World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2612 The weird world

There is such a comfortable world in the Abyss of Heavenly Evil, which made Chen Xiang unbelievable. If he hadn't heard Chu Hongqing's voice, he would have thought he was dreaming.

He is sure that he is not in an illusion, because he can clearly see the formation of Dao Qi with the eyes of Dao. If there is an illusion, he can definitely see that there is life in the flowers, plants and trees he sees now. power is flowing.

"What about the two gods Yuan Xin and Yuan Feng? Did they also fall into this world?" Chen Xiang only remembered that they were all thrown far away by the exploding Frisbee at that time.

When Chen Xiang came in, although his whole body was torn apart, he was in severe pain, but now he is healed.

There is a forest in front of him, and he is walking into the forest at this time. He just feels that the sun is a bit violent, and it will be much cooler when entering the forest.

However, just as he was walking quickly towards the forest, he suddenly heard some sounds, which were very slight sounds, as if a beast was approaching him cautiously.

"What?" Chen Xiang hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, he couldn't use the space power now, and he could only use this method to be vigilant.

His insight is still very keen, and he can detect something approaching.

Just when he just took out the Jiuxiao Divine Sword, a group of black shadows suddenly rushed!

"It's so fast!" Chen Xiang was shocked. If it was before, he could just teleport to avoid it, but now he can only rely on the rapid movement of his body to avoid it.

Feeling something rushing towards him, he instinctively turned sideways to avoid it!

However, he still felt that his body was touched by the thing, and a coolness came from his left shoulder. He looked down and there was a scratch!

"What the hell is this?" Chen Xiang immediately looked at it with Daoxin eyes, but he couldn't see anything.

He was injured himself, and he still couldn't see what it was, which he couldn't believe!

He has the tenth-level profound door completely opened, and his physical body is very strong, but now he is still scratched. He is sure that his physical body is still as strong as before, which can only mean that the claws of the thing that scratched him are very sharp, and he also has great power.

"It's here again!" Chen Xiang was shocked and hurriedly avoided that thing. He originally wanted to use the Godkilling Sword Technique, but found that he couldn't use it.

Excalibur involves the power of the law of time, and now he finds that the power of the law of time cannot be used here!

The two mysterious law forces of space and time are limited here!

This time, he avoided and slashed with a sword, but he missed that thing, and he quickly backed away!

If he can't use the power of space, he can't release the space perception field, he can't know the movement around him, and he can't see anything with his eyes. He hasn't encountered such a strange thing for a long time.

He released his divine sense to investigate and sense the surrounding aura, but he was unsuccessful. That thing has a very strong ability to hide.

Suddenly, he heard a faint sound, and at this moment, a yin and yang pattern appeared under his feet. After it appeared, it quickly spun, generating a very strong suction, and the surrounding flowers and plants were sucked into this yin and yang pattern. , was ground into powder.

And the thing that rushed, just entered the range of the Taiji diagram, and it started to rotate with the Taiji diagram.

Now, Chen Xiang could see clearly what that thing was, and it was actually a black leopard that looked very sturdy.

This leopard is not big,

The eyes were green, and although it was black skin mixed in, it looked very tough. What Chen Xiang couldn't understand was that this leopard's attack speed was really terrifying.

After Chen Xiang saw it clearly, he controlled the yin and yang formation to speed up and sucked the black leopard over, wanting to slash it to death with one sword, how could he know that this black leopard unexpectedly jumped out of the yin and yang formation, I don't know where it came from the power of.

"This place is so weird. A leopard so small, without using any power, is so terrifying."

Chen Xiang looked at the scratches that he was healing, and felt a little trembling when he thought about it. He was sure that if this leopard ran into the Heavenly Dao God Realm, it would only be killed in the tenth level of the ordinary Dao Sect Realm. share.

The weeds here are very high, and the leopard is not very big, so it can easily hide, it is not easy for Chen Xiang to find the leopard.

"Fly into the air!" Chen Xiang used the Dao power in his body to lift his body to levitate, but just before he levitated too high, he felt a pressure suddenly slammed down, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

"What's the matter? You can't fly!" Chen Xiang touched his buttocks, unbelievable, such a powerful Dao force in his body was actually unable to support him against that pressure.

"It's a strange place!" Chen Xiang then tried to jump again, he jumped very high all of a sudden, he was ready to deal with the sudden pressure, but after he jumped down, he didn't feel anything. to that pressure.

"You can jump, but you can't fly!" Chen Xiang was very speechless, the black panther didn't appear again, he hurriedly rushed into the forest.

He thought that his strength was not weak before, so he didn't need to worry here, but after meeting the black leopard, he was not so confident!

"What a hell of a place!"

Chen Xiang came into the forest, scolded a few words in his heart, and then walked forward cautiously. He carefully checked the ground and surroundings, and found no traces of beasts. He was relieved at last, but he did not take it lightly, and was still vigilant about the surroundings. .

"Are all the beasts here like that black panther? The power of the flesh is very strong, and there is no Dao power in the body, so I can't see it with the eyes of Dao." Chen Xiang guessed that the black panther only knew how to pounce. , and will not use Dao Power to attack from a distance, indicating that Dao Power will not be used.

Before, he was thinking of letting Chu Hongqing and the others take those little dragons out for a walk. He was glad that he didn't do that. It was very dangerous.

He walked carefully in the forest for half an hour, he had not been so nervous for a long time, and he only walked a little for half an hour.

Suddenly, he noticed that there was a slight airflow change behind him, and just by virtue of this airflow change, he was sure that something was rushing towards him at a high speed.

Just after he realized it, he only felt that his body suddenly lightened, and he was actually thrown flying. When he thought he might be injured, he felt that his body was being held by two soft things. According to his years of experience , he immediately affirmed that it was a woman holding her.

Just in front of his eyes, Chen Xiang came to a huge tree, and it was a woman who was holding him, and he jumped to the top of the tree at a very fast speed!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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