World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2268 3 Lotus Crystal Pill

The three lotus seeds that Chen Xiang is refining now are very difficult to incinerate. In addition, the divine elixir will release a strange power that resists incineration, so it will be even more difficult for him to refine the lotus seeds, and it will take a long time. To refine!

Wang Pin's magic medicine, the inside has been crystallized, very solid! After condensing, the magic medicine can store more powerful energy, and when refining, it can generate strong resistance.

The magic fire refining that Chen Xiang is using now is equivalent to letting the magic medicine burn itself and burn his own energy. In this way, a lot of work can be relieved.

Chen Xiang just understood this method, but he has never used it before, and he doesn't know if it will work. Now he will start using it on these three lotus seeds. If he can succeed, this magic fire refining will be the refining of the king-grade divine pill. the best way. Of course, this has to be used in conjunction with the refining of the source, so that the energies of various king-grade magical medicines can be fused together.

Chen Xiang put the three lotus seeds into the divine furnace of creation again, and started to cast the magic fire according to the mental formula in the art of alchemy. This is an invisible flame, although it can't be seen or touched, But it still consumes a lot of his power of the Six Paths.

"Yue'er, it may take me more time to refine this Sanlian Divine Pill. You can plant more spiritual seeds in the Youyao Ring and see if you can get the King Grade Divine Elixir of the Bone Divine Pill." Chen Xiang said to Yue said.

Now that he has successfully released the phantom fire, what he didn't expect is that this divine furnace of creation can actually enhance the strength of the phantom fire.

"As expected of the divine furnace of creation, any kind of flame can enhance the quality. It seems that the time for me to burn these three king-grade lotus seeds will be much shorter." Chen Xiang began to forcibly conduct telepathy with the three lotus seeds.

Even the very low-level elixir uses spirituality, not to mention the king-grade divine medicine. The king-grade divine medicine possesses wisdom no less than that of human beings. You must know that some exotic flowers and herbs are lucky enough to cultivate into adults. ! Lu Qinlian was formed from lotus flowers. These genius treasures can be reborn as long as they have the chance, and their strength after turning into a human form will not be inferior to that of humans.

Chen Xiang doesn't know how long it has passed. He has been wrapping three lotus seeds with phantom fire, trying to invade their hearts, but he has not been successful for a long time. method, constantly bombarding the heart door of the magic medicine.

Before he knew it, Chen Xiang suddenly had an induction with the three lotus seeds. At this time, the three lotus seeds became very tame, and the phantom fire had already started to burn inside the three lotus seeds.

In less than a while, the appearance of the three lotus seeds suddenly cracked, and the cracks overflowed with dazzling rays of light, which were green, white and purple.

"It's finally here!" Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief, much more relaxed, he was still worried that it would take a long time to complete.

After the cracks appeared in the three lotus seeds, the phantom fire gushed out from the inside and began to burn the outer layer that had become very fragile. It didn't take long for three lumps of clay-like light to appear in the divine furnace of creation.

"High-grade magical medicine and high-grade magical medicine are both in liquid form after refining, but high-grade magical medicine should be thicker! This king-grade magical medicine is pulp!" Chen Xiang thought of the crystal divine pill he had refined before, At that time, after he used the collision method to improve the quality of the divine medicine, it turned from the medicine into a slurry, and finally condensed into a crystal pill.

Now that he sees these three pills, he can be sure that when the pill is condensed, it must be the crystal pill!

"After refining and refining the king-grade magic medicine, does it have to be medicinal liquid? Why have I never heard of it? I remember reading an ancient book, which said that the king-grade magic medicine is also medicinal liquid after refining, but it will be It's a little thicker than Taipin, but it's still far from this thick mud form." Chen Xiang was very puzzled about this.

At this stage, he needs to use the original source refining,

Find the spiritual blood of the three lotus seeds! He found it very quickly. The blood of the three lotus seeds was very obvious. After he fused the blood of the three spirits together, the three groups of medicinal pulp also began to fuse, and the fusion process was relatively easy.

"When other pill gods refine the lotus seeds of the king grade, they may consume a lot of energy inside the lotus seeds, so in the end it is only in the form of liquid medicine, and the refining of magic fire that I use consumes very little energy of the magical medicine, so it is only in the form of liquid medicine. The ancient books are different." Chen Xiang thought about it, and there was only one explanation.

The three clumps of medicinal slurry that were originally very thick were fused together at this time, and were also pressed into a smaller clump. Now it is no longer a slurry, but has turned into a solid!

"It's very tricky! It's a very solid solid now. If you continue to compress it, it will definitely crystallize, and the process will definitely be very difficult." Chen Xiang has refined the Crystal Divine Pill twice, but the first time he failed, it turned into a small stone In the same way, it was Liu Meng'er and the others who used the Seven Souls Refinement to help them succeed in condensing the crystal pill for the second time.

No one helped him this time, and the crystal divine pill condensed this time was much more powerful than before, because it was refined from the king-grade divine medicine.

"There shouldn't be anything to be afraid of. I have so many godheads now, and my cultivation has improved a lot compared to before!" Chen Xiang immediately divided the round stone ball into three parts, and after dividing it, let it be rounded.

"It's starting to condense the pill, and success is just around the corner!" Chen Xiang gathered all the power of the godhead and wrapped the three relatively large balls. As long as they were compressed to a stable state, they would be condensed into pills.

It will be more difficult to compress when it is transformed into a crystal pill, but it also has an advantage. If it fails, it will not disperse, but it will become a small stone of poor quality, and it still has medicinal power inside.

Under the compression of Shen Xiang's powerful divine power, the three balls gradually contracted from the inside. The process was very strange, and they also emitted a sparkling glow, like the glow passing through a crystal. This is really condensed. feature.

"Very good, as long as it goes on like this, it will definitely succeed." Although Chen Xiang could feel that the three groups of things he compressed were expanding, the pressure generated by the expansion was not very strong, and he could still control it, as long as the compression was not enough Expansion force will be generated, even if condensing the pill is successful, the quality will be much improved at that time.

The process of condensing the pill was very difficult. Chen Xiang clearly remembered that it took him seven days and seven nights to press the ball into the size of a pill. At this time, the expansion force was also the strongest. Blast now! However, there is a divine furnace of creation, even if it explodes, it will not cause any damage.

"Give it to me!" Chen Xiang roared, and a strong light suddenly flashed inside the Divine Creation Furnace. He succeeded in condensing the elixir, and the three Sanlian elixir were successfully refined, and they were still crystal elixir.

"Finally good!" Chen Xiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, opened the pill furnace, and took out the three-crystal Sanlian Divine Pill: "The quality is very good, if this is the case, then how can the Wang Pin Divine Pill I refined? Aren't they all crystal pills?"

"Wangpin Shendan really isn't easy to refine. It took you two months." Yue'er smiled: "But it's good to succeed. Compared with other pill gods, you took the least amount of time!"

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