World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2753: Liberation

"Ghost?" Wu Xuan felt a little familiar when he heard these two words, and then thought about it.

"I remembered that when I was very young, I heard from my parents that this is a very scary thing. After some people who were trapped in the Tomb of Wan Dao died, they absorbed the power of the demons in the Tomb of Wan Dao and cultivated extremely Terrible evil spirit." Wu Xuan's face also changed: "The most powerful thing about this evil spirit is that it can occupy other people's bodies, and there is no way to prevent it."

Chen Xiang nodded and said: "That's right, where I was before, many powerful giants there were occupied by these evil spirits, and even I almost suffered disaster!"

Now that Chen Xiang is also idle, he talked about Wandao City with Wu Xuan. Wu Xuan has always been very curious about Chen Xiang's origin, but now that he knows that Chen Xiang came up from the first floor by himself, he admires Shen even more Flying, at least he felt that he did not have that strength.

"I had a friend who also climbed the tower before, but I don't know if he came here, I hope he is okay." Chen Xiang has always been worried about Tai Shangzhen.

Tai Shangzhen started much earlier than him, but now there is no news, and he doesn't know how to contact him.

"It will be fine, don't worry." Wu Xuan said, "What we need to pay attention to now is those evil spirits. I don't know if they have brought evil spirits here."

"Go and tell the more prestigious people here to be more careful and see if you can get rid of those guys!" Chen Xiang said: "Among them, the strongest should only be in the Six God Realm. There are many problems, and the strength of that body cannot be exerted in a short period of time, now is the best chance to eradicate them."

"Okay, I'm going to find City Lord Feilong now, my parents and him are on good terms, he should meet me." Wu Xuan said.

After Wu Xuan left, Chen Xiang also left the Xuanwu Pill Pavilion to find Xue Qing!

Xue Qing can also be regarded as Chen Xiang's friend, Chen Xiang has always been good to friends, but now Xue Qing's situation is very special, although she still has the same body, her soul has been swallowed up and occupied by evil spirits!

What made his heart hurt the most was that Xue Qing's memory was also swallowed by that evil spirit. The evil spirit possessed all of Xue Qing's memories and could completely pretend to be Xue Qing.

Now, Chen Xiang is going to find that evil spirit, just to help Xue Qing get rid of it, he must not let that evil spirit continue to occupy Xue Qing's body!

This is the only thing he can do for Xue Qing now!

Chen Xiang had been staring at Xue Qing before, he saw Xue Qing and Xue Yunxiong entered a big hotel, they should be staying in it.

He watched the entrance of the hotel not far away, waited for more than an hour, and saw Xue Qing coming out by himself, and then he quietly followed behind Xue Qing.

At this time, he has the appearance of a middle-aged man, so he doesn't have to worry about being recognized.

He followed Xue Qing to a romantic place.

"This guy actually came to this kind of place!" Chen Xiang also walked in.

Right after he entered, he sensed a few very powerful auras. He didn't expect such a powerful person to sit in this Fengyue place. He felt that it should be a strong person in the late stage of the Three Profound Realm, or even the early stage of the Six Gods Realm.

"You can't do it here!" Chen Xiang thought it would be more convenient to do it here.

"Let's deal with this guy for a while first, wait for the opportunity to make a move." Chen Xiang made up his mind, and waited outside for Xue Qing to come out.

This Flying Dragon City is also very strict. From time to time, there will be a large group of powerful guards patrolling. Once there is a conflict on the street, those guards can be caught and flew over immediately with flying artifacts.

So Chen Xiang can't do anything in the city!


When Xue Qing came out of Fengyue Tower, Chen Xiang changed back to his own appearance, pretending to be passing by, and let Xue Qing see it on purpose.

Sure enough, Xue Qing saw it at a glance and was very surprised!

Before, this group of evil spirits planned to deal with Chen Xiang, but after that Brother Wang gave Chen Xiang a flying artifact to go to the Flying Dragon Pagoda, he never appeared again.

Now when he saw Chen Xiang, he immediately understood why Chen Xiang didn't go back, it turned out that he came to this place!

Although Xue Qing thought so, he was still very puzzled, because they all came here through the teleportation array to get here smoothly.

Chen Xiang didn't know that the teleportation array must go up layer by layer, it was a very difficult thing, and he also knew about Chen Xiang's strength, it was impossible to go up by himself.

"Chen Xiang!" Xue Qing hurriedly walked over to hold Chen Xiang, deliberately showing a very surprised look: "It's really you! You have come here, I thought something happened to you!"

Chen Xiang also deliberately pretended to be very excited.

"Xue did you come here? When I came here, I lost half my life." Chen Xiang asked with a surprised face.

Xue Qing was startled, now he was sure that Chen Xiang climbed up to this hundred floors by himself.

"I came with my grandpa... By the way, my grandpa and the others are outside the Feilong Center. I will take you to meet them. Although you came here, we always thought that something happened to you! We got a lot of good things in Wandao City Things, you have always been our member, so you have a share of the dividend." Xue Qing pulled Chen Xiang, and immediately walked towards the gate leaving the Feilong Center.

There is a wilderness between Feilong Center and the inner area. Chen Xiang heard from Wu Xuan that now Xue Qing wants to take him out of Feilong Center, obviously what he wants to do!

Before Chen Xiang saw Xue Yunxiong enter the hotel but did not come out, now Xue Qing heard that his grandfather was outside the Flying Dragon Center, and clearly wanted to take him outside to kill him, because it was very inconvenient to be inside.

"Okay, I also want to meet Boss Xue, and ask him about the Flying Dragon Pagoda, it's really amazing here." Chen Xiang laughed, Xue Qing wanted to go outside with him, which was exactly what he wanted.

Xue Qing had been here for a while, and was very familiar with it, took a shortcut, and soon brought Chen Xiang to a forest outside the Feilong Center.

"Where are Boss Xue and the others?" Chen Xiang looked around: "How far is it?"

"It's right here!" Xue Qing's tone changed, becoming colder, which was expected by Chen Xiang.

"Where?" Chen Xiang continued to pretend not to know, looking around.

"Go to hell, idiot!" When Xue Qing shouted, he had already come behind Chen Xiang, and at the same time stabbed Chen Xiang's heart with a knife, and strangled Chen Xiang's throat with a purple iron chain.

The purple iron chain emits a real purple light, which looks very domineering.

"Hey, your body is mine now. As long as I get your alchemy memory, I can have endless wealth." Xue Qing laughed wildly with a ferocious face.

Just when Xue Qing thought he had succeeded, his head was suddenly slapped!

Chen Xiang suddenly appeared behind Xue Qing, using a power that could do great damage to Shenhai, he cast the palm of the sky, shaking Xue Qing's Shenhai to collapse.

After Xue Qing's divine sea was blown apart by that force, the severe pain caused him to bleed from seven holes and fell to the ground.

And Chen Xiang, who was strangled by him just now, gradually dissipated at this time. This was made by Chen Xiang using the avatar technique and blindfold method. When Xue Qing attacked, his real body had already teleported away and became invisible. Get up, when Xue Qing completely relaxes and concentrates on his avatar, he immediately strikes.

"You're too tender, I've seen through this trick a long time ago." Chen Xiang grabbed Xue Qing's head with his big palm, lifted it up, looked at him with his eyes, and his face was full of sneer and ridicule.

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