World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2506: The Power of Mysterious Dao

Not only the old man looked at Chen Xiang in surprise, but the people in front of the old man also turned their heads when they heard Chen Xiang's words, and looked at Chen Xiang with astonished eyes, which made Chen Xiang feel very uncomfortable.

"We're lining up here, of course we're entering the city!" said the old man.

"It's so late... Why don't you go in during the day?" Chen Xiang felt that he was so strange anyway, so he continued to ask.

"The city gate will only be opened at night, because during the day... it's too dangerous!" the old man sighed: "We are all from some nearby cities, and those cities have been breached by that kind of thing."

Chen Xiang immediately looked around, he did not expect such a thing to happen to Xuanhuang now, the city was attacked by something very powerful.

"What kind of thing is that?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"Black-haired man, we don't know why there is such a thing. In short, many cities are finished, and only this kind of city that uses the power of the profound way to set up the enchantment has not been destroyed." The old man sighed: "That kind of Black-haired people usually don't come and go at night, so we only came to line up at night."

Chen Xiang now understands that the energy contained in Dao Qi here was originally called the power of the Profound Dao. He thought about it and thought that it was very incredible, and it had such a strange power.

"Then why hasn't the door opened yet?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"Because the people inside are discussing whether or not to let us in!" the old man said: "There are conditions required to enter, not everyone can enter."

Chen Xiang now also understands why these people are dressed so decently, just to be able to enter this city for refuge!

The strength of these people is not weak, most of them are in the Dao Soul Realm, and there are ten Dao Soul Realm, but they still have to enter the city for refuge, which shows how dangerous it is outside.

"If they don't open the door in the daytime, we have no choice but to hide in Tibet. If we are unlucky and are found by the black-haired people, we will die." The old man's face was full of fear.

Chen Xiang looked at the other people, and when he heard the word "Black Haired Man", those people's faces were also full of fear, which showed how terrifying the Black Haired Man was.

Chen Xiang also patted behind the old man at this time, waiting for the city to open, he wanted to enter inside to learn more about the situation.

"Grandpa, where are the three big money houses? Aren't they very powerful? Do they have nothing to do with the black haired people?" Chen Xiang asked.

The old man shook his head and said, "No, they can't protect themselves, and many banks have been destroyed. It's strange to say that those black-haired people attacked with purpose. I heard that when the black-haired people just broke out, black people Once the hairy people enter the city, they will kill the three major banks first."

"That's it!" Chen Xiang was also thinking about something, this was definitely not accidental, he suspected that it might be a punishment, and deliberately weakened the power of the three major money houses.

He and the old man lined up and asked the old man what the power of the profound way was. The old man said that it was the power unique to Xuanhuang. They also practiced, but they didn’t expect to use it for formation. If their cities have enchantments formed by this power, the cities will not fall one by one.

"How to cultivate, why can't I absorb it to cultivate?" Chen Xiang asked again.

"What the hell is going on with you? No one in Xuanhuang can't do it. You shouldn't have come from other wasteland!" The old man's words once again attracted the attention of many people, and they all knew that they couldn't leave Xuanhuang now. If they could go out, they wouldn't be here anymore.

"I don't know, I woke up here!" Chen Xiang deliberately pretended to be stupid, he felt that if he told this group of people that he was from outside,

There will be trouble.

"It looks like you got into the devil while cultivating, and your brain is broken. It's really pitiful." The old man sighed: "Cultivating the power of the profound way requires the use of flame, which is usually absorbed into the body, and then filtered out through the body. The power of the profound way, and then the power of the profound way is forced into a furnace, and after burning it through the flame, it can be transformed into a golden mist, which can be absorbed and cultivated at that time.”

Chen Xiang nodded, and suddenly someone shouted, "The door is open!"

The door was opened, but it was not a large door, but a very small door. Many people were very excited. They were all prepared to hide in the east, but now they did not expect the door to open.

"Come one by one, if you are unqualified, you will not be able to enter the city!" More than ten people came out of the small gate, all of them very strong.

"The strength is good! When you enter our city, you all have to protect our city. First of all, you have to join our team to hunt the black haired people." A man said: "Don't worry, we know the weaknesses of the black haired people. I will train you!"

As long as you can get in, it's better than being outside!

"Test the cultivation base one by one, and those who pass the test can enter." An old man said, and then everyone lined up to test the cultivation base.

They all put their hands on a crystal ball, and when the crystal ball shines, they are qualified and can enter the city.

Chen Xiang observed it, everyone could make the crystal ball glow, he thought it was not difficult.

After a while, Chen Xiang suddenly heard a weak voice in front of him: "I... I'm at the tenth Dao Pill Realm, I'll be in the Dao Soul Realm soon, just let me in!"

The one who spoke was a plainly dressed girl who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old. She was very handsome, and her beautiful little face was full of grievances and looked pitiful.

"No, there is a request from above, and you must never let anyone below the Dao Soul Realm come in!" The old man was very indifferent and pushed the girl aside.

"I have jade money, just let me in, I'll give you one billion jade money." The girl became anxious, and her delicate voice became louder.

"The three major banks are finished, what is the use of jade money!" The old man sneered.

The girl was standing beside her, biting her lower lip, with tears in her eyes. She looked very pitiful, but no one spoke for her at this time. They were all worried about angering these people and could not enter the city.

The girl didn't leave, and begged hard on the side. If she couldn't get in, she would definitely die outside based on her strength. Moreover, she was only in her teens and had no experience of survival. At this time, she was full of fear outside. .

Now it was Chen Xiang's turn, he passed the test.

"Can you let her in?" Chen Xiang said to the old man, pointing to the girl with tears on her face.

"No, if you say one more word, don't even think about going in." The old man snorted coldly.

This old man's cultivation is very high, and Chen Xiang guessed that he was in the Taoist realm, so even if Chen Xiang was very angry, he couldn't do anything with him.

"Then I won't go in!" Chen Xiang couldn't bear to see the girl standing alone outside, he walked over, took the girl's hand, and gave up the chance to enter the city.

"Little sister, I will accompany you, don't be afraid!" Chen Xiang lovingly wiped the tears from the girl's beautiful face.

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