World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2000 Nine Heavens Gate

Chen Xiang learned the news of his former friends from the news brought by Jiang Sheng. While he was happy, he was also very worried, because when the Nine Divine Kingdom was to take charge of the Nine Heavens World, it would definitely wipe out the original powerful forces of the Nine Heavens World. , if you can conquer it, conquer it, if you can't conquer it, destroy it!

And Yun Xiaodao and the others will definitely not give in, and it will be another bloody storm!

"What about Qilian and the others?" Feng Yujie stabilized: "Do you have any news about them? I used to have a passage back to the realm of gods, but it was blocked for some reason!"

"Those girls are very good now. They occupy another dragon vein, which is your tomb of the gods. Although they developed secretly in it, they are very famous in the Nine Heavens World!" Jiang Sheng said: "The Nine Heavens World and the world of gods There is a passage that is connected! That is, in the ancient Xuanhan area, the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods that can lead to the realm of the gods. Back then, these girls returned to the Nine Heavens from the road from the forbidden area of ​​​​the gods."

Bai Hu said: "It seems that the time in the realm of the gods is different from that in the nine-day world! It must have been a long time there!"

Jiang Sheng nodded and said: "One day in the sky for one year in the world, there was a saying in the past, so decades have passed here, and the nine-day world is hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even longer, I don't know the specifics! In short, in the past, the time of the world of gods and the world of nine heavens were slightly different."

Feng Yujie smiled bitterly and said, "It will be unified in the future, and the Nine Heavens World will soon swallow up this God Realm!"

Bai Hu asked, "Old Jiangtou, how did you come here? It's not easy to come from the Nine Heavens World!"

Jiang Sheng took a sip of iced tea, sighed in admiration, and said, "It's really not easy, but we exist in the realm of the gods, so with the help of everyone, we barely opened a hole, but it was only closed after I came in. !"

Suzaku was a little unconvinced: "It's not easy to open an opening, even if a few powerful gods join forces! Unless there is some kind of channel."

Jiang Sheng smiled and said: "Now the space of the realm of the gods is getting weaker and weaker, and with the participation of Qinglong and Xuanwu, who have become very powerful, it was possible to do it. I originally planned to come together, but I Luckily, I was the only one here."

Qinglong was imprisoned in the Divine Prison before, but the Divine Prison has been breached. The Qinglong who ran out of it and awakened his memory has become very strong.

"Senior Jiang, what about the Devil Slaying God and Punishment God now? When the Divine Prison was breached, their pressure should be the greatest!" Chen Xiang asked, these two Gods were very kind to him back then.

"They have all broken through and become super gods, and they can protect themselves completely. Now the realm of gods no longer exists. After being annexed by the Nine Heavens World, they obtained a more powerful source of energy. With our help, they entered the dragon veins to cultivate, So they broke through their own bottleneck, and now they are one of the important elders of the Nine Heavens Sect!" Jiang Sheng said.

The Nine Heavens Gate should be the most powerful force in the Nine Heavens World now. Once the Nine Heavens World annexes the Realm of the Gods, then the Nine Heavens Gate will be the main goal of the Nine Heavens Kingdom!

When Chen Xiang thought of this matter, he secretly worried in his heart, and he asked again, "Who is the headmaster of Jiutianmen now?"

"Gu Dongchen, he said that he is your nephew. This guy is also very powerful, and his management skills are very strong!" Jiang Sheng said.

Chen Xiang smiled, which reminded him of what happened when he was in Taiwu Sect. Gu Dongchen was really good when he was in charge of Taiwu Sect, and he was originally that mysterious ancient spirit clan, but he has become so powerful now. .

"This guy is good, but he's a little stingy!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "I really want to go back and meet them,

After not seeing each other for so long, they have become so powerful. "

Bai Hu also lived there for a period of time at the beginning, and there were his Baihu war clan there. He also missed his clan members very much, and that time was also the most leisurely and relaxing time for him.

"I'll see them soon. Once the Nine Heavens World annexes this place, it shouldn't take long." Jiang Sheng smiled and said, "It will be our world then!"

Chen Xiang couldn't laugh, Feng Yujie and Suzaku were also worried, Jiang Sheng could see something.

"What's the matter? You seem to think this is not a good thing?" Jiang Sheng asked suspiciously.

"It's a good thing, but it will also be accompanied by bad things!" Chen Xiang sighed: "Qinglong and Xuanwu probably didn't tell you anything about this place! In this realm of the gods, the three temples are the strongest. Great, but none of these three shrines can currently match those nine terrifying kingdoms of God!"

Feng Yujie said: "The Nine Divine Kings were suppressed by the Nine Divine Kingdoms and had to hide, and the Nine Heavens World was broken because of this. The previous Divine Prison was destroyed, which is also closely related to the Nine Divine Kingdoms! If you want to annex this place, the Nine Gods Kingdom will definitely take action."

Jiang Sheng couldn't laugh after hearing it. He seemed to have heard about the Nine Gods Kingdom. If the Nine Heavens World was annexed, the Nine Gods Kingdom would take action, and it would definitely be a big fight again. They have been developing steadily for so many years, and no one wants this to happen.

"It doesn't seem as good as I imagined!" Jiang Sheng sighed, he had already seen that there would be a fierce battle soon.

"By the way, have you met Qi Shi? He should have come here too. Immemorial beasts after awakening their memories should know this place, this is their real hometown." Jiang Sheng said: "Qinglong, Xuanwu and Ice Dragon didn't come here because he wanted to keep his hand at Jiutianmen."

Chen Xiang told Jiang Sheng what happened to Qi Shi, and when he learned that Qi Yan, the ancient fire beast, had died, Jiang Sheng was instantly furious.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be long before that god lion prince will come to you, and then we must let him pay his debts with blood." Bai Hu said coldly.

The Lion King himself is quite strong, and there is a God Lion Clan behind him, and his Lion King father is so powerful that he can compete with the Hall Master! But Bai Hu was not afraid. He also knew the God Lion Clan very well. Although he was reborn, his current strength is not weak.

Just when Chen Xiang and the others were chatting vigorously, Yi Baidong came!

Yi Baidong came to the hall on the fifth floor. He saw Baihu and Suzaku, and suddenly remembered something. At the beginning, Yi Baidong recognized Huang Jintian as an immortal. Now it seems that he also has an impression of Baihu and Suzaku, just because of the existence of Huang Jintian. important things, so he didn't ask.

"There is an elder from the Star-Moon God Clan. He said he wanted to find the kitten. He learned that the cat is here!" It has a very high status and is almost on an equal footing with the patriarch, which shows that they attach great importance to this cat!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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