World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2675: True Becomes False

After all, he was a ten-year-old boy, how could he be as calm as an old fox like Chen Xiang, just one sentence made this boy so angry that he almost cursed, but his senior brother was better and stopped him.

"It's up to you if you come, anyway, any of you will lose in the competition with me, you guys who are overconfident."

The man in Tsing Yi was also very angry, now only by defeating Chen Xiang, and the truth is that Chen Xiang and the others are liars, they can do it, and then they can relieve the hatred in their hearts.

The two sides don't need to check the alchemy furnace or anything. It is difficult to cheat in this kind of competition of the highest quality, and anyone can tell whether it is a newly refined alchemy.

Chen Xiang is very serious now, after all, the other party is a real alchemy disciple, he can't be sloppy, he plans to use his strongest strength to deal with it, that is to carry out multiple collisions!

Only this method can refine high-quality pills!

"I don't know how many collisions I can perform within three hours?" Chen Xiang could only speed up and increase the number of collisions as soon as possible.

When he was in the carriage before, he could refine the Dao God Emperor Overlord Pill up to ten times, but it took two hours, and he hadn't tried the Jinyuan Dao Pill, because at this stage he didn't need to eat gold for the time being. Yuan Dao Dan.

"In three hours, I can at least perform four or five collisions. I have to do my best." Chen Xiang quickly refined the Jin Yuan Dao Dan and entered the stage where he could collide.

Soon, the first collision was completed silently, and now it only took less than half an hour!

Afterwards, the second and third collisions were also completed one after another, and the pill furnace didn't even tremble at all, which showed that Chen Xiang had mastered the collision method perfectly.

It's only been an hour now!

"It seems that it is not a problem to perform a five-fold collision. This Jinyuan Dao Dan is easier to collide than I imagined, not as difficult as the Dao God Emperor Overlord Pill!" This is a good thing for Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang is now at the first level of Dao God Realm, compared to when he made multiple collisions before, his strength is much stronger, so he can suppress the strong fluctuations in the next few collisions.

Three hours away, Chen Xiang has already completed the six-fold collision, which was beyond his expectation.

"If I often use the collision method to refine Jin Yuan Dao Dan, the number of collisions I can make will be faster." This is the first time for Chen Xiang to use the collision method to refine.

If he used to refine it to such a limit, he would definitely be exhausted, but now he is still very energetic and has not consumed anything.

After multiple collisions, a "spiritual spirit" will be produced, which can easily condense the pill, so Chen Xiang's pressure in the back will also be reduced a lot.

Chen Xiang has refined many pills after multiple collisions, all of which are of extremely high quality, but he has never tested the quality with any equipment.

This may be the quality after the first test of five or six collisions.

Three hours passed, and Chen Xiang and the man in Tsing Yi finished it together, it can be seen that they both controlled the time very precisely, this is also one of the essential qualities of a powerful alchemist.

"You come first!" The man in Tsing Yi said with a trace of contempt: "I'm worried that after you see the quality of my pill, you will run away without shame."

"Of course, you two liars can't escape." The man in Tsing Yi sneered.

Chen Xiang took out the Jin Yuan Dao Dan that he refined from the alchemy furnace, and said: "How about we go down to test the quality? No one can see it on it!"

"I have exactly the same intention." After the man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he jumped down with a white jade disc.

Chen Xiang and Ye Jiang also jumped down.

"Now you can test it." The young man sneered, "The quality of your Golden Yuan Dao Pill looks good, but that's it!"

Chen Xiang ignored him, but put his own Golden Yuan Dao Pill in the concave of the white jade disc, and a numerical value was immediately displayed on it.

"110,000!" The scream came from the man in Tsing Yi.

"Impossible, there must be something wrong with this jade plate!" The boy also exclaimed, and then he took out a jade plate himself, and he had one too.

After he took it out, he put Chen Xiang's pill on his own jade plate with his own hands, and it also showed about 110,000!

The man in Tsing Yi was sweating profusely at this moment, and then he put the Jin Yuan Dao Dan he refined on it, which has a quality of 70,000!

Although it was only 70,000, Chen Xiang was also very surprised, and he had a deeper understanding of the way of alchemy. The man in green in front of him was only a young disciple of the way of alchemy, but he could refine the quality of 70,000. The old guy in Dan Dao may be far superior to him in quality.

If this man in Tsing Yi goes to the Heavenly Dao World, with his 70,000 qualities, he can far surpass many alchemists. Maybe the women in the Danxiang Garden will be under a lot of pressure, unless they use the heart-to-heart practice to perform multiple alchemists. Charge, otherwise it will be difficult to match this man in Tsing Yi.

"Senior Brother...Senior Brother..." The young man pushed the man in Tsing Yi, both of them were very surprised, because in their knowledge, it is impossible to refine such a high-quality pill without being a disciple of alchemy.

"You lost!" Chen Xiang put away the Golden Yuan Dao Pill, and then said to everyone: "Whether we are fake alchemy disciples or not, everyone should have a certain idea in their hearts!"

"You are not liars, these two guys are liars, they were almost cheated by them, get out of here, or we will beat you!" one person shouted.

The onlookers didn't know what the numerical value of that quality meant, they only knew that Chen Xiang's numerical value was much higher, so Chen Xiang was very powerful, he was a disciple of alchemy.

But the man in Tsing Yi and the boy knew very well what that value meant!

"You... What is your purpose?" After the man in green calmed down, after thinking about it carefully, he knew that Chen Xiang must have a purpose. He guessed that Chen Xiang must know that they were indeed true alchemy disciples.

"There is no purpose, we just want to be true and we are not liars." Chen Xiang laughed.

"let's go!"

The one in Tsing Yi dragged the young man away quickly, they were extremely aggrieved, they were obviously real alchemy disciples, but they were forcibly beaten into liars by fake alchemy disciples, if this kind of thing spread back to those In the alchemy sect, you will definitely be laughed out of your teeth.

Ye Jiang also admired him so much. He had traveled the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he had just confirmed that the two were real alchemy disciples, but after a round of competition with Chen Xiang, they failed miserably and were scolded as liars. Thinking about it, he knew How bad the mood of those two alchemy disciples was right now.

This matter spread from ten to ten, and soon, the whole people at the foot of Shenshen Mountain knew about it, and many people rushed to this small restaurant. Alchemy disciples are very rare, so everyone came here to see the alchemy. The demeanor of the Taoist master.

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