World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2634 The Soul of the Law

"Weak foreigner, I'll cut off your tongue if you yell again." The person in charge of the host shouted sharply, waving his hand and hitting a thunderbolt force.

Chen Xiang was hit by this force and his whole body was trembling, and his heart was very frightened. This person attacked at random, and he actually had such a terrifying power.

He clenched his fists tightly, his strength was too weak, otherwise he would definitely blow up the cage and make a scene here.

"You all wait for me, I'm only temporarily weak, and when I get stronger, I'll make you pay back tenfold." Chen Xiang roared viciously in his heart, then kept silent.

After a round of bidding, he was finally bought for 11,000 beast crystal coins, and the one who bought him was a middle-aged man from the imperial family!

Chen Xiang sat in the cage, closed his eyes and practiced, constantly absorbing the original Dao energy from the primitive profound door in his body, he controlled the primitive Dao energy to pass through the triple profound door!

Passing through the double profound gate was his limit, but when he passed through the triple profound gate, his whole body was in severe pain, and he did this all to temper his own body with powerful primitive Dao power!

He endured severe pain, the muscles on his face twitched because of the pain, and the violent primitive Dao force raged in his body, tearing his muscles and impacting his bones!

After the muscles were torn, they recovered quickly under the support of a gentle primitive Dao force, and the same was true for the broken bones. After being destroyed, they quickly recovered, and then they were ravaged by the violent primitive Dao energy running in the body. Destruction, so repeatedly!

There is no way for Chen Xiang to concoct pills, and he can only use this relatively rough and painful method to strengthen his physical body!

The physical body is in a state of being damaged, healed, damaged, healed, and constantly alternated, and the pain in it is only clear to Chen Xiang himself!

Although it is painful, in order to teach these people who wantonly auction him, he will endure it, he will endure it, even if his body is shattered, he will let these people be punished!

"I am weak, but I will grow! In the primitive holy land, I also use my fists to speak, then I will make myself stronger, use my fists to talk to you, and use my fists to hit you on your knees and beg for mercy, I want Let you do my best."

Chen Xiang's heart was burning with anger, and this anger turned into endless power, which drove him to endure the torture of severe pain and temper his body.

During Chen Xiang's selfless and cruel cultivation, he suddenly felt some changes in his body, and a mass of things appeared in the sea of ​​​​divine, like a soul!

"This is... the soul of the law! What kind of law is it?" Chen Xiang was overjoyed when he saw that group of things. He cultivated the soul of the law, which meant that he stepped into the Taoist realm.

"With the soul of the law, I can cultivate the profound body of the law!" At this time, Chen Xiang stopped using that rude method to temper the flesh, and went to check the soul of the law that had just been condensed.

The soul of the law can derive the power of the law by itself, that is to say, after having the soul of the law, you can cultivate the soul of the law to the great perfection, and you don't need to absorb the power of the law from the heaven, you can get it from your own body. Ingest!

"The soul of this law contains the power of a variety of laws... I can sense the law of fire, the law of space, and a strange power. Could it be the original law?" Chen Xiang was a little puzzled. ingest a little of that strange power.

"Yes, it really is the original Dao power, but it is very weak. It may be because my law soul is still too low-level!" Chen Xiang can still absorb the power of the law of heaven from the door of the profound Taoism.

If you cultivate to the Dao Zong realm, the Dao power absorbed from the soul of the law will be more powerful than the Dao of Heaven.

After all, it is the power of its own law!

Chen Xiang looked around, he was thrown into a dark basement at this time, he took out a small stone, and then secretly extracted the power of space in the soul of the law, and used the technique of extracting objects from the sky to catch the small stone.

The small stone next to the cage disappeared under Chen Xiang's Void grasp, and appeared in Chen Xiang's palm.

"There is no space law in this primitive place, but after I cultivate the soul of the law, I can release my own space law, I can release the space domain, and in my space domain, I can use the power of space as I want. "Chen Xiang secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Now it's just that his soul of law is too weak, if it is strong enough, he can break free from this cage.

"Continue to cultivate the physical body. The Taoist realm is mainly to cultivate the Taoist profound body, and use the power of the law of heaven to temper the physical body! The stronger the physical body, the stronger the soul of the law." Chen Xiang clenched his fists tightly, running the original Taoist power through the third layer Xuanmen, continue to temper the body.

Chen Xiang was bought back by a middle-aged man and kept in the underground secret room, but that person would throw some raw animal meat for him from time to time. He completely treated him as a beast and kept him in captivity, which made Chen Xiang suppressed hatred in his heart. It's getting bigger and bigger!

Chen Xiang spent three months in this environment, at this time his body was able to withstand the original Dao force to pass through the fourth-level profound gate!

And now he is using the original Dao power of the five-layer mysterious door to temper his body. Although it is very painful, in order to leave here, in order to trample the people who trample him, no matter how much he has to pay, he is willing!

"Definitely, I must let these guys feel my pain." Chen Xiang's body overflowed with blood, which was caused by the violent primitive Dao force bursting out through the five-layer profound gate.

His Soul of Law has also become larger, which is equivalent to the second level of Dao Zong.

"These are beast pills. They are delicious. In ten days, you will be playing. Don't disgrace me." The middle-aged man who bought Chen Xiang walked in. This is a primitive emperor. Clan, powerful.

Now Chen Xiang finally understands, these primitive imperial clan bought him, it turned out to be used to fight, similar to fighting beasts.

Chen Xiang took it silently, this beast pill was not an ordinary beast pill, it contained a scorching and powerful energy, after he ate it, he felt his whole body scorching hot, and the power contained in this beast pill suddenly erupted.

"What a terrifying primitive Dao power, what kind of beast pill is this beast pill?" Chen Xiang hurriedly went to refine it, guiding that force to flow rapidly throughout his body, scouring his body.

Seeing Chen Xiang entering the cultivation state, the middle-aged nodded with satisfaction, and then left the underground secret room.

"My current strength is still too weak. Even if I refine this beast pill, it is far inferior to that middle-aged man! It seems that I will have to endure for a while. I will soon be able to step into the Taoist realm. Turn the world upside down!" The resentment in Chen Xiang's heart never subsided.

Ten days later, under the action of the beast pill, his physical body has improved a lot. After the original Dao energy pouring out of the five original profound gates passed through the five profound gates, he did not feel any pain!

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