World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2279 Dai Xiaorou

Everyone was suspended in the air, looking at Chen Xiang who was calm in the distance, their hearts were extremely horrified, Chen Xiang was not here to smash the field, but to destroy the door. The entire Datianmen, including the headmaster, was slapped just now killed!

Many people could see the situation clearly and found something was wrong, and they all fled in succession. Many disciples of Datianmen also escaped this disaster, but their headmaster and a few elders have already died, and the whole Datianmen is even worse. was destroyed by fire.

"He actually ran away? The elders of the dignified Wangu Mountain actually abandoned their allies and fled. It's really funny. I think who else in the Wangu Tianxing dares to form an alliance with you?" Chen Xiang looked at the disappearing figures in the distance, coldly A smile: "Anyway, they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals. If you live, you can't remember any storms, and you will die sooner or later."

Chen Xiang used the space wind to leave, and everyone also stayed away from the Great Heaven Sect!

What happened today made many people feel that the Wangu Mountain was in decline, the elders of the Wangu Mountain were beaten and fled, and the allies who had just formed an alliance were destroyed to pieces, but there was no reaction at all!

No one can understand that Wangu Mountain is a major force in the Star God Domain, and it is a huge shame to be so provoked by people!

But no one knows that the inner sect of Wangu Mountain is already rotten, and those inner sect disciples are very delicate and very delicate, and they are afraid of death when they go to fight alien beasts, not to mention being besieged by strong people! Therefore, they only dare to bully those who are weaker than themselves.

As for the only powerful headmaster in Wangu Mountain who wanted to do great things, he was united by the Pill God Academy and the Elders' Academy to fight against each other. He was heartbroken by the pitfalls.

When Chen Xiang returned to the villa in Cangyun City, there were actually many more people here. There were hundreds of people, and these people were all disciples who entered the inner sect from the outer sect.

Here, Chen Xiang also saw the little elder who brought him into the Eternal Star, Lin Shuyi!

Lin Shuyi was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the person he recruited in the first place would now become his eldest brother. In addition, there are those elders that Chen Xiang met in the outer sect who were responsible for taking care of trivial matters, such as the little old man who was in charge of supervising the hunting and killing of alien beasts. These are the most powerful among the outer sect disciples. Stay at the inner door, so go to the outer door to do things, so you don't have to get angry.

Through chatting with them, Chen Xiang learned that Dai Donggong brought them here. Dai Donggong was kind to them back then, and Dai Donggong promised them that he had enough skeletons to provide them. Simply leave the Wangu Mountain.

There were so many people suddenly coming. Chen Xiang didn't expect it before. At this time, he distributed both the middle-grade skeleton pill and the high-grade skeleton pill, and they were all over soon, and it was just enough.

"There are only these divine pills for the time being! I have already sent people to collect divine medicines. As long as they come back, I can immediately concoct pills, so you don't have to worry about these things! Presumably everyone already has a place here, so go back and cultivate your bones first. Maybe It won't be long before we start going to the battlefield." Chen Xiang said.

There are also quite a few skeleton pills distributed by Chen Xiang, and everyone is very satisfied. They just arrived, and they can get a lot of skeleton pills, and the quality is still very good! And when they were in the inner door of Wangu Mountain before, they only got so much blood and sweat for many years.

When it comes to going to the battlefield, the people here are not afraid at all. They have experienced life and death many times over the years, and this is just commonplace for him.

Datianmen was destroyed, and the elders of Wangu Mountain fled. These things were not only spread in Wangu Tianxing, but even the well-informed stars in the entire Star God Realm knew about it!

As a giant of the Star God Domain,

Wangu Mountain, which occupies this heaven-ranked star, is actually so shameful!

A few days later, Dai Donggong finally came back, and she also brought a cute girl with a round face. This girl had a long braid, and she was playing nervously with the long whip hanging on her chest. .

"This is your daughter?" Chen Xiang said with a smile, reaching out to touch the girl's face, the girl blushed immediately.

"Dai Xiaorou, this is the name her mother gave her." Dai Donggong touched her daughter's head very lovingly, and at a glance she knew that she was only fourteen or fifteen years old when she was poisoned, and now she has been asleep for so long.

"Big brother, thank you for your detoxification pill." Dai Xiaorou looked up at Chen Xiang and found that Chen Xiang was very handsome, with a faint smile on his face, and an indescribable charm all over his body, which made her little heart suddenly feel Jumping up and down.

"You're welcome, it's fine now." Chen Xiang smiled: "From now on, you will be like your own home here."

"Feng Wu!" Chen Xiang called Feng Wu, and then simply told Feng Wu that this was Dai Donggong's daughter. After all, there are many men here, only Feng Wu is a woman, and the shy Dai Xiaorou is best to follow Feng Wu. However, they are women after all.

"Xiaorou, I'll show you around here." Feng Wu knew that Chen Xiang and Dai Donggong had something to say, and then took Dai Xiaorou away.

Dai Donggong was still a little worried and watched Feng Wu and Dai Xiaorou leave.

"Senior, you don't have to worry, the place where we are is very hidden, and there are many strong people here, it is very safe here." Chen Xiang said.

Dai Donggong sighed and nodded: "She was poisoned before, which made a shadow in my heart!"

Chen Xiang and Dai Donggong entered the hall.

"On the way back, I already learned about Datianmen. Is that what you did?" Dai Donggong smiled and said, "Your strength seems to be stronger than I imagined."

"Senior, the outer disciples in the Wangu Mountain are basically here now, and you don't have to go back to the Wangu Mountain! Of course, if there is a chance in the future, we will return to the Wangu Mountain, but we have to take the group first. The guy drives away." Chen Xiang said: "You can continue to be the head teacher here in the future, and my main job is to make pills."

"It's up to you to be the headmaster, I'll just be the first elder! I'll feel better this way." Dai Donggong smiled: "It seems that you're going to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so that's fine, after all, you are the Alchemy God and need to Alchemy all day."

"Yes, although there are not many people now, there are also a lot of divine pills that need to be consumed! When the divine medicine arrives, I will have to retreat and concoct pills." Chen Xiang said: "Elder, do you know any formation masters? Here It is our shelter for the time being, and we have to defend ourselves."

Dai Donggong wrinkled, then stood up, walked to the entrance of the hall, and said earnestly: "Yes, but now we will see if I can invite him. If he joins us, we will become more secure. I'm also in Cangyun City, I'll go find him now, you wait a moment."

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