World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2338 Dragon Qilin

When Qinglong said that just now, he knew that he must know him, and his voice just now had a hint of panic.

"Know, he was born from the combination of the Heavenly Dao Shenlong and the Heavenly Dao Qilin. The earth-centered divine beast of this big star is a Heavenly Qilin, which is female. Because a Heavenly Dao Shenlong came here by chance and fell in love with the Heavenly Qilin at first sight! However, they did this But it angered the spirit of the earth." Qinglong said.

Chen Xiang was extremely shocked in his heart, the very rare sky unicorn is actually the earth-centered divine beast of this star!

"What happened later?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Afterwards, they were both thrown into heaven and hell, but before they gave birth to a son, it was this guy!" Qinglong said: "Originally, he would also be punished, but I don't know why he is safe and sound, I thought he had escaped. When I got up, I didn't expect him to be on this star all the time."

"How strong is he?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"It's very strong, it's beyond my understanding." Qinglong said: "Be careful!"

Chen Xiang took a deep breath and said to the dragon unicorn in the sky: "Senior, I don't know where we offended you? It made you so angry!"

"You are all the lackeys of heaven, and I can kill you with this alone, but I have never liked killing, I just intend to imprison you for a lifetime, but you dare to resist me and break my curse." This middle-aged man His voice was cold and ruthless.

Because he knew the origin of the other party, Chen Xiang immediately understood what the dragon qilin said, his parents were sent to heaven and hell!

What is the Dao of Heaven, Chen Xiang doesn't know at all, Qinglong only knows about it, and there is also the Spirit of the Earth, which is probably related to the Dao of Heaven.

"Senior, you have misunderstood!" Chen Xiang said, the pressure of this dragon unicorn was still unabated at this time, and the other little dragons were all very uncomfortable.

"You're not from the God Race, you're just a human?" Of course Long Qilin knew that Chen Xiang was not simple, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand. Those old dragons beside Chen Xiang were all peak god emperors, but now they can only kneel.

"Senior, if you have something to say, you don't want to be as unreasonable as Heavenly Dao!" Chen Xiang said, he himself was also very uncomfortable, this dragon qilin is indeed very scary.

"Humph!" Long Qilin put away his power, and the group of dragons felt much more comfortable.

"This is my place, you all get out of here!" Long Qilin swept the group of dragons and said coldly, "Otherwise I will kill you!"

This Dragon Qilin's heart is not bad, otherwise he would have killed him long ago. He also said before that he doesn't like killing!

"Did our Shenlong Clan offend our predecessors?" The Shenlong Clan Chief sighed.

"That's not true, but you are born of Heaven, and Heaven is my enemy." Long Qilin said.

"Who is the Tao of Heaven?" Chen Xiang said, "I'm afraid I have never seen these dragons before. If it is said that they are born of the Tao of Heaven, then there are all things in the world that are not born of the Tao of Heaven?"

"Yes, I am also born of the Tao of Heaven, but if the Tao of Heaven is against me, I will destroy him!" Long Qilin said.

"Then you shouldn't use the power bestowed upon you by the Dao of Heaven to deal with us. As long as you are here, the power you use is inextricably linked to the Dao of Heaven." Chen Xiang said. Squeeze his throat.

Fortunately, Chen Xiang's neck was very hard, and he was not pinched all of a sudden!

"I won't talk nonsense with you, do you leave or not? If you don't leave, I will start killing people!" Long Qilin couldn't say enough about Chen Xiang, and said angrily.

"You should think about it carefully, why are you still alive when your parents are punished? And you can still have such terrifying power,

If Heavenly Dao is really as unbearable as you think, cold and ruthless, and bloodthirsty, then you should be dead long ago. "Chen Xiang said, he is not afraid now, he simply told what he knew.

"You... Who are you? You actually know these things, are you also a lackey of the Heavenly Dao?" Long Qilin let go of Chen Xiang, a little surprised, Chen Xiang is indeed special, he is more powerful, and he knows so much thing.

Chen Xiang also felt that what happened to Long Qilin's parents was a bit strange, because he had experienced many such mysterious things, so he was able to connect many fragments together.

Qinglong said just now that Long Qilin's parents were thrown into the heaven and hell, and as far as he knew, the unicorns in the hell would become the gods of the earth, which could restrain the hell! It was promised that the information that Qinglong got was wrong. The sky unicorn was originally a god of the earth. Later, because the hell was stable, it retreated from the sky unicorn, and became the beast of the earth in this big star.

Later, things changed in hell, so the unicorn was arranged to go to hell. At that time, the unicorn was already on good terms with a god dragon, so they went together, so that the dragon unicorn could be the beast of the earth here. I don't know who told him that his parents were thrown into hell by Tiandao. In short, he must have got the wrong news.

Chen Xiang suspected that the source of the information obtained by Qinglong should be the same as Tian Qilin!

"Let me ask you, who told you that your parents were thrown into hell by Heavenly Dao?" Chen Xiang asked directly.

"In short, I just know, I don't need anyone to tell me!" The Dragon Qilin paused a little before answering, and it could be seen that he was thinking at that time.

At this time, Qinglong told Chen Xiang: "This matter was told to me by a mysterious old man. He also told me that there was a heavenly star here, and he taught me the formation method to seal the heavenly star!"

Chen Xiang immediately understood that the old man was the key!

"Hmph, if they weren't the lackeys of Heaven, why would they seal me here? Imprison me for a lifetime? I was sealed in the center of the earth before. If it wasn't for the weakening of the seal, I wouldn't be able to come out at all." Long Qilin said angrily.

Banning Weakening? Chen Xiang and the others have been to the center of the earth before, but they have never touched any ban!

"Could it be..." Chen Xiang thought of the evil spirit clan, the existence of the evil spirit clan before, and provided some kind of power to seal this dragon unicorn, the dragon qilin must have been sealed for many years, and it was in the center of the earth. , over the years, the strength has become very scary.

"Did an old man run to the center of the earth and tell you all this?" Chen Xiang asked.

Long Qilin stopped talking, he was thinking, how did Chen Xiang know?

"First of all, the great formation that seals you was not set up by the Shenlong Clan, only the Heavenly Star was sealed, but this is also to protect the Heavenly Star from being discovered, and it can be unlocked at any time now." Chen Xiang said: "The reason why you can break it. It was sealed because we killed a group called the Evil Spirit Clan before, and this group has been sending some kind of mysterious power into this star."

Chen Xiang quickly clarified this matter!

Qinglong was called here by an old man. The old man must have known that Qinglong was going to die, so he let Qinglong die here. At the same time, he also taught Qinglong how to control the evil spirits to help him build a tomb. It's just that the old man didn't expect Qinglong to call a group of dragons to guard his tomb, and Qinglong relied on very powerful strength to support his soul, and it was not really dead for many years.

The evil spirits here must have been called by the old man. The mysterious old man thought that if Qinglong died here, the evil spirits would be able to devour Qinglong's corpse and become stronger, so that the evil spirits he had kept in captivity could become very powerful. Powerful, and can control the dragon unicorn sealed here by him in the future!

Long Qilin was still young, so he must have been sealed by this old man, and he has been instilled with negative thoughts by this old man since childhood, causing Long Qilin to hate the way of heaven!

When the dragon unicorn is strong enough, the mysterious old man will come to rescue the dragon unicorn, and then fight against the heavenly way together with the dragon kylin, that is to say, this mysterious old man has a very deep hatred with the heavenly way!

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