World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2370 try Dan

Chen Xiang took a few sips, but he couldn't take it anymore. At this time, he was just taking a small sip. Seeing Yu Yan pouring a large bowl into his mouth, he secretly admired it. If an ordinary person drinks this kind of wine, he would definitely Will toss to death.

"Brother, it seems that you have never drunk this kind of wine before!" Yu Yan saw Chen Xiang's appearance and laughed, "I'm sorry, brother, I'm poor now, and I can't afford good wine for the time being, so I can only I feel sorry for you."

"Brother Yu, aren't you the son of the patriarch? How can you be so poor?" Chen Xiang said with a smile, he reluctantly drank half a bowl, and almost spit out fire.

Yu Yan sighed: "It's not because I'm not good enough, don't look at me like this, in fact, I'm the worst one among my brothers, they all have their own career and power, but I'm the only one who is single-handedly. It's all my fault for being idle."

"Big Brother Yu, what are you doing here? Are you here to play?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course not, I'm here to make money." Yu Yan said.

"Money?" Chen Xiang didn't expect that this era of great chaos actually used money.

"You haven't even seen this thing, have you?" Yu Yan took out a thin piece of white jade that looked as thin as paper, with some text written on it.

Chen Xiang recognized these words. Although they were a little different from the ones he was familiar with, they could still recognize them. After all, the words of his era evolved from this ancient era.

"This is ten?" Chen Xiang said.

"Haha... Brother, it seems that you really haven't seen this thing. Have you stayed in the deep mountains before?" Yu Yan laughed: "Yes, this is ten jade coins, which are usually used for this kind of money. It is made of jade flakes, and a group of people is responsible for it, so it is difficult to imitate.”

Chen Xiang took it over and touched it, and immediately felt a strange aura inside the thin jade piece. He didn't know what kind of power it was, and there were many spiritual patterns on the jade coin.

"Is this stuff hard to earn?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's very rare! We only have twenty jade coins for a meal here. If we go to a better hotel, it will be at most a few hundred jade coins." Yu Yan said: "Brother, but you don't have to worry, According to your usual times, it's definitely not a problem to mix rice and eat."

Chen Xiang has no other place to go, and he will stay in this era of great chaos in the future. If he wants to mix well here, the more jade money, the better.

"How much is the largest piece of jade coin?" Chen Xiang returned the jade coin in his hand to Yu Yan.

"The biggest one is 100,000! I have only kept two over the years." Yu Yan said with a smile.

"With Big Brother Yu's wealth, what is the level here?" Chen Xiang hasn't been around here much, he is worried that there is no medicine pill or anything in this era, so he won't be able to earn anything from pill refining.

"Very poor level, look at the shop that sells weapons on the opposite side... The owner of this shop has a million, which is much better than me." Yu Yan laughed at himself.

"Is this jade coin very important here?" Chen Xiang looked at the weapon shop, although it looked relatively simple, there were many people coming in and out, and it was quite lively.

"It's still more important to me! In the tribe, at my age, I generally have to be self-reliant and can't rely on the tribe to mix! And if we want to become stronger, we must rely on ourselves to work hard, such as buying a good one. Weapons and clothes, or buying medicinal herbs, all need jade money." Yu Yan said.

Hearing Yu Yan mentioning medicinal pills, Chen Xiang was secretly delighted, he felt that it was absolutely not a problem for him to stand here, he was an alchemist.

"Pill? Is it expensive?" Chen Xiang asked again,

Anyway, Yu Yan has regarded him as a kid who has never seen the world, so he doesn't dislike these questions.

"Ordinary ones are not too expensive. Ten jade coins and hundreds of jade coins are relatively common! Of course, the more expensive ones are those pills that are difficult to refine but lack medicinal materials. Those pills sold for more than 100,000 are very expensive. It's normal. I have bought a few capsules before, and they are of great use." Yu Yan said.

Chen Xiang knew that the medicinal pills here were definitely different from the ones he had in the Star God Realm before, so he had to take a good look at them now.

Afterwards, Chen Xiang asked Yu Yan about medicine pills carefully. There are four types of pills here, Tiandan, Wangdan, Didan, and Tiandao Shendan. point.

Chen Xiang has never seen the Tiandan here, and he doesn't know what it is equivalent to, he thinks it should be higher.

"Brother, do you want to learn alchemy? It's a good way to make money, but alchemy requires extremely high talent! You have come to the right place to come to this God of Fire, where there are many famous alchemists. Because we are the most proficient at using flames here." Yu Yan said, he drank that clumsy wine, just like drinking water, bowl after bowl.

"I have this idea!" Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Big Brother Yu, how do you usually make money?"

"My way of making money is relatively low, and it is to help others. I am a little poor now, so I came here to find something to do." Yu Yan said: "Brother, let's break up here, I will next I'm busy, so I can't take you here to play."

Yu Yan was very forthright and took out a thousand jade coins and handed it to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang had just arrived, and he would definitely not be able to earn these jade money for a while. Yu Yan was so generous, and he did not refuse. After all, one thousand was nothing to Yu Yan.

"Thank you, Big Brother Yu, next time we meet again, I'll invite you to drink the wine of the God of Fire." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"You have to count what you say. Brother, I am a good drinker. Next time we meet, I don't care if you earn jade money or not, I will entangle you." Yu Yan laughed.

Yu Yan paid for the drink and left in a hurry.

Chen Xiang had just come into contact with people in this era of great chaos, and he had a very good impression that he could meet a good person like Yu Yan.

"I have to go to a medicine pill shop to see the medicine pills here." Chen Xiang quickly found a medicine pill shop by inquiring on the street.

He still knew the words of this era, and when he saw the plaque of the medicine store, he walked in.

"There are so many people!" Chen Xiang went in and took a look, and the three large shops connected together were all people. The business of this medicine store was so good, which surprised Chen Xiang.

"This guest officer, are you here to buy medicinal pills?" A smiling old man hurried up and asked.

"Well, aren't they?" Chen Xiang pointed at the group of people.

"Of course they are not. They are here to try the pills. Not only can they eat low-grade and middle-grade Tiandan, but they can also get fifty jade coins." The old man smiled.

"There is such a good thing?" Chen Xiang blurted out in surprise.

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