World Defying Dan God

The 2470th chapters teach alchemy

"Of course I do!" Chen Xiang nodded and said: "It's just that I can't guarantee that everyone will succeed in using my method. All the seniors who are doing it should know that some other people's methods are not suitable for you, and you won't be able to learn it. , but I promise I will teach it all and do my best to let everyone learn."

Seeing that Chen Xiang's attitude was so good, and he even called everyone senior, the old alchemists here were secretly complimenting Chen Xiang, which was many times better than that of Tang Lang.

Tang Lang was furious, Chen Xiang was clearly hitting him in the face, although he didn't really hit him, it made him very angry, and his face was hot.

"Hmph, it's just empty, everyone will say that you have to refine it, and you have to refine it very fast, but don't toss for a few days to refine a pot, and the quality is still very poor. The kind." Tang Lang sneered: "I just made it in three hours, how about you? Can you do it?"

"Three hours, it should be fine! Why don't we compare it now?" Chen Xiang smiled lightly.

"Compare it!" Tang Lang snorted and took out his own pill furnace, and Chen Xiang also took out his Jiuxiao Divine Furnace.

The woman in black also watched their competition with great interest. She knew Sheng Dao Dan very well, and even she couldn't refine it, but the two young men in front of her could.

Of course, her impression of Chen Xiang was the best, especially Chen Xiang's approachable and faint smile, which formed a very sharp contrast with Tang Lang.

"There is nothing wrong with your pill furnace, you can start now!" said the woman in black. She provided the medicinal materials, and everyone had two of those stone-like things.

Chen Xiang and Tang Lang started refining at the same time. While refining, he also used Dao Xin's eyes to look at each other's pill furnace. He wanted to see what method Tang Lang used and whether it was the same as what he used.

He soon realized that Tang Lang used a different method than him, but the principle was the same. Tang Lang used a very strange Dao Yuan divine power at first, and he guessed what method Tang Lang used to control Dao. The primordial power transformed into a kind of Dao primordial power with impact, and penetrated into the inside of the stone.

After entering the inside of the stone, it gathers to a certain extent and then smashes it, breaking the stone, but it does not damage the energy inside the stone, so that it can be condensed.

However, Chen Xiang used the collision method, which was simple and rude, and could be completed in one fell swoop. At this time, he was also secretly thinking about how to become a special method for refining the Ascension Pill without causing the leakage of his Heavenly Refinement Technique. go out.

Of course, using the collision method to refine Daosheng Dan is relatively simple and easy to understand, and it is not as troublesome as collision to improve quality, so he thinks it is not difficult for alchemists to learn, because Chu Hongqing is in The collision has been successfully completed in Youyao Mountain Villa, and now it has begun to condense.

Because it was the first time to refine, it took Chen Xiang a long time. The first time was always like this, but now it's the second time. He is very familiar and adaptable in all aspects, so he feels that he can use it in three completed within an hour.

Chen Xiang quickly completed the collision process. He controlled it very well. In addition to the particularity of the two stones, violent fluctuations erupted during the collision, so the pill furnace was very quiet.

After being smashed into pieces, it quickly turned into medicinal liquid, and then Chen Xiang entered the stage of condensing pills. Because of the special materials, when refining the ascending pill, Chen Xiang felt that condensing pills was the most difficult stage. .

Chen Xiang found that Tang Lang was the same, because Tang Lang entered the step of condensing pills earlier than him, but the progress was slow, and now there is still a long time before the end of three hours. It can be seen that they will spend the next time. on the condensate.

Soon, three hours will pass, and Chen Xiang will finish first!

"I'm done!" Chen Xiang wiped the sweat from his face and smiled.

"I'm fast too, don't be complacent, I can make two grains in one pot! And I've already made one pot before, so it will be slower now," Tang Lang said.

Chen Xiang opened the lid of the pill furnace with a light smile, and took out five golden red pills from inside, which looked like shining orbs, very beautiful.

The people present were stunned. They knew that Chen Xiang could refine Dao Ascension Pill, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful that he could refine five pellets of such good quality in one batch!

The beautiful and soft eyes of the black-clothed woman were even more flowing and full of surprise.

"I'm five!" Chen Xiang spread out his palm and said with a smile.

Tang Lang also widened his eyes and his face was full of disbelief. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it to be true, because he was very confident in his own alchemy technique and believed that only his method could solve the problem of refining and upgrading. Difficulties faced by Dao Dan.

Tang Lang's face flushed red. He had already finished it at this time, but he didn't open the lid. He knew that he had lost, that he had lost completely and that he had lost face.

Chen Xiang handed the five Dao Ascension Pills to the black-clothed woman, and said with a smile: "How about it? Is this the Dao Ascension Pill? There are also five in the furnace I made in front of me, but I haven't eaten them."

"Yes!" The woman in black nodded and said softly.

Chen Xiang took one out of it, then threw it to Tang Lang, and said: "Take it, I'll give it to you! Your alchemy skills are also very good, if you are not so arrogant, I think you can play better! You! When refining alchemy, I felt that only myself can refine the elixir, no matter how well you refine it, no one will say that you are bad, so this will cause the quality of your refining to be poor! I think you still have a lot of There is a lot of room for improvement, and it is not a problem to refine three or four good-quality Ascension Pills."

Tang Lang took the Dao Ascension Pill, and said heavily, "Thank you!" After that, he left in a hurry. He didn't have the face to stay here at this time, but he really really thanked Chen Xiang in his heart. Let him understand a lot of things just now.

"What's your name? I know almost all the alchemists in the three cities, but I've never seen you before," said the woman in black.

"Chen Xiang! I just came here." Chen Xiang looked at Lu Yunchuan: "I am with Mr. Lu now."

"Can I teach you the alchemy technique of refining the Taoist pill now?" The black-clothed woman asked again, her voice was soft and sweet, which made it very comfortable to listen to.

"Of course!" Chen Xiang then began to describe his refining process in detail.

In order to make it clearer to everyone, he also used the magic furnace to cover up the process, which once again shocked everyone.

The alchemists here are all very good, and then everyone started refining in this hall. If there is a problem, Chen Xiang will give advice on the spot, like a master guiding his apprentices, but he has great respect for these seniors. They are all called by seniors and seniors. Some old alchemists mocked themselves and said that they could not bear such a name.

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