World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2681: Sword Dao 3 Series

What Chen Xiang feels a little uncomfortable now is that after suffering for so many days, the sword spirit old man he obtained did not bring him much strength.

Of course, in order for this sword spirit to unleash its power, he had to use the God Killing Sword Technique.

At dawn, Chen Xiang walked out of the room and came to a square where many people gathered at this time.

Tai Shangzhen saw Chen Xiang coming, so he pulled Chen Xiang aside, and said in a low voice: "We had a meeting last night and decided to go to the Wandao Mausoleum today. Originally, I wanted you to go with us, but many sect leaders They all object! Little brother, I’m really sorry.”

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize to me." Chen Xiang smiled, he had expected this to happen and didn't care much.

Tai Shangzhen nodded: "Then I will send you down the mountain now, and they will leave later."

Chen Xiang and Tai Shangzhen came to the foot of Killing God Mountain, and Tai Shangzhen told Chen Xiang that when he came back, he would be invited to sit in the Supreme Sword Sect, and told him to go there when the time came.

Then Tai Shangzhen climbed to the Mount of Killing God.

Chen Xiang walked around the city, and at the same time paid attention to the gate of Shenshen Mountain. He was sure just now that there is only such a gate in Shenshen Mountain, and no one in it can fly. He felt that he would definitely come out from this gate.

"Senior Sword Spirit, are there other gates in Murdering God Mountain?" Chen Xiang asked, he planned to quietly follow behind the group of people to Wan Dao Mausoleum.

The sword spirit is inside the Nine Heavens Sword and doesn't know what's going on outside.

"Why are you asking this? Are you trapped on the God Killing Mountain?"

"No, those guys won't let me follow, I plan to follow them to Wan Dao Mausoleum." Chen Xiang said: "But I waited for half an hour, and they didn't come down, I saw them queuing up just now .”

"Idiot, they definitely won't set off from the main entrance with a large group of people. Although there is no other way, they can jump down from the mountain!" Sword Spirit said: "You take out the Nine Heavens Sword, and I will help you sense it. "

Chen Xiang hastily took out the Nine Heavens Sword, and the sword spirit exclaimed: "I didn't expect that the surroundings of Murdering God Mountain have changed so much..."

Not long after, the sword spirit said: "I sensed the sword momentum of several disciples of the Sword Dao sect including Shishenshan. They are all together, and they move very fast."

The sword spirit immediately told Chen Xiang a direction, and Chen Xiang immediately chased after him.

"It's really careless, I almost missed it, it's still you, Senior Sword Spirit." Chen Xiang laughed.

"Of course, if you encounter danger or a critical situation, you can discuss it with me." Sword Spirit said.

Chen Xiang followed with the fastest speed, and it took three full days to catch up. He found that those people were all riding carts pulled by wild beasts, galloping on the ground.

In the back, many roads are difficult to walk, especially in some mountains and forests, there are dangerous things everywhere, such as trees and vines with spikes, poisonous flowers and weeds everywhere, and occasionally some small poisons appear , The trees in the forest are very dense, and large vehicles must open the way when passing, which will affect the speed.

"It's good now, you can't take the car!" Chen Xiang was secretly happy, he ran behind for more than ten days, watching other people take the car, feeling very unbalanced.

"Everyone, be careful, there is a lightning death poisonous snake!" The one who spoke was Tai Shangzhen. He has the most research on this kind of thing, and it is also because his grandson has been poisoned by a strange poison, so everyone believes his words.

Sure enough, just after he finished speaking, several white lights suddenly flashed towards the hundred people in front.


Tai Shang really hummed in a low voice,

A berserk sword force swept over, and he jumped into the air, slashing sword qi towards the surroundings, and the rainbow-like sword qi flew around, with a strong scorching qi, hitting the The body of the Shining Death Viper instantly burned to ashes.

"The power of Taishang's sword is really amazing!" A middle-aged man exclaimed.

In the blink of an eye, Tai Shangzhen killed more than a hundred lightning death snakes, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Chen Xiang used counter force to follow behind quietly, but he was not noticed. Now he is on a tree, and he could see Tai Shang really made a move just now.

"It turns out that the sword power is used in this way." Chen Xiang finally saw a little way.

"The guy who made the move just now used the Taishang Sword Power." The sword spirit's voice came to Chen Xiang's mind.

"That's right, how did you know?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Sword of Killing God has three chapters. These three chapters are independent and different, and one of them can be practiced independently. Therefore, the sect of swordsmanship is divided into three departments. The first department is Sword of Killing God, headed by Mount Shenshan. , the second line is the Supreme Sword Strength, headed by the Supreme Sword Sect, and the third line is the Supreme Sword Sect of the Supreme Sword Sect."

"Of course, if you want to truly master the sword art of killing gods, you must learn these three chapters and integrate them thoroughly." Sword Spirit said.

Chen Xiang felt that what he had mastered should be the God Slaying Sword Power. He studied the first chapter, and he didn't read the second and third chapters.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look when I have time. It's not easy to learn the Godslayer Sword Art." Chen Xiang felt that the Godslayer Sword Art is the same as the Tianlian Art, it must be difficult to learn, and he learned it by himself. The art of heaven refining is enough.

"No, the Godslaying Sword Art is the best mastered among the four divine arts! The most difficult is the Heavenly Alchemy Art, which even the founders cannot fully learn. The second is the Six Paths Divine Art, which is an inexplicable exercise. Not too sure." Sword Spirit said.

Chen Xiang also felt that the technique of Heaven Alchemy was very difficult.

"Is the God Killing Sword Art really easy?" Chen Xiang asked, if it was easy, he still wanted to learn it.

"As long as you learn to master the three sword intents, release the sword momentum, use the sword momentum to stimulate the extremely strong sword energy, and then skillfully use the sword moves in the Godslaying Sword Art, you are basically done," said the sword spirit. : "It's difficult for others, but for you, a guy who has been washed by the sword washing pool, it's a piece of cake. You should be able to learn it after a few meals."

"Okay, I'll learn it when I have time!" Chen Xiang wanted to try it now, but he still had important things to do, which was to follow this group of people to the Wan Dao Mausoleum.

A month passed, and everyone finally walked out of this tormenting mountain forest and came to a scorching barren mountain group.

"Everyone rest!" shouted a red-robed old man at the head, he was a very powerful elder in Killing God Mountain, Chen Xiang had seen him kill a group of powerful savage beasts and wolves several times before.

Tai Shangzhen climbed to a high mountain, observed the terrain in front of him, then walked down, and said to everyone: "I said it's no wonder why it's so hot here. It turns out that the guy from Fire Road is also here."

"Huodao went ahead of me, and they are still here? It seems that we have to be careful." The elder of Killing God Mountain looked solemn.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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