World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2396 Mysterious Poison

One person patted Chen Xiang's shoulder and said, "This brother, are you here to detoxify or come to see someone else? You are too rude!"

Chen Xiang chuckled: "This... I'm here to detoxify, I have to look carefully!"

The man said, "But you're looking in the wrong place!"

Chen Xiang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, this person just wanted to show off for that woman, but everyone present was accusing him of being rude, to be so rude to such a pitiful woman.

"You bastard, the last time you saw me was the same way. Do you think this is what you see when you see a beautiful woman?" Chu Hongqing giggled and said, "Look, you're causing trouble!"

"What do you know? This woman is a dragon. If I guessed correctly, the middle-aged man lying in the coffin is also a dragon." Chen Xiang said.

"Really?" Chu Hongqing said in surprise, "How did you see it?"

"That's because you haven't seen dragons, so you don't know the aura on them!" Chen Xiang said: "But I'm very familiar with them, so I can see it."

"How familiar are you? Why can't everyone here tell that this is a dragon from their breath?" Chu Hongqing asked.

"I've even played with Long many times, do you think I'm familiar with it?" Chen Xiang really knew Long, but Long Xueyi had sex with him many times.

The woman in white finally spoke, and said softly, "Everyone, the one in the crystal coffin is my father. He has been infected with a strange and highly poisonous poison. We have tried all kinds of methods to help him get rid of the poison, so we can only freeze him. Seal it up to alleviate the damage to his body caused by toxins."

Afterwards, everyone asked about the symptoms of poisoning, but the woman didn't say it very clearly. She only knew that she had been poisoned with a strange poison, and the symptoms of poisoning were also very common, and it was impossible to distinguish what poison was from it.

There are several old alchemists here, and they all shook their heads.

"Girl, do you have your father's blood?" Chen Xiang asked: "You have to look at the blood to know!"

"Yes, but his blood is normal!" The woman looked at Chen Xiang, then took out a transparent bottle: "My father's blood is also highly poisonous, we have tried it on a savage beast, only a drop of blood is needed, It can melt a savage in an instant."

Hearing her words, everyone immediately stepped back a few steps, worried that the bottle would suddenly shatter and splash on them.

Only Chen Xiang was not afraid, but he was quite interested and said, "Can you try it on the spot? It shouldn't be a problem, right!"

A manager of Huo Zunmen nodded. Today was originally for eye-opening. It is also a good thing to be able to see this strange poison.

The woman in white nodded, and then the people from Huo Zunmen vacated a large space and took some protective measures.

"This is a dragon and lion!" The woman in white took out a dragon and lion as huge as a house, placed it on the open space, and carefully dripped poisonous blood on it.

Blood was dripping in the hearts of everyone. This dragon and lion is very valuable, at least hundreds of thousands of jade coins. It was a waste to use it for demonstrations.

Of course, this is also the reason why this woman has a lot of money. She was able to spend 2 billion jade money to detoxify her father, which shows that she has a very strong background.

After the dragon-lion was dripped with poisonous blood, its whole body suddenly turned black, and then bursts of black gas emerged from its body, which was melting rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the body of the dragon-lion turned into black smoke and disappeared. !

Everyone's scalp was numb, and the dragon and lion's body was very powerful, but it didn't fall off like this, it was just a drop of poisonous blood!

"Have you all seen it now? Do any of your friends know what poison this is?" the woman asked.

Seeing that no one answered, the woman in white sighed helplessly, then sat on the stool and continued to wait.

Everyone didn't know what kind of poison it was, but they knew that the middle-aged man lying in the crystal coffin was very powerful. He had such poisonous blood in his body, and he didn't die yet. strong.

"Can you show me that bottle of poisonous blood?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, that thing is very dangerous. I think you have just stepped into the Dao state. Half a drop is enough to kill you thousands of times." The woman in white shook her head.

"I am invulnerable to a hundred poisons. I know a lot of poisons. This thing definitely won't kill me." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

Chu Hongqing shouted, "Did you take your life to get close to the beauty?"

Chen Xiang immediately responded to her: "I'm going to cheat her jade money, this girl obviously doesn't take jade money seriously, if I remove her father's poison, let alone 2 billion, not even tens of billions Problem. Just watch it!"

Everyone couldn't see it anymore, they thought that Chen Xiang was hooking up with a girl, and immediately sneered.

"Hundreds of poisons also require strength. You have just cultivated a Taoist body, so what are you talking about."

"That's right, you can be invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, only ghosts believe it! This girl's father is much stronger than you, so why not be brought down by this kind of poison? Not to mention this girl's father, just say that the dead dragon and lion are all over the place. stronger than you."

Chen Xiang said with a smile: "If the poisonous blood doesn't die on me, how about you slap yourself a hundred times? I'm taking my life to bet against you!"

"One hundred slaps? I'm willing to slap ten thousand, but you drink it! The cows are blowing the sky." The man laughed loudly.

Chen Xiang said to the woman in white: "Girl, if you want to get rid of your father's poison, give me your blood. I think it's very similar to the poison I encountered!"

"If you dare to take this bottle of blood, or mess around, I will kill you immediately!" The woman in white said seriously, and then handed the bottle of blood to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang took it, immediately opened the bottle cap, and dripped blood on his palm. He dripped more than half of the bottle, and the whole palm was full!

The woman in white was stunned when she saw that Chen Xiang was fine, and so were the others, especially the one who had poisoned Chen Xiang just now!

Just when everyone was surprised, Chen Xiang made an even more astonishing move. He actually sucked the blood from his palm into his body. He deliberately let the poisonous blood penetrate into his body.

While the woman in white was surprised, she was also secretly excited, as if she had seen hope!

Chu Hongqing was also taken aback, now she knew that Chen Xiang was not bragging just now, he was truly invincible!

"This big brother... how are you now? Have you really seen this kind of poison?" the woman in white asked.

"It's a little different from what I've seen, but it's similar. It can be said that it's more powerful than the poison I've seen." Chen Xiang frowned, his expression was very serious: "Whether it can be detoxified, I have to wait for me to put that kind of pills out. Just make it out!"

Now Chen Xiang can be sure that the middle-aged man in the crystal coffin is a dragon, and his strength is terrifying, he can sense it when he absorbs those dragon blood.

Chu Hongqing had told him before that dragons are rare here, and they are all very powerful and mysterious!

That kind of poison is very similar to the black dragon flower poison he is familiar with, but it does serious damage to dragons and has little toxicity to humans and other savage beasts. The dragon and lion just now melted very much because of the dragon's blood in their bodies. quick.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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