World Defying Dan God

Chapter 1992 Reincarnation Festival

Although Baihu and Suzaku were resurrected by the Nine Gods King, Feng Yujie was not very familiar with them before, but after getting along for a while, they could be regarded as friends.

Feng Yujie said, "Let's go to Baihu and Suzaku first. The two of them are so powerful now that they should have awakened their memories. Qi Shi needs help now, let's see if they can help!"

Yue'er nodded: "Now we can only sense that their aura is very strong, but we don't know the specific strength. If they have become gods, they can help Qi Shi to do a lot of things, not to mention that they and Qi Murder is also a good friend."

Suzaku and Baihu did not restrain their breath, their purpose of doing so was obviously to let someone know that they came to this city, Feng Yujie guessed that they came to find Chen Xiang! Presumably they already knew that Chen Xiang was in the Supreme Divine Hall.

Feng Yujie soon met Baihu and Suzaku! It is evening now. There are luminous beads hanging on both sides of the street. Baihu and Suzaku walk on the street side by side. Baihu is wearing white clothes. He looks ordinary, but there is a beautiful woman in a dress beside him. Many people couldn't help but take a few more glances.

After they saw Feng Yujie, they immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Yu Jie has met two seniors!" Feng Yujie hurriedly saluted, if Bai Hu and Suzaku both awakened their memories, then they are indeed Feng Yujie's seniors.

"Hello, two seniors!" Shui Bingyan saw Feng Yujie salute, and she also greeted Suzaku Baihu very politely.

"You don't have to be so polite!" Suzaku smiled lightly, then looked at Shui Bingyan and asked, "Where's this kid Chen Xiang? He should be here too? Who is this beautiful little girl? I don't seem to have seen it before. Pass!"

"I'm Shui Bingyan, Big Brother Shen is concocting pills!" Shui Bingyan said with a simple and beautiful smile.

Hearing Shui Bingyan calling Chen Xiang like that, Suzaku and Bai Hu looked at each other, apparently thinking that Shui Bingyan and Chen Xiang had that kind of relationship.

"When did you come to the realm of the gods?" Feng Yujie was very curious about this, because Suzaku and Baihu went to the realm of gods very early, but there was no news after that.

Bai Hu laughed: "Not long after we went to the realm of gods, we found the ruins of a beast temple in the realm of gods. We came here through that place, so it has been several years!"

In order to facilitate the conversation, Feng Yujie took them to the fifth floor of the shop and entertained them with iced tea made of water and ice.

Bai Hu looked at the surrounding environment and sensed a trace of anger in a secret room. He knew that Chen Xiang was concocting pills inside. He smiled and said, "Chen Xiang has restrained a lot when he came to this realm of the gods!"

Feng Yujie snorted softly: "How can he, he messed up the god lion prince not long ago, alas!"

Suzaku and Baihu both knew that Feng Yujie was the Goddess of the Nine Heavens, and now they could both see that Feng Yujie and Chen Xiang seemed to have a very close relationship, which surprised them.

"We also heard about this! I know very well what the Lion King did in the Beast God Temple. We just came here when we found out that the Lion King and Chen Xiang were in trouble. I didn't expect Chen Xiang to be this kid. I can still concoct pills with such peace of mind now, as if nothing happened." Bai Hu shook his head and smiled.

Yue'er stuck her head out and looked at Baihu and Suzaku, these two legendary beasts she had never seen before.

"Is this kitten from the Xingyue Divine Clan? Why does it look so familiar?" Suzaku saw Yue'er's cute little head and wanted to reach out to hug it, but Yue'er suddenly flashed out of her backpack and fluttered. Move your wings and float in the air.

Bai Hu frowned and said, "It's from the Xingyue God Beast Race,

The Xingbai Tiger Clan and the Xingyue God Clan also have some connections! This kitten is indeed very familiar, is it that guy? "

Yue'er asked, "Do you know me? It's impossible. When I was born, it was a long time after your era."

Hearing Yue'er's voice, Bai Hu and Suzaku glanced at each other, as if they were more certain.

"Samsara Sacrifice! You are the sacrifice required for the Samsara Sacrifice!" Bai Hu said in a very serious voice, "The reason why you don't recognize us is because you have been reborn after becoming a sacrifice, and a lot of memories will be erased. Go, look at your appearance, you should have been a sacrifice many times!"

Yue'er was shocked and said, "What reincarnation sacrifice? I've never heard of it. You mean I've died many times?"

Zhu Xiangyuan was very sure that Yue'er saved him before, but Yue'er didn't remember it, which made her very confused at the time!

Suzaku nodded and said, "Not many people know about the reincarnation sacrifice. We heard from the emperor that this is a ritual unique to your Xingyue God Clan."

Yue'er shook her little head: "I'm a sacrifice, why do they let me run around? And why do they only erase part of my memory, not all of it?"

Yue'er can't believe her identity, she is actually a sacrifice, she does have a high status in the Xingyue God Clan, and no one has ever told her such a thing!

"No, I have parents, although I haven't seen them!" Yue'er said again.

"That's what the Xingyue God Clan deceived you, because they use you to sacrifice Xingyue, which can give them a very powerful power. It is said that the Xingyue Beast Emperor was reborn and sacrificed through you in this way!" Baihu sighed. , He also felt very sympathetic to what happened to Yue'er, because her existence was only to make others stronger.

"Because the reincarnation sacrifice can only be sacrificed every once in a while, they will naturally take you back when they need it! They are worried about affecting your growth, so they will keep many memories that can allow you to survive, and even make repairs! And those that can make Your powerful memory will be deleted." Suzaku said: "And it is very difficult for you to grow up. If only the Xingyue God Clan wants you to grow up to be a sacrifice, they will also have to pay a lot of price, so in general They will let you go out and grow by yourself, and you must have a very strong growth ability.”

Now Chen Xiang understands why Yue'er escapes first-class, and her sense of power is first-class, which can guarantee that she will not die when encountering danger! In order to make her more survivable, the Star-Moon God Clan injected a lot of memories into her, but only did not make her stronger!

"Senior Baihu, Senior Suzaku!" Chen Xiang came out of the secret room. Although Baihu and Suzaku came here to restrain their breath, Chen Xiang could still sense it, so he used a secret technique to keep the pill furnace in its current state.

Baihu and Suzaku nodded to him.

"How much do the two seniors know about the sacrifice of reincarnation? Why do they gain powerful power after killing Yue'er?" Chen Xiang asked, because this was something related to Yue'er, so he ran out immediately.

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