm, and it contained a trace of firepower. He looked at it with his original spiritual eyes and could catch the purple spiritual fire!

"These waters can be ignited at a moment." Chen Xiang said: "Let's get out of this swamp quickly, if it burns here, it won't be fun."

Chen Xiang took Yue'er out of this swamp very quickly, but when he was far away, he suddenly found a weak cold air behind him.

"What's going on?" Chen Xiang frowned, feeling very strange, if the back suddenly burst into flames, he felt it was normal, but the chill coming from behind made him feel as if the back was frozen.

He immediately released his divine soul and went out, and the divine soul quickly drifted into the sky, only to see that the swamp behind was actually frozen!

"It's frozen!" Chen Xiang exclaimed in shock, "I remember this chill..."

Yue'er whispered: "It's a silver lion, only one came! Strange, why are you being targeted by the god lion prince? You should go after Lao Bai and the others!"

This morning, Qi Shi was frostbitten by this cold energy, so Chen Xiang was very familiar with this cold energy!

This kind of icy power is one of the silver lions spewing out of the mouth. Now that the silver lion appears in this place, it is clear that it is staring at them.

"Go ahead, if he wanted to take action, he would have taken action long ago, but now he is just following you, he may have other purposes." Yue'er said: "This silver lion is not easy to deal with, it has eleven godheads! Now only one has come, The other end is likely to go after Lao Bai and the others."

"This bastard lion prince, I just saved a handful of Qi Shi, and even sent a divine beast of this strength to deal with me!" Chen Xiang scolded in a low voice.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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