World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2189 Re-refining the crystal pill

Wu Qianqian thought of something, and said softly, "His eyes are very strange. Last time, he used those eyes to instantly refine a pot of skeleton magic pill!"

"I don't see it with my eyes! If I see it with my eyes, hehe... I can see more of you!" Chen Xiang can directly see other people's Divine Sea with his eyes, and if he is not defensive enough, he will even be attacked by him. Attack the Sea of ​​God.

"It's stronger than the Origin Spirit Eye! It's a little difficult to cultivate." After Chen Xiang opened the lid, the five Yin-Yang Jiu Ni Divine Pills inside floated up, and the pill robbery came in an instant, and several bolts of lightning struck the Yin-Yang Jiu Ni. above the gods.

After the yin-yang nine-defense pill passed his own pill tribulation, Chen Xiang stretched out his hand to take it and looked at the quality, which was not much different from the one he refined.

"When did you learn it?" Chen Xiang asked: "Looking at your appearance, it is very easy to refine! If the great national master of Shending Kingdom knew about it, he would definitely vomit blood!"

"It took ten or so days to succeed. This is our third success!" Feng Yujie said, "We still have a big gap compared to you. If we make it alone, it will be more difficult!"

"Then how long will it take you to refine this furnace together?" Chen Xiang asked again: "Although your seven soul refining is quite powerful, you should not rely too much on it, unless you can refine it alone. If you use the Chain of Seven Souls together, the effect will definitely be better.”

Su Meiyao nodded: "We use the Seven Soul Refinement, we can refine five pills in an hour and a half at the fastest, and we also need to use five parts of Yin-Yang Jiu Ni Shen Pill! If we refine it separately, say less. It takes ** an hour."

"Chen Xiang, how much time do you need to refine a furnace of Misty Rain Jiangnan?" Du Yanyao asked.

"About two hours, if I use my full strength, there should be no problem in one hour! The difficulty I can't overcome now is the later stage! You should all know that when the pill condenses later, it is naturally condensed, and I can't control it, so I just It is difficult to break through the limit." Chen Xiang sighed.

"This... do you still want to break through the limit?" Ji Linger opened her mouth in surprise: "What limit can this be broken through?"

"Spiritual Light!" Chen Xiang smiled: "It must be difficult to refine the Yin-Yang Nine-Defense Pill with spiritual light! And this is only my current goal, and there will be higher goals in the future!"

All the girls were shocked by Chen Xiang's words, it was really difficult to refine the aura, and the medicinal liquid needed to be collided, and this yin and yang nine defiant pills were completely uncontrollable when they condensed behind them! It is almost impossible to refine aura!

"Apart from the spiritual light, is there anything higher?" Hongxia thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "The spiritual light should not be suitable for appearing on the Yin-Yang Jiu Ni Shen Dan!"

Feng Yujie nodded and said, "This yin and yang nine-defense pill is very miraculous. The magic medicine is not very rare, but the refined pill is so powerful. I think this should be the limit. To make aura, we need to follow the laws of nature.”

Su Meiyao pinched Chen Xiang's face and smiled charmingly: "Little rascal, you must have made a breakthrough, are you hiding it from us? Then you are going to attack us again, right?"

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "Of course not! I said it before, I can't break through that slash right now! Although this is the power of nature, it contains the power of law, but since it is a law, it can also be broken!"

"By the way, you should have all refined the Heavenly Fire Pill, right?" Chen Xiang took out a Heavenly Fire Pill.

"Well, the Tianhuo Shendan was easily refined, and it was a success." Wu Qianqian nodded, and then she took out the Tianhuo Shendan she refined and showed it to Chen Xiang.

In Wu Qianqian's palm, there are two Heavenly Fire Pills, one of which is of normal high quality, and the other is a Heavenly Fire Pill with aura.

"Not bad, the Heavenly Fire God Pill can already be refined!" Chen Xiang said with a smile, touching Wu Qianqian's jade face, Wu Qianqian wrinkled his nose and smiled at him, smiling very sweetly and softly.

"Why are you asking this?" Feng Yujie said, "We can all refine the Heavenly Fire Pill of Aura!"

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "The Heavenly Fire God Pill I refined is very terrifying, far surpassing those of your spiritual light Heavenly Fire God Pill, and it is close to the existence of the Crystal God Pill."

"Impossible!" Feng Yujie said resolutely, she knows Shendan relatively well, and of course she has heard about Jing Shendan: "Jing Shendan is generally only a super-grade Shendan, and even Wangpin Shendan will be used. Appear! The power contained in the divine medicine of the Heavenly Fire Pill cannot be crystallized at all."

When Chen Xiang taught them his experience before, he didn't tell them this part, because he had not succeeded in refining the Divine Crystal Pill before, although he was only a little bit successful, but in his opinion it was a big deal. fail.

He had already given all the Tianhuo Shendan when he competed in the Shending Kingdom to Xiang Hongdao, and Xiang Hongdao said that he wanted to do research! So now he doesn't have one either, but he plans to make one himself.

"Qilian is outside, I'll open the door!" Ji Linger hurriedly opened the door.

After Lu Qilian came in, she saw what Chen Xiang and the girls were discussing, and they were very serious, so she was very curious. After inquiring, she found out that Chen Xiang actually used the high-grade magic medicine to refine the crystal pill. She also felt that it was a little difficult.

Without saying a word, Chen Xiang took out the pill furnace and said with a smile, "I'll make one for you to see, but let me first explain that I was only a little short of success before, and I can't take the last step yet, although It's only half-finished, but it shows that I can succeed."

Having said that, Chen Xiang has already begun to put in the divine medicine of the Heavenly Fire Pill, and then began to refine it!

At the beginning, he quickly entered the stage of fusion of the medicinal liquid at the back, and the same as before, what he refined was also mutated!

"It's the critical moment!" Chen Xiang immediately ran the Eight-Day Zhenhai Lian, preparing to suppress the changes inside the pill furnace.

At this time, the group of purple-gold medicinal liquid had been divided into six groups by him, and then he poured enough fire power into each group.

"Start!" Chen Xiang used the six strongest fire powers to drive the six groups of medicinal liquid to collide.


The pill furnace shook, and there was an explosion inside, but the pill furnace only moved slightly!

Su Meiyao frowned and said, "Why does it move? Did it collide? But the movement is too small!"

Feng Yujie said, "The more violent you are, the stronger the liquid will be, but your movement is too small, and it doesn't look violent enough at all. How can you condense the crystal pill at this level?"

Chen Xiang didn't speak, the collision just now was very powerful, but he used the Eight Heavens Zhenhai to suppress it, otherwise the pill furnace would be greatly damaged.

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