World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2230 Star Palace

Chen Xiang came to the dark starry sky. According to the old man's memory, he found a relatively small star, and then teleported to it.

The strength of the old man who used the Black Dragon Flower Poison was not very strong. He was only sixty godheads, but he was very good at using poison. Chen Xiang learned from his memory that the group of people from the Astral God Domain built a star palace here. Just above a small star.

There are two purposes for the Star Law God's Domain to come here. One is to investigate the situation here, so that we can occupy this area in the future! The second purpose is to catch the dragon!

Yue'er said that dragons are a very powerful god in the Star God Domain, and dragons are found in many worlds, and they are born with great strength. Therefore, those strong in the Star God Domain who are looking for the law of longevity believe that within the body of the Shenlong family It also contains the same power of longevity as the Undead Clan, but not as much as the Undead Clan.

Therefore, the group of powerhouses in the Star God Realm want to catch the dragon to experiment to see if they can extract the power of longevity from it!

In the Astral God Realm, because the Undead God Race was exterminated, the other God Races fled the Star Law God Realm at the first time, and all hid, so as not to be exterminated like the Undead God Race.

"Is there any news about the cat clan in that old guy's memory?" Yue'er hurriedly asked after hearing Chen Xiang say the purpose of this group of people coming from the Star God Realm.

"Yes, the cat clan hides near the Astral Divine Realm. The cat clan is more difficult to catch, because they can become cats, and they can't be found when they hide in other worlds. Even if they are found, they are difficult to catch." Chen Xiang said.

"That's not bad, my cat clan is not so easy to deal with! Is there anyone from the Star-Moon God Clan?" Yue'er asked again, she had the most blood of the Star-Moon God Clan in her body.

"No, since the Star-Moon God Clan disappeared in the Star God Domain, there has been very little news!" Chen Xiang said: "Among the God Clan, only the Undead God Clan suffered the most."

"Alas, the God Race should unite. Only in this way can we barely fight against the Star Law God Realm." Yue'er said.

Chen Xiang saw a small star right in front of him, that was where the people sent by the Star God Domain lived. There was a star palace above, and dozens of powerhouses sent by the Star God Domain were all in the star palace.

"These guys all hid when they went out to collect information, so they didn't discover their existence." Chen Xiang quietly landed on this dead little star. The little star was only covered with rocks and sand, without any spiritual energy.

But there is a small palace above the little star!

"This should be an artifact, and it is protected by a formation. If you break in hard, you will definitely be found." Yue'er said that in order to facilitate travel, some major forces will refine such a portable palace, which can be easily carried when needed. Release it.

A good palace will have a set of divine formations to cooperate, which can play a defensive role.

"Is there any Black Dragon Flower in it, doesn't the old guy who you killed know?" Yue'er asked, "He should be very clear about this."

"He doesn't know it himself, because other people helped him refine those poisons, and that group of people are in there! So they should have them, go ahead and talk about it!" Chen Xiang teleported in directly, unknowingly. , Although the defensive formation of this star palace is very strong, it cannot resist Chen Xiang using the power of space.

Chen Xiang used the technique of transformation to become the old man who was beheaded by him before, and then swaggered into the star palace. He met several middle-aged people on the way, but he was not noticed.

Because of devouring the old man's memory, Chen Xiang walked quickly inside the star palace, and soon came to a room outside.

"Elder Yin,

Why are you back so soon? Did you catch the dragon? "Chen Xiang just wanted to knock on the door, but someone suddenly opened the door.

The person who asked the question was a middle-aged man who was in charge of preparing the black dragon flower poison!

"Come on, I need some black dragon flowers. I want to make them myself. The black dragon flower poison you made is not easy to use." Chen Xiang learned from memory that this old Yin who was killed by him was very familiar with refining. Making all kinds of strange poisons is much more powerful than this group of people, but he is too lazy to make them himself.

"How much?" The middle-aged man asked. He didn't suspect anything, but was a little unhappy because some people said that the poison they made was not good.

"As much as possible!" Chen Xiang said.

"We've been here for so many years, and as you know, the refining of black dragon flower poison often fails. We don't have many black dragon flowers left now, and we only have a dozen or so!" The middle-aged man took out a black box and handed it to him. To Chen Xiang: "I can only give you five, we will go back to the Star God Realm to get them after a while."

Chen Xiang nodded, then took it.

"Are you really Mr. Yin?" A voice suddenly came.

Chen Xiang took the black box, hurriedly put it away, and said, "I'm not Mr. Yin, who else is?"

The person who questioned just now came to Chen Xiang quickly, this was an old man in black, his face was gloomy: "Old Yin's life pearl has been broken, which means that Mr. Yin has died!"

Chen Xiang's heart jumped, he had also considered this issue when he came here before, but he also planned to try it first to see if he could hide it.

"There should be a problem with the Life Orb, am I not living well now?" Chen Xiang just finished speaking, the long sword of the black-clothed old man was already on Chen Xiang's neck.

"Don't try to lie to me, you are not Elder Yin at all. I don't know if Elder Yin is alive or dead? Who are you?" the old man said angrily.

When Chen Xiang saw this old man, he began to be on guard. This old man was the master of that old man and the person in charge of this operation. He had ninety-five godheads. Here, his strength is the strongest.

"I'm the one who killed the old man Yin!" Chen Xiang stopped pretending, sneered, and his fist slammed into the chest of the black-clothed old man. With just one punch, the meteor gushed out from his fist in an instant. Hit the old man in black.


The black-clothed old man's sternum and heart were instantly crushed by Chen Xiang's powerful meteoric energy, causing him to spurt a stream of blood.

"You guys, you are going to attack the dragon of the Nine Heavens World. If it wasn't for you, Xueyi wouldn't be poisoned, so let me die!"

Chen Xiang had already summoned the Nine Heavens Divine Sword, and slashed at the black-clothed old man, cutting it into two pieces!

The god emperor of a hundred gods is hard to resist in the face of him and the Nine Heavens Divine Sword, let alone these ninety-five gods!

Chen Xiang's current strength is close to the peak!

"Come in!" Chen Xiang took out the Divine Creation Stove, put the old man's body in, and then looked at the middle-aged man who just gave him the black dragon flower.

"Give me all the black dragon flowers in your hand!" Chen Xiang said coldly.

The middle-aged man had been frightened, and the strongest among them was killed by the opponent's sword. Of course, he was not an opponent, so he could only obediently offer the Black Dragon Flower.

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