World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2758: Mid-Sky God

Chen Xiang collected this green dragon into the second divine sea. His second divine sea has always been very mysterious, containing extremely strong and terrifying power. Now he suddenly cultivated a green dragon, which is also incredible.

"There are also seven great beasts in my second divine sea, and I should be able to cultivate one of them in the future!" With a thought in Chen Xiang's mind, the green dragon appeared, and it was much smaller than before, like a small snake at this time , hovering above his wrist.

"This green dragon had a green dragon's soul before it, but now that soul's consciousness has disappeared, it seems that it is really like what the green dragon soul said, he will be reborn in this way!" Chen Xiang guessed that this green dragon had already been reborn. , and merged with him.

"I don't know how big it can become!" Chen Xiang controlled the green dragon to grow bigger with his thoughts.

In just a few blinks, the Azure Dragon quickly became very large. Seeing that the secret room could no longer hold it, Chen Xiang hurriedly stopped and let the Azure Dragon return to the Divine Sea.

"Just now I can feel the power of this green dragon. It seems that the power of this green dragon can be used by me, and it can even be changed in many ways. As for how to use the power of this green dragon, I have to dig carefully."

Chen Xiang has already stepped into the middle stage of the Divine Heaven Realm! When he stepped into the early stage before, many people felt that he was very fast, let alone now!

"Breakthrough in the heavenly realm is not as difficult as in teleportation! I have already grasped the key to the breakthrough. I will verify it later when I have time. If it is really as I thought, then I will be able to reach the peak of the heavenly realm quickly. .”

Chen Xiang felt that this had something to do with the Law Orbs he ate, he just ate twenty Law Orbs that had gone through his multiple collisions, and he broke through the middle stage of the Dao, and it seemed to be very smooth.

When Chen Xiang came out of the secret room, Wu Xuan hurriedly asked: "Breakthrough?"

Although he already felt the aura of Chen Xiang's two mysterious gates, he still couldn't believe it.

"Breakthrough!" Chen Xiang closed his eyes, operated the anti-power, let the anti-power pour into his Dao God's Heavenly Soul, and wrapped a mysterious gate in the Taoist Heavenly Soul.

After Wu Xuan was startled, he suddenly felt that Chen Xiang's Xuanshen Pass was missing one!

"Can't you see it now?" Chen Xiang chuckled.

"Amazing..." Wu Xuan exclaimed, and said with a smile: "It seems that the Divine Heaven Realm can be broken through quickly!"

Wu Xuan also guessed that this must have something to do with those Law Beads, like the Law Beads refined by Chen Xiang, they are several times stronger than ordinary ones, and this kind of Law Beads has never appeared before, so everyone does not know the extremely high quality The law orb is of great help when breaking through the gods and heavens.

"The second match has already started!" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's started." Wu Xuan nodded: "Originally I planned to buy Dragon Beast Pills for business, but found that there are very few Dragon Beast Pills for sale in the market. Even if I bought them, they were not fresh! Because fresh The Dragon Beast Pill can be seen at a glance."

"It seems that you need to hunt and kill dragon beasts by yourself! But it can also be cheated. If there are powerful people who secretly help the participants to hunt and kill dragon beast pills, and then trade them on a certain floor, it will be difficult to be discovered. Already." Chen Xiang said: "There are too many loopholes in the rules of this competition, it's obviously just to make it easier for us to cheat."

"Oh, that's true." Wu Xuan nodded: "Should we act quickly?"

"Don't worry, I will have countermeasures! By the way, Wu Xuan, I urgently need 10 billion dragon beast corpses, can you get them for me?" Chen Xiang asked: "It must be done in secret!"

Wu Xuan took a slight breath, no problem, but it will take some time.

"it is good,

That's ten billion! "Shen Xiang said: "It should be fine in a month's time!" "

"No problem at all!" Wu Xuan took Chen Xiang's tens of billions of dao crystals, and hurriedly arranged them. After returning, he and Chen Xiang went to the upper floor.

There are no dragon beasts to kill on these hundred floors, and you can only go to higher floors. In addition, the dragon beasts to be hunted must also be strictly selected, because most dragon beasts do not have dragon beast pills.

The dragon beasts with the Dragon Beast Pill are those dragon beasts that are about to step into the Three Profound Realm and prepare to transform into humans. This kind of dragon beasts generally hide and are hard to find.

Although the transformed dragon beast also has the Dragon Beast Pill, its strength is stronger, and even humans in the Three Profound Realm dare not easily fight against it.

Wu Xuan has a map to the 110th floor, knowing that the stairs are at the upper place, he and Chen Xiang decided to go to the 103rd floor to hunt dragon beasts.

"Although there are many dragon beasts here, there are not many with dragon beast pills!" After Wu Xuan and Chen Xiang came to this floor, they killed more than ten dragon beasts, but none of them had dragon beast pills. Not weak either.

"It's not just that it's hard for us to find that kind of dragon beast to kill, everyone should be the same." Chen Xiang said: "Next time I encounter a dragon beast, I'll take a closer look before I do it!"

Chen Xiang had been promoted to the middle stage of the Divine Heaven Realm, and his strength had also improved a lot. The distance from Wu Xuan was not that great anymore. He guessed that his Dao strength should be around one thousand, which was only a few times different from Wu Xuan. It's not as big of a difference as it was before.

"Look clearly? It doesn't look good if this dragon beast has a dragon beast pill." Wu Xuan shook his head.

Chen Xiang had a heart, he felt that if he really met a dragon beast with a dragon beast pill, he might be able to see it.

"There are still twenty-seven days left. I don't know how many we can find." After Chen Xiang assassinated a Dragon Ape, Wu Xuan searched carefully, but he didn't find the Dragon Beast Pill. At this moment, he began to worry. stand up.

The dragon beasts they encountered were all assassinated by Chen Xiang. Although the dragon beasts were powerful, they seemed so easy under Chen Xiang's assassination.

Wu Xuan didn't know that Chen Xiang had this kind of ability before, but after seeing it now, he understood why Chen Xiang could be so arrogant under Qin Xuan's nose.

"How much do you think it will take for us not to be eliminated? Ten people will be eliminated from our group," Wu Xuan said.

"If we don't have a single Dragon Beast Pill, we will be eliminated at the bottom of the pit! As for the chief disciples like Qin Xuan, it is certain that they will not be eliminated. Maybe they are all on the way to the tenth floor now. Naturally, someone will help them hunt Kill the dragon beast." Chen Xiang sneered a few times, because he knew that the flying dragon would be unfair because of the previous group encounter.

Two days later, Chen Xiang and Wu Xuan arrived at the seventh floor.

As soon as he arrived, Chen Xiang found a dragon monkey beside the exit, he looked with his Dao heart, there was a ball of light inside the dragon monkey, and he could still clearly see that this light pearl was surrounded by a small golden dragon.

"This Dragon Monkey has Dragon Beast Pill!" After seeing it, Chen Xiang flew over invisibly.

Just when he was about to strike with his sword, the dragon monkey suddenly knelt down and shouted hastily, "Wait a minute, my lord!"

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