World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2150 You are not this material

Xiao Yulan returned the stone to Chen Xiang and smiled lightly: "You let this guy out, it's hard not to know about you! Do you know how many people will hate you when you let out Jiu Canghai? ?"

"I don't know, you probably won't hate me." Chen Xiang put away the stone and sat on a chair, while Xiao Yulan is still standing.

When others talk to her, she is always the only one who sits and others stand!

"Can't you be a little polite?" Although Xiao Yulan said that, she had already sat down. She shook her head and smiled, indicating that she had nothing to do with Chen Xiang.

"I don't hate you, but I'm starting to hate you a little bit now." Xiao Yulan sat opposite, staring at Chen Xiang with her charming and beautiful eyes, which put a lot of mental pressure on Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang was suppressing the curiosity in his heart now, he didn't directly look at her Divine Sea, he was worried that if Xiao Yulan found out, he might be kicked out.

"Tell me, why did he let you come to me? It's not bad for him to have you as a subordinate. Although it is difficult to restore the country, it is not impossible. You have mastered the art of heaven refining for so many years. people." Xiao Yulan said.

"You are wrong, he didn't ask me to come here, I came here myself!" Chen Xiang frowned, the other party didn't even know the relationship between Xue Xianxian and the others.

"Oh? Do you really plan to join me? Of course, based on your strength, I will definitely accept you and give you a good treatment." Xiao Yulan chuckled: "I thought you were treating Jiu with a smile. Cang Hai is loyal, do you think he is too weak?"

Chen Xiang sighed: "You are wrong again! First, Jiu Canghai and I are not masters and servants, I am friends with him, he is indeed weak, but I promised him that I will do my best to help him recover. Country! Second, I didn't come here to rely on you! Can't you think of any other reason for me to come here?"

Xiao Yulan frowned slightly, and felt very distressed that she guessed wrong. She had a depressed look on her face, looking a little playful and cute.

"Then tell me directly, the real reason you are here, I don't want to be wrong again." Xiao Yulan said with a slight smile.

"You sent people to capture my wife, sister and slave girl. I came here to save them, but after I came here, I realized that I was too weak." Chen Xiang said with a trace of anger on his face.

Seeing that Xiao Yulan was still at a loss, Chen Xiang continued: "Xue Xianxian and Liu Meng'er are my wives, Dongfang Jing is my sister, and Dongfang Xinyue is my slave girl, you should know them."

Xiao Yulan suddenly woke up, but still had some doubts: "How could Dongfang Jing be your sister? Dongfang Xinyue is her aunt. According to her seniority, she is also your aunt. How could she be your slave girl?"

"Jingjing is my sister-in-law, Xinyue became mine because she lost the bet! You took them away." Chen Xiang snorted softly.

"When I brought them out and invited them, the method was a bit inappropriate, but I have no ill will towards them, I just want to ask them to do one thing for me. After I finish, I will send them back and reward them heavily! They are now in I have a good life here, but I can't let you see them for the time being, they are doing very important things." Xiao Yulan wanted to understand the reason, and she could understand the purpose of Chen Xiang's coming here, but what surprised her was that Xue Xianxian and the others The four outstanding women actually had such a close relationship with Chen Xiang.

"I will never lie to you, Xiao Yulan has never told a lie." Xiao Yulan said very seriously, and at the same time cast an apologetic look at Chen Xiang: "It caused so much trouble to you,

I'm really sorry, I'm really sorry, but please understand! "

Of course Chen Xiang knew the reason why Xiao Yulan didn't let him see Xue Xianxian and the others, that is, he was worried that the leak of her Ding affair would affect her plan.

"Forget it! I often hear Sister Bai Feng mention you. I believe in her, so I believe in you too! You have to take good care of Xianxian and the others." Chen Xiang sighed, Xiao Yulan's attitude was also very good, which made him feel relieved many.

"You are so kind to your wife that you dare to take such a big risk to enter here." Xiao Yulan chuckled lightly: "You really don't have to worry about them, it's the Cardinals who are taking care of them now, and they have a good time here. Well, I hope they can stay here in the future."

Chen Xiang said: "Our misunderstanding should have been resolved!"

"Yeah! If you want to join me and build a great cause with me, I will welcome you at any time!" Xiao Yulan said, now that she understood the purpose of Chen Xiang's coming here, her doubts were resolved, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will definitely not join you, you are not expected to be the emperor of the kingdom of God." Chen Xiang smiled.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" Xiao Yulan was not angry when she heard such words.

"Tell me consciously!" Chen Xiang said: "I just feel that this is not what you originally thought, I always feel that it was forced out."

Xiao Yulan was silent for a while, and then asked, "How did you see it?"

Chen Xiang was stunned for a while: "Are you really like this?"

Xiao Yulan nodded: "Well, although I have been intriguing since I was a child, and I have cultivated the momentum that an emperor should have, this is really not what I expected, it is all due to the environment, forcing me to have to compromise. How did you see it?"

"Because I know a woman who really wants to be a goddess emperor. Although she is much weaker than you, her heart has always wanted to be an emperor, so you and her feel completely different to me." Chen Xiang said It was Lu Qilian.

"Oh? If I have a chance, I want to meet the woman you mentioned. Maybe I can learn something useful from her." Xiao Yulan waved away the barrier and smiled at Chen Xiang: "What we just talked about, Keep it a secret!"

"Of course!" Chen Xiang walked out of the room, but Xiao Hongque and Xiao Baifeng outside were always very nervous, especially Xiao Baifeng, who was worried that Chen Xiang would anger Xiao Yulan, and then be slapped to death by Xiao Yulan, and the beating was broken.

"Red Sparrow, let's go back!" When Xiao Yulan came out, she had a happy smile on her face, which made Xiao Baifeng feel relieved.

After Xiao Yulan left, Xiao Baifeng sat paralyzed on a chair: "I'm worried to death, you didn't treat the princess rude inside, did you?"

"How dare I? Your princess is not a child, how dare I bully her casually? She could kill me with just one look, who would dare to be rude to her?" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

Shortly after Xiao Yulan left, Xiao Baifeng said in a low voice, "I have bought the low-grade magic medicine of the bone magic pill, and there are only ten copies!"

dong dong dong! Suddenly someone knocked on the door, it sounded very hard.

"Xiao Baifeng, come out for me, you little bitch!" A shout came from outside, and it turned out to be Prince Ming.

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