World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2288 I am the headmaster

"You..." After Chi Yuan was hit, his whole body became charred and flew out, but he could still stand firm. After all, it was his own strength. He could absorb most of it, but there were still some that he couldn't control. wounded.

Just now, Chi Yuan was hit by Dai Dong Gong's forbidden technique, and he was already seriously injured.

"Old bastard, your time of death is here." After Chen Xiang saw Chi Yuan being sent flying, he immediately teleported behind Chi Yuan, pulled out the Nine Heavens Divine Sword, and slashed at Chi Yuan fiercely.

Although Chi Yuan was seriously injured, his reaction was so quick that Chen Xiang was surprised. He saw a huge purple shield suddenly appear behind him, but he underestimated Chen Xiang's Nine Heavens Divine Sword!

Chen Xiang's Nine Heavens Divine Sword was split, and the divine shield was split like tofu, and Chi Yuan's body was also split into two halves at the same time as the giant shield was torn apart.

"You... Who are you!" Chi Yuan's body was slashed from his shoulders and turned into two sections. He didn't die, and his old eyes filled with reluctance widened. He has lived for so long, and he has already Finding a way to increase his lifespan, he was reluctant to die like this, and he wanted to continue to live.

"I am the head teacher!" After Chen Xiang finished speaking, he took out the divine furnace of creation. He enlarged the divine furnace of creation and controlled the flames to overflow, making the outer door of the divine furnace burst into flames.

Chi Yuan's pupils shrank, and he was full of fear. He didn't expect that the powerful headmaster that Dai Donggong could follow was actually a young-looking kid. As a result, he had never been wary of Chen Xiang before, and he knew that he was doomed!


The Creation Divine Furnace pressed on Chi Yuan's body and smashed it into a piece of sparks...

Chi Yuan is a peak god emperor. After being slaughtered, he left behind a very strong power, but it was absorbed by the God Creation Furnace. Chen Xiang didn't know why the God Creation Furnace was absorbed, and he couldn't control it.

Dai Donggong and Wu Zhi were also taken aback by Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang shot very smoothly just now, and he killed Chi Yuan in one go.

Of course, the several artifacts in Chen Xiang's hands also impressed them deeply. Of course they knew that it was definitely not an ordinary thing. They always thought that they were scheming and scheming, but they didn't expect Chen Xiang to hide it deeper, even they thought Chen Xiang was very weak in front of the peak god emperor.

"It's really not easy to kill a pinnacle god emperor!" Chen Xiang laughed, and quickly walked over to help Dai Donggong up.

"Headmaster, you really hide it! I thought you were only good at alchemy." Dai Donggong laughed.

"At the same time as alchemy, I also don't forget to improve my strength. I have enough divine pills." Chen Xiang smiled, and then opened a space channel: "Let's go back."

He took Dai Donggong and Wu Zhi, stepped into the space passage, and returned directly to the villa.

"I'm going to heal first. I have the magic pill for healing myself, and I'll be able to recover soon. Elder Wu, pay attention to Ziyuan Tianxing's movements during this time. They will definitely come and see if they die here. !" Dai Donggong said, "If Zi Yuanzong dies as the headmaster, other elders will die happily, especially the guy who takes over as headmaster, but in order to establish his prestige, he will definitely avenge Chi Yuan."

"I know this, Elder Dai, just rest and recuperate!" Wu Zhi nodded, his injury was relatively minor.


The headmaster of Ziyuanzong is dead! This matter quickly spread to all the stars in the Astral God Realm!

Wangu Tianxing is even more frightened, because the headmaster of Ziyuanzong died in Wangu Tianxing, and some people saw the giant mountain that appeared at the scene of the battle. It was a forbidden technique that only the headmaster of Wangushan knew how to use!

However, the headmaster of Wangu Mountain, Dai Donggong, has left Wangu Mountain.

I don't know why the reason was with the headmaster of Ziyuanzong, but according to some things that happened before, everyone thought that this might be related to Tianyu Shengua!

When Chi Yuan came, Tianyu Shengua was just snatched away, and then the people from Lingtianmen went to investigate, and finally Chi Yuan and Dai Donggong fought outside the city.

I just didn't expect that the battle time was very short, and Chi Yuan was also killed, and he died without a whole corpse!

And this incident also made many of the peak god emperors of the older generation feel unbelievable. Although Dai Donggong was a peak god emperor, he belonged to the younger generation. Logically speaking, it was far less powerful than their elder generation, but he was able to kill Chi Yuan in a short period of time. !

There have been rumors before that Dai Donggong has always been pressed by the Pill Temple with divine elixir in the Wangu Mountain, so his powerful strength cannot be displayed, but now Dai Donggong has killed a power giant not long after he left Wangu Mountain. Many were shocked.

The Pill Temple and the Elder's House in Wangu Mountain are also in distress. The head of the Ziyuan Sect died here. The unfortunate thing is that they are Wangu Mountain, because Ziyuan Tianxing will have a very good reason to come here. If their strength is not enough, they will be invaded by Ziyuanzong in the end, which is what they don't want to see.

Wangu Tianxing is so big, no one knows where Dai Donggong is hiding, and Huang Jintian and the others have already asked all the disciples to come back, and wait for the wind to pass before taking action. The Wangu Mountain side already knows that Chen Xiang has secretly established forces and has drawn all the outer sect disciples over. , will definitely suspect Dai Donggong to join in.


Chen Xiang was in the secret room, looking at the black bone divine fruit, and sighed: "Now I finally have time to see if this bone divine fruit is a good thing! If not, I will definitely go to Earth Dragon Star to find that geek. Dragon's."

He was exchanged for the precious divine lotus, and he must not suffer.

This Bone Divine Fruit has already been copied by Yue'er twice, so he is relieved to try it.

"Eat it first and see, if it can really condense bones, then use it for alchemy." Chen Xiang vigorously took a bite of the bone fruit, it was surprisingly sweet, and the flesh was like an apple, which surprised him.

"It's so weird. When I was refining the Three Lotus Divine Pill, those lotus seeds were very hard, and this Bone Grade Divine Fruit should be regarded as a king-grade magic medicine. It's actually so brittle!" Chen Xiang chewed, the pulp was delicious, he frowned. Said: "Am I being deceived? That bastard Ge Long is just fooling me with some strange and delicious fruit?"

He ate the Bone Divine Fruit in a few bites, and then felt the medicinal power, but he didn't find any medicinal power, and he felt more and more that he had been deceived!

"It shouldn't be fake. I used a lot of purple beads when I copied it. Ordinary fruits don't need that many." Yue'er said.

"Then I'll try it again!" Chen Xiang closed his eyes and continued to sense the medicinal power. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt very tired. No matter how you shout, you can't wake up.

The next morning, Chen Xiang heard Yue'er calling him, and quickly opened his eyes, then stretched his waist and praised: "I haven't slept so well for a long time..."

"Wait!" Chen Xiang frowned and said, "I should be consolidating bones, why did I fall asleep?"

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