World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2444 Jiang Xian's past

"He also told us not to tell you. I think he is worried about what you think about it... In short, this guy is not a bad thing." Huang Jintian said: "By the way, there are still hundreds of flowers in the village, the dragon clan and the Jiutianmen. What about the other god races?"

"It's all hidden..." Chen Xiang briefly talked about Long Jiuxiao, which made Huang Jintian feel more at ease.

"What about Wu Zhi, Dai Donggong and the others? And the uncle, did they come in?" Chen Xiang asked.

"No, I've used up the only jade...I only melted it to get in here." Huang Jintian smiled and said, "I came in to find you. Although we both improved quickly, we were all in It was only with the help of the two earth-hearted beasts that we were promoted, and now that they are gone, our life is a bit difficult."

"How many people do you have in total?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Hundreds of people are like this. Along the way, they encountered many powerful beasts, and some died." Huang Jintian sighed.

"It's impossible for all of you to come in. If you don't have enough Taoist realm to enter, you have to spend a lot of jade money!" Chen Xiang said: "Well, I'll give you one billion jade money, and you can find a way to bring them to the Southern Wilderness. Yaolin, I don't think this is difficult!"

"It shouldn't be a problem, one billion is enough for us for a long time." Huang Jintian nodded: "You want us to go to Jiutianmen?"

In Jiutianmen, they can get the pills they need, and the pill-refining team in Baihua Village is very powerful.

Chen Xiang took out one billion jade money to Huang Jintian.

"By the way, we also found this guy Xu Dazhong. This bastard is very unlucky. His Ziyuanzong appeared in a monster's nest." Huang Jintian sighed: "Fortunately, he has a great life and can escape alive, but others will Not so lucky!"

Chen Xiang breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately he is alive, otherwise it would be difficult for me to deal with You Qing, this guy is also a good person, with their advice, you will be safer on the road."

Huang Jintian smiled: "Indeed! By the way, little devil, have you come across the undead race?"

Chen Xiang also wanted to ask Huang Jintian about this matter, and said, "Your undead god clan is quite bad in this era, I killed one before! And that guy's strength is also very strong!"

"Indeed!" Huang Jintian took out his Tianyan Divine Record, opened it and said, "I came here, and many of the missing records have appeared."

"What did you say?" Chen Xiang asked quickly, only Huang Jintian himself could see the Tianyan Divine Record.

"We have two factions in the Undead Clan, one of which is to cooperate with the Red Spirit Clan... The Red Spirit Clan is also the Evil Spirit Clan!" Huang Jintian said: "But the other faction does not agree, and then they fight like this. It will take many years... After the Heavenly Dao and God Realm was finally established, many powerful evil spirits of the Evil Spirit Race were suppressed in hell."

"Then the entrance to hell was sealed by the four clans. At that time, the undead god clan above the Heavenly Dao God Realm sent a large number of people to station on the Star Law God Realm, and regularly reinforce the seal. And I am the offspring bred by those people. The good undead gods in the God Realm were also killed."

Chen Xiang nodded: "I can guess later, the God of Heaven said that after the encounter between the Red Spirit Clan and the Undead God Clan, they can break through the restrictions of the law, allowing them to gain powerful power, causing the balance to be destroyed, so the Heavenly Dao God Realm's The gods and the gods can only run back here."

Huang Jintian smiled and said, "The powerful gods and the undead gods have also returned after the fusion of the two eras, and now the opponents of the gods and the undead gods are the three major banks, so it's balanced."

Chen Xiang didn't expect that he would be able to achieve a balance because of yin and yang.

He suddenly felt that this must have been arranged by Tiandao, because the God of Tiandao said that it is not so easy to merge the two eras, but he did it very easily.

"Master, I heard that the undead god clan here doesn't count as my existence? Is that right? I killed an undead god clan last time." Chen Xiang asked.

"Yes, but the undead gods who came with us can be counted! Of course, you are in this city now, so naturally you don't have to be afraid of them. As far as I know, the relationship between the undead gods and the three major banks is not very good." Huang Jintian said: "So you must be careful when you leave this city in the future."

"The gods of heaven seem to have told me that because of the long life of the undead gods, many of them lived from this era to the star age! Then the two eras are now blending, so they will not have two groups of them in this era. , right? But why are there undead gods here?" Chen Xiang couldn't understand this.

"He didn't quite understand what he said. As long as the guys who can live to the Star Age, they will only be themselves after they come back. They don't exist in this era, and those who exist in this era cannot live to the Star Age, so There will definitely be undead gods here." Huang Jintian said.

Afterwards, Huang Jintian ordered many more dishes, but he couldn't finish it by himself, so he even packed it away.

"I'll come back when I bring them to Jiutianmen! It's too fast to make money here, and you can earn tens of millions in one fight!" Huang Jintian laughed.

Chen Xiang originally planned to go to other wasteland to find Wangu Mountain, but now he doesn't need it anymore, and the situation is not too bad.

Chen Xiang sent Huang Jintian to the Eternal Life Bank in this city, and asked the Eternal Life Bank to teleport away.

Now Chen Xiang also has to cultivate his own power, lest he will be in danger when the next three big money houses can't compete with the undead god clan and the evil spirit clan.

"There are still two days before the Jiang family's grand event. When the time comes, go see the excitement." Chen Xiang returned to his shop, and when he arrived at the door, he saw Xie Qiaoyan waiting for him here.

"How do you know I'm here?" Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"It's hard for me, go in and talk!" Xie Qiaoyan said.

Chen Xiang opened the door and went in with her, and took him to the villa behind.

"I'm going to attend the long live birthday of the head of the Jiang family in two days. I also live in this city now." Xie Qiaoyan said, "I'm here to teach you Wuji Danshu."

"It's such a coincidence, I'm going to participate too! By the way, is the Jiang family very strong?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course it is strong. The Jiang family's patriarch and the headmaster of Wuji Sacred Mountain are good friends...the relationship with the Ning family is not bad. Anyway, as long as these big families and big sects are not hostile, the relationship is OK." Xie Qiaoyan asked: " Who invited you to go?"

"Jiang Xian, I am friends with him now." Chen Xiang said with a smile: "Do you know the details of this kid? I always think he is mysterious!"

"It turned out to be him!" Xie Qiaoyan frowned: "This guy was kicked out by the Wuji Battle Dao. He was originally at the tenth level of the Dao Soul Realm. Because he committed a crime in the Wuji Battle Dao, he was kicked out after his cultivation was abolished. already."

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