World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2727: Flying Dragon Tower

Xue Yunxiong blasted the rock away with one punch. At first, everyone thought that his powerful strength would smash the rock really fast, but the boulder did not completely shatter, only the outer layer was shattered, and the inner layer was shattered. It turned out to be a huge transparent crystal.

Inside the huge crystal, there is the corpse of a dragon beast soaked in blood!

This is a dragon tiger!

This dragon and tiger are not small anymore, as big as a cow, but this dragon and tiger are just cubs!

It's just that the cubs are so big, if they are fully mature, wouldn't they become very huge?

"As expected!" Xue Yunxiong looked serious.

"I just said, I didn't lie to you, this is the birthplace of us dragon beasts! The first to tenth floors are all like this! Of course, I don't know much about the specific things." The dragon beast man said .

"Are the dragon beasts here dead or alive?" Xue Yunxiong asked.

"It's alive, but it hasn't hatched yet! There are a thousand floors here, and the dragon beasts on the tenth floor below are the weakest, and there are more dragons on the tenth floor! Up to the thousand floors, every ten floors is a level dragon beasts, the topmost dragon beasts are the strongest, but the number is also the least."

"Didn't you just say that there are only ten floors below? Now you say that there are a thousand floors?" Xue Yunxiong had already arrived in front of the dragon and beast man in the blink of an eye, and the man's body trembled slightly in fright. He can't beat a powerful human being.

"I can only be sure that the bottom ten floors are unhatched dragon beasts, and I'm not sure if the upper ones have broken their shells. In short, those hatched from the bottom can go up layer by layer. After layer by layer experience, We finally made it to the top floor." The dragon beast man said tremblingly.

There are as many as a thousand floors, and ten floors are one level, so it is a hundred levels. If you want to reach the top level, how strong is it?

"Every floor here has a different environment, and it is very vast. It is as spacious as our Dragon Beast Forest. Each floor has a complete ecological environment. If you are not afraid of death, you can also go to the top floor to have a look." Dragon Beast The man said: "Most of us dragon beasts are bred by those guys from the top."

There is a dragon beast that can come out from the top floor, it must be very powerful, everyone present is very worried, if they encounter it, they don't know if they can beat it.

"You don't have to worry, most of the dragon beasts that came out of the top floor died in the Wandao Mausoleum!" The dragon beast man sighed: "As long as the dragon beasts are born here, they must go through layers of experience before they can go out. The broken dragon beast here has no turning back, we don't care, even if we encounter danger on the top, we can retreat immediately."

Chen Xiang finally understood, as long as the dragon beasts born from this tower have to go through experience, they can only come out when they reach the top floor, while those from outside don't need it.

This dragon beast man knows a lot of things, which must all come from his inherited memory.

"Then what is the name of this tower? Why is it suddenly opened now, suspended from the Wandao Lake?" Xue Yunxiong asked again, he was also very curious, he had been to the Wandao Mausoleum, and there is also a Wandao Mausoleum like this Tower, but very different from this one.

"It's called the Flying Dragon Tower. As long as you reach the top floor, you can be free, and you can soar between the heavens and the earth, and you have great power! If we dragon beasts want to become stronger, we have to go through this tower to practice. The purpose of our coming here is, It's just for training and hatching the dragon beasts here." The dragon beast man said: "You don't want to make trouble here, although I am not as strong as you, but we have old dragon beasts from the Feilong Tower in our Dragon Beast Forest."

Now everyone believes in the words of this dragon beast man!

Dragon beasts have existed for so many years,

This flying dragon tower is even more ancient, and it is not impossible to have powerful dragon beasts.

"Grandpa, do you want to go up now?" Xue Qing asked.

"No, let's go back." Without any consideration, Xue Yunxiong led his men towards the door of Feilong Pagoda.

A person as powerful as Xue Yunxiong didn't plan to go up, which shows that he has some concerns. The other strong people have also made a decision at this time not to climb this tower for the time being.

Soon, the strong men of those forces led those juniors out of the Flying Dragon Tower!

After Feng Ruxue followed her elders out, she looked back at the Flying Dragon Tower, because Chen Xiang was still inside, she could sense that Chen Xiang was inside the tower just now, she thought that Chen Xiang would come out, but after she came out, she and Chen Xiang Cut off that feeling.

This shows that Chen Xiang is still inside the Flying Dragon Pagoda!

Now Chen Xiang wanted to go up and take a look, he always felt that the dragon beast man was hiding something, and after many people rushed in just now, they disappeared.

Chen Xiang sat on a huge dragon beast egg, and then sent a voice transmission to that dragon beast man: "Hey, were you lying to them just now?"

"Who are you?" The dragon beast man was startled and looked around, but he saw nothing and couldn't sense anything.

"I'm a human being, but I don't have any malice, I'm just curious! I think you must be hiding something." Chen Xiang said.

"What I just said is the truth. As for what I'm hiding, it's our secret. There's no need to tell you." The dragon beast man was very vigilant at this time, he was worried that he would be attacked by surprise.

"Then can you tell me? I'm very tight-lipped, and I will never say anything." Chen Xiang laughed.

"You human beings can't believe it the most. You are sneaky now. Why should we trust you?" the dragon beast man said.

"Okay, I'll show up, but don't hit me, I can't beat you." After careful consideration, Chen Xiang revealed his real body.

"What's your name?" Chen Xiang asked, he really wanted to get in touch with these dragon beasts, after all, dragon beasts, like Wan Dao's tomb, are very mysterious existences.

"Long Huashi, what law did you use just now? I've never heard of such a law, which can make people invisible without revealing their breath." Long Huashi was full of curiosity about Chen Xiang's ability.

"This shouldn't be considered a law... But I think it can be turned into a law. It seems that this needs to be activated through the Myriad Dao Divine Tablet. For example, the previous law of transforming spirits is the same as the previous law of refining." Chen Xiang He smiled and said, "I don't understand this either, it's all nonsense."

Longhua Lion walked down from the back of that dragon and lion. When he walked into Chen Xiang, Chen Xiang was very vigilant, because his strength was far inferior to this Longhua Lion. After all, the other party was a Heavenly Spirit Dragon Beast, which was in the Three Profound Realm Strength.

"It seems that you are quite weak!" Long Huashi couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, if I want to do something to you, I won't talk so much nonsense with you, I'm just curious about you."

"My name is Chen Xiang. Although you and I are not of the same kind, we don't have any festivals... By the way, I have killed dragon beasts, is this considered a festival." Chen Xiang said.

"I have killed both dragon beasts and humans. You are a human being, so you must have killed humans too. What's the matter?" Long Huashi laughed and said, "The world of dragon beasts is also a world where the weak prey on the strong!"

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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