World Defying Dan God

Chapter 2793: Spiritual Assessment

After arriving at the minefield, Chen Xiang and the others heard one after another of sharp painful cries, all of them were women yelling!

Just hearing the sound made people feel cold all over. Everyone rested for half an hour before, and the pain has disappeared, which shows that their endurance is still good.

But now hearing that painful cry, the pain that had been eliminated just now seemed to have returned!

In the minefield, there were bursts of thunder and lightning, constantly striking down, and the sound made was already frightening, let alone entering.

"The screams of those girls are really scary!" Gu Qingtian couldn't help muttering.

"Hehe, when you shout, it won't be any easier to hear than them." The middle-aged man smiled slyly: "Get ready to go in, the rules are the same as before, and you are not allowed to use power to resist."

Everyone stood next to that spacious basement, and they were unwilling to go in, because once they entered, it meant that they would suffer immediately!

"Go in!" Gu Qingtian kicked Murong Ling's butt, and kicked Murong Ling in, and saw several lightning strikes immediately, all falling on Murong Ling's body.

"Ahh..." Murong Ling screamed like killing a pig, his throat seemed to be cracked, and his whole body was still trembling.

Gu Qingtian originally wanted to laugh, but he couldn't because they all had to do this later!

"You bastard..." Murong Ling cursed angrily.

At this time, Chen Xiang had already walked in, several lightning bolts rushed towards him, hitting his body in the blink of an eye, making crackling noises.

Chen Xiang frowned slightly, it was indeed a little painful, but he could still bear it, then he sat down in a corner early, closed his eyes, and let the lightning strike him.

"Let me go in!" The middle-aged man released a powerful force as he spoke, pushing all the people standing beside him in. Afterwards, it was like a pig slaughterhouse, and everyone cheered. shouted.

Another day is over, after the practice in the minefield is over, everyone's bodies are smoking, many people are already burnt black, Chen Xiang is only superficially black, other things are fine, at least he is the only one who can get out of this place The people in Lei Hall, and everyone else crawled out!

"Take a rest for two hours, and then continue, there are still eight days!" The middle-aged man looked at these half-dead people and smiled.

And for the next eight days, they practiced alternately between thunder, fire and ice cold. On the way, two people left the stage. Everyone can understand this, and they don't know how long they can last!

They have to practice like this for ten days every month, and now they can rest for twenty days, but everyone's mood is not good, because after twenty days, they still have to continue this hellish practice.

"I said Chen Xiang, how on earth did you resist that kind of pain?" Gu Qingtian was very curious, crawled to Chen Xiang's side, and asked.

"If you practice in the outer sect for hundreds of thousands of years, you won't be afraid of pain." Chen Xiang said, he has indeed experienced this kind of painful practice many times, and it was of various kinds, and the time was also very long.

"Hundreds of thousands of years?" Gu Qingtian couldn't help but shudder: "Is this how you came here?"

"Almost!" Chen Xiang nodded: "There's no way, I came from a poor background, in order to gain great strength and cultivate a strong physical body, this is the only way I can do it!"

"I don't believe it! With such a poor background, how could you have such powerful skills? The so-called chief disciples of Qinglongmen,

Not as powerful as your dragon power. "Gu Qingtian pouted.

"That's the nod that I have tasted after suffering." Chen Xiang smiled and said: "You have suffered that kind of hardship, and you know how to make yourself stronger, and you can also get more Dao Crystals! "

"Hey! Are you really going to take the inner sect assessment next? The coach said, it will be many times more terrifying than now." Gu Qingtian still didn't really believe Chen Xiang's words, he always felt that Chen Xiang was very mysterious.

"Must go!" Chen Xiang said: "If you can't make it through, you can just come back here."

The practice here is miserable for many people, especially for these spoiled children from famous families.

Chen Xiang rested for a while and almost recovered, then returned to his own stone room.

"One more day of adjustment, and then go to participate in the inner sect's assessment, I want to enter the inner sect!" Chen Xiang has already learned some things about the inner sect from the instructor, it will be much easier to enter, at least there is no need to go through this kind of boring And painful practice.

After resting for a day, Chen Xiang immediately went to sign up. At this time, many people were here. These people also passed the examination and entered the outer sect. They were originally the children of aristocratic families, but now it seems that their arrogance has long been suppressed. It has been smoothed out, without the arrogance of the children of the aristocratic family with their eyes above their heads.

After signing up, everyone felt that Chen Xiang was very strange, because at this time all those participating in the assessment were old disciples, and some of them had failed several times. After they learned about it, they realized that Chen Xiang had just entered the outer sect for ten days. !

You've only been here for ten days, and you're taking the assessment! This surprised many people!

In the past, many people also thought that once they came in, they would be able to enter the inner door soon, but after they experienced the previous ten days of hell cultivation, they no longer had this idea!

Because the inner sect assessment is much crueler than the hell practice.

After signing up, everyone was taken into a cave, where there was also a pool of fire slurry, and just by getting close, you could feel the scorching heat in it!

Chen Xiang and everyone soaked in it, more than half of them just persisted for half an hour before withdrawing, while the others were enduring in pain, and even more people screamed.

Soon, one day passed. Originally hundreds of people came in, but now there are only dozens of people, and they all passed the first pass.

"This assessment is really not easy, even I feel it is very painful!" While soaking, Chen Xiang operated the divine power of the heavenly body, transforming the stimulation brought by the pain into a power to strengthen the physical body, only this kind With enough pain, the Heavenly Body Divine Art can work.

The second hurdle is to enter the minefield, which is a more terrifying existence than the previous fire pool, but at the beginning, several people climbed out and exited.

And there are only ten people who persist until the end!

"The second test has been passed, it's pretty smooth!" This second test made Chen Xiang feel very difficult, and made him think of quitting, but he still persisted.

Now everyone can rest for two hours, and then proceed to the last level!

After the previous two tests, everyone's spirits were greatly damaged. Even Chen Xiang was listless at this time, and the rest time for these two hours was still too little.

Two hours later, the third level of the mental test came unknowingly. Chen Xiang, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a field full of corpses. In the prairie, the people who died were all his familiar relatives and friends!

Seeing this scene, he almost collapsed!

But he quickly reacted, knowing that he was now undergoing an assessment, he immediately took a deep breath and stabilized his mind!

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