World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1981 Opportunity to fight back

Feng Yujie hugged Chen Xiang so beautifully that she fell asleep with a sweet smile on her face!

In the morning, Chen Xiang heard Yue'er's meowing, and he and Feng Yujie both woke up because of this. At this time, the sky was not yet completely bright, but there was a light blue light floating in the room.

These rays of light were all emanating from Shui Bingyan's body. At this time, Chen Xiang, Feng Yujie, and Yue'er had all woken up, and only Shui Bingyan was still asleep.

"She seems to be breaking through! She hasn't practiced much during this period of time!" Yue'er was very surprised, she flew to the bed of Feng Yujie and Chen Xiang.

Feng Yujie said, "She slept with me at night before, and it happened to me. At that time, I asked her, and she herself didn't know what was going on!"

Chen Xiang and the others watched, after dawn, Shui Bingyan stopped emitting blue light, and she also woke up at this time.

After Shui Bingyan woke up, she saw Chen Xiang and the others were looking at her, and at this time her clothes were soaked through, apparently caused by the blue glow just now.

"Good morning everyone!" Shui Bingyan smiled sweetly at Chen Xiang and the others, and then swiftly took off her clothes without caring about Chen Xiang's feelings.

This snow-white and beautiful body made Chen Xiang's eyes straighten immediately, but his eyes were quickly covered by Feng Yujie's jade hands.

Shui Bingyan put on a purple dress, Feng Yujie immediately walked over to help her organize her clothes, and warned, "Bingyan, there are men in the future, you can't take off your clothes casually, I remember telling you!"

"But Big Brother Chen is not an outsider! And he taught me how to wear clothes. All my clothes were given to me." Shui Bingyan looked at Chen Xiang and gave him a simple smile, which made Chen Xiang feel a little bit inside. He couldn't help it, this Shui Bingyan was really cute and simple, and he liked it very much.

"Bingyan, when you slept, your body emitted blue light, and your clothes got wet, what happened?" Chen Xiang asked: "Did you feel anything when you slept just now?"

Shui Bingyan looked at Feng Yujie, because Feng Yujie had asked her about it before, she shook her head: "I don't know, I just felt a little hot when I slept, and then my body sweated. "

Shui Bingyan herself didn't know what was going on, and Chen Xiang and the others definitely couldn't ask anything.

Chen Xiang wants to teach Feng Yujie to use the strong spirit method to refine the divine pill of regeneration, but before refining, he and Feng Yujie have to practice the technique of life and death, and condense some spirit beads, so that he can replicate the divine pill of regeneration. medicinal herbs.

Yue'er and Feng Yujie were playing in the yard. Because she was worried that Shui Bingyan would cause trouble, Feng Yujie did not let her out of the yard. When she wanted to go out, she had to be accompanied by Feng Yujie.

Chen Xiang and Feng Yujie were under the secret room. When they were cultivating the technique of life and death, Chen Xiang also taught Feng Yujie the strong spirit method through the soul. Besides, Feng Yujie also Can clearly get Chen Xiang's memory when he used the strong spirit method to make pills.

"I know how to make it, kid, you are really amazing, you can actually understand this kind of method!" Feng Yujie was very happy and kissed Chen Xiang's mouth: "Go out and look at Bingyan, I used to let her and me If you stay in the secret room, you can play with her by the way."

Chen Xiang and Feng Yujie kissed for a while, then walked out of the secret room. When they came outside, it was already evening.

Shui Bingyan and Yue'er were sitting on the roof, watching the sunset in the distance. Shui Bingyan was holding a sweet fruit in her hand, which she had already bitten.

Chen Xiang jumped up gently, came to Shui Bingyan's side, and said with a smile, "Who gave you the fruit, it looks delicious!"

Shui Bingyan handed over the fruit: "Brother Shen,

you eat! "

"It's better for you to eat, I've eaten too much of this fruit!" Chen Xiang said with a smile, touching her face so lovingly, and then took out the divine fruit that Huang Jintian gave him, this divine fruit can make a very sweet juice, He cut a small piece of pulp from it, and then refined it into a sweet and delicious juice.

Shui Bingyan took a sip and praised it again and again. She worried that she would never drink it again, so she took a small sip.

"Bingyan, do you miss the place where you were born?" Chen Xiang asked, Shui Bingyan is a Taoist spirit, but she is no different from ordinary people now, she is a natural creature born from heaven and earth, and her strength is also very strong.

"I don't want to go back, it's very boring inside, no one told me interesting things, and no Yue'er played with me." Shui Bingyan shook her head: "I don't want to go back."

Chen Xiang smiled: "Then don't go back, I will take you to more fun places and do more fun things later."

Shui Bingyan nodded expectantly.

They were sitting on the roof, and they could see that the three Gu brothers were noisily returning, and they had already reached the door.

As soon as the three Gu brothers opened the door, they saw Chen Xiang and Shui Bingyan watching the sunset on the roof, and they couldn't help but feel envious.

"Little devil, where is the little junior sister? The price of the Rebirth Pill has gone up, and now it sells 1.5 million Divine Essence Stones, which is more than a million more than before!" Elder Gu shouted.

Before, because someone wanted to go against Feng Yujie, like Feng Yujie was showing off, he sold the income tax that was originally worth millions of Divine Essence Stone to 400,000, but now it has suddenly risen to 1.5 million, Chen Xiang felt very amazed.

"Why did it suddenly rise so much? Does anyone buy it?" Chen Xiang asked, he had seven Divine Regeneration Pills in his hand, and now he had found a way to easily refine the Divine Regeneration Pill, so he and Feng Yujie planned to fight back.

"No one has bought it yet, but it will be available in a while! The guys in Boxing Hall, Sword Hall, and Soul Hall will all be very good at healing magic pills! The guy who sold the regeneration magic pill at a low price before, now He also has to make money back, so he will raise the price all of a sudden, and he has already advertised his own regeneration pill before." Boss Gu said: "Little Junior Sister, should she not plan to refine and regenerate now? Divine Dan?"

Gu Lao Er said: "Now all the medicinal materials for the regeneration pill have been bought by that guy. That bastard has hoarded a lot of medicinal materials for the regeneration pill. Before he sold 400,000 god essence stones at a loss, he was not just showing off himself! That guy sold it at a low price. Dan, buy the medicinal materials of the Divine Regeneration Pill at a high price! On the one hand, it is to promote his own strength and that he owns the Divine Regeneration Pill, and on the other hand, it is to make a fortune waiting for the big competition."

Chen Xiang said: "During the big competition, people from other forces will also come, right?"

Boss Gu nodded and said, "We will come, and we will come more than ten days in advance. At that time, they will also come here to buy medicinal materials, because in the realm of the gods, the Pill Hall of our Supreme Temple is more famous! In the past few days, a large number of disciples from other forces should have come, and now they have begun to build houses outside the temple, and the young people from the Boxing Hall and the Sword Hall are responsible for the construction."

Chen Xiang has been in retreat for alchemy these days, and he doesn't know these things. If this is the case, then he and Feng Yujie will be able to counterattack with the regenerating pill, and let the young alchemist who competed with them experience being suppressed. Feel.

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